This is the transcript of The Legend of Horror Hill.
A Cold Night[]
[The episode begins somewhere in the woods where our heroes now with Tuck and Ella are lost and just about to hit the hay. Thomas and Percy are with Chase, Skye, Marshall and Everest]
Chase: First thing when we get out of here, we're gonna continue our journey.
Thomas, Percy, Skye, Marshall and Everest: Roger that.
[James is with Tracker, Rex, the T-Rex, Tuck and Ella]
Ella (shivering): First thing tomorrow, I'm finding food.
[Henry is with Rubble, Caitlin and Arrby surrounding a campfire]
Rubble (sleepy): First thing I'm doing when we escape, I'm getting ice cream.
[and they went to sleep when...]
Arrby: Do you think there are any bears in these woods?
[Henry, Rubble and Caitlin woke up when they heard that. Later they were in a giant mud hut]
Henry: I think we're safe.
Rubble: I hope so.
Caitlin: I don’t know. I don’t feel so comfortable.
Percy: Hey guys. I just found some new folks.
[Henry and Arrby followed Percy leaving a concerned Rubble]
Caitlin: Rub, what's wrong?
Rubble: I thought this was "our" time. "We" were gonna hang out together. Make our plans.
Caitlin: Heh, we are. But you don't need to keep spontaneity normal.
[Rubble was left in thoughts as the scene changes to our heroes staring at four vehicles]
Chase: So. What brings you four around these parts?
Purple Camping Van: What brings "you lot" around these parts?
Skye: Who? Us? We're just on a train trip.
Mini Green Van: Ah, a perfectly innocent trip.
Thomas: Is everything, okay?
Aquamarine Volkswagen: Are you all willing to question everything you think you know about our innocent planet?
Tracker: Call me stupid. But... we're not following.
Red Tractor: We are researchers. We straddled the thin veil. Between the known and unknown!
Mini Green Van: We hunt cryptids!
Rex: What's a cryptid?
Caitlin: I've read about that. They are creatures on the fringes of our perception. Includes Chupacabras, Mothman and Bigfoot.
Red Tractor: And we demand your oath of loyalty. Before we accept you all into our secret order.
Everest: Secret order?
Henry: What secret order?
[And the cryptid hunters show projector show a movie on a tree]
Purple Camping Van: These woods are a hotbed for cryptid activity, specifically Bigfoot.
[The projector shows a blurry picture of what they were talking about]
James: Well, goodbye.
[But as he was about to leave...]
Arrby: Uh, guys? I kinda told them we're in.
Our heroes (except Arrby): You did what?!
Arrby: I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was doing. It just looked like fun.
Chase: Okay, let's not panic. If we can prove there's no monster, they might leave us alone.
Henry: (to Arrby) If there "is" a fringe of our perception I'm going to steam your fur for this!
[The theme song then starts playing]
Voice: Travelling the world with a group of friends
With new adventures round every bend
Whether going smooth
Or travelling fast
They're friends forever
Trains on the Tracks!
[The song ends showing the title]
Narrator: The Legend of Horror Hill.
[The screen shows our heroes and the cryptid hunters on the move to find the monster.]
Aquamarine Volkswagen: Scan in Sector 12. Nothin' here. Move onto Sector 13.
Red Tractor: Go, go, go.
Mini Green Van: What's under there?
Purple Camping Van: Sector 13.
Arrby: Sector, sector, bravo delta. Team Arr-mazing reporting: nothing over here.
Rex: Uh, Arrby? We're supposed to be acting like nothing's going on.
Arrby: Exactly. Ah-ha! I've gotcha now!
(jumps in the bushes and gets stuck so his friends pull him out)
Tuck: I think what Rex mean is...
Ella: Maybe we should all split up until morning rises.
Arrby: OH! You know, you could've spoken more English.
Chase: Okay, let's do what the twins said and split up. James, Henry, you take Arrby, Rex, Tuck and Ella. Thomas, you stick with Marshall and Everest. Percy, you're with me, Skye, Tracker, Rubble and Caitlin.
Our heroes (expect Chase): Deal!
[And so, they split up. Thomas, Marshall and Everest wondered off the path and into the trees. Percy, Chase, Skye, Rubble, Caitlin and Tracker went to a nearby lake. James, Henry, Arrby, Rex, Tuck and Ella traveled on the side of the mountain and inside a cave]
Thomas: At least I think we've lost them.
Marshall: Yeah, I'm not sure how long it'll be until morning comes. [Just then they a heard a twig snap] Did one of you guys just step on a branch?
Thomas: It wasn't me.
Everest: Or me. Maybe this whole thing's gotten into our heads. I mean what kind of Bigfoot in their right mind would set a foot in all of this racket?
[Just then they heard the same snapping sound]
Marshall: There it is again.
Thomas: That wasn't nothing.
Everest: No, it's definitely something.
Marshall: But what is that something?
Everest: I don't know.
[So, they went on feeling a little anxious now]
French Narrator: 20 Minutes Later.
[Thomas, Marshall and Everest have become more terrified wondering what will happen next. Just then]
Thomas: Uh, guys? Something's up with those- [A vehicle like character then appear smashing down the trees and charges toward them] TREES!
Marshall: RUN!
[And they zoomed out of there, but the creature was racing right next to them]
Thomas: It's gaining on us!
Everest: Faster!
[As they continued being chased, they lost all of their cryptid hunting equipment. The creature then flipped and blocked one of the tracks]
Marshall: Quick, to the right!
[And they did, just in time but then there was trouble]
Thomas: Ha-ha! So long, sucker!
Everest: Uh, guys? TREE!
[And they hit the tree with a crash and got unconsciously knocked out as the creature came up to them and took them away]
French Narrator: Meanwhile...
[at the lake]
Tracker: Amigos, I hear something. I'm not sure what it was. But I came from that direction.
[He pointed to the South side of the woods]
Chase: Let's go see.
[And so, they went to find out]
French Narrator: Meanwhile...
[at the cave]
Henry: Did you guys hear something outside?
James: Well, Henry. It's natural. It's just Old Man Mountain showing us who's boss.
[And they went further and further in the cave]
French Narrator: When we last saw Thomas, Marshall and Everest, they were being chased by some monster. What happened next? Let's see.
[The screen shows Thomas, Marshall and Everest woke up slowly and realized two things: one was Thomas who was covered in chains and the other was Marshall and Everest all tied up on a stick spinning over a campfire]
Marshall: What the?! Where are we?
Thomas: I don't know.
Everest: How did we get here?
[Marshall and Everest struggle to get free but they were tied up pretty good]
Marshall: Oh, great!
[Then they saw the figure dancing in the shadows not noticing them]
Everest: Is that? The monster?
Thomas: I'm not sure. [Just then a piece of moss landed in between his eyes] Gah!
Monster truck: Whoa! [turns off his radio] What?! You're awake? How much of that did you see?
Marshall: Uh, none. Nothing. I- I didn't see anything.
Thomas: Wait a second. You're not a monster. You're a monster truck!
Everest: Oh, that's cool. But is he a good truck or a bad truck? Cause it's hard to tell with the campfire he's using to cook us!
Monster truck: Oh sorry. [he uses his hose to extinguish the fire] I was trying to warm you up. And by the way... (in mutter) I used to be a monster truck.
Marshall: What?
Monster truck: I said I "used" to be a monster truck.
Thomas: Used to be?
Everest: Why?
Monster truck: (sighs) [The flashback begins] It all started when I was in a demolition derby. Back then they expected one thing from me.
People in the crowd: Noel the Smash! Noel the Smash! Noel the Smash!
Noel: I appreciated the cheering and adoring fans. But I was sick of hurting anymore cars, buses or any other vehicles. So, I brought myself to retirement. [The flashback ends] I do miss the performance. But boy I was happy to get away from "that" performance! Out here, I don't need to be anything for anybody.
Marshall: Gee, that story was honest. And a little brute.
Everest: So, you mind if we have a look around?
Noel: Don't! If you three are harmless, then why were you hanging with those psychos?
Thomas: Oh no, no, no, no, no, no! You got this wrong! We absolutely have NOTHIN' to do with any of them.
Noel: (honestly; unimpressed) Really?
[Points at the door as Percy, Chase, Skye, Rubble, Caitlin and Tracker burst in]
Rubble: Come on out, Bigfoot! We know you are in here! You are hereby under arrest of threating the harmless and innocent Earthlings by the secret order of the Shane David County Cryptid Busters.
Caitlin: Oh brother.
Tracker: Oh, hola guys.
[The scene changes to Thomas, Marshall and Everest being freed. But Percy is now chained with Chase, Skye, Rubble, Caitlin and Tracker on the stick spinning above the same campfire]
Percy: No, please! You don't understand! I'm too young to die! I have a wife and kids! (sobs)
Chase: Uh, Percy?
Skye: You don't have any kids.
Rubble: Nor do you have a wife.
Percy: (happily realized) Oh yeah.
Noel: Okay, so you're not the threat but they are. I mean look what they did to your buddies. I can't stay here forever letting those weirdos thinking I'm a monster for the rest of my life.
[Then Thomas had an idea]
Thomas: I have an idea. Why don't we help you get the cryptid hunters off your property.
Noel: Hmm. It's a start. IF. Your friends agreed to help me.
Rubble: Yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup.
Percy: We'll do whatever you say.
Everest: So... What exactly did you have in mind?
[at the cave James, Henry, Arrby, Rex, Tuck and Ella are still looking for the monster. Tuck holds a boom mic sticking out of James’ cab and wears headphones to see if he can hear anything. Suddenly their lamps started flickering]
Henry: Oh no! Our lamps are going out!
James: Come on! Don't turn off! Don't turn off!
Arrby: This is so scary. It's a good thing my blanket is near me. [snuggles something] I love hugging something when I'm in a place like this.
Rex: That's my ear.
Arrby: Oops! Sorry.
Ella: Wait, don't bats live in caves?
Tuck: Bats?
James: Bats don't like the day.
Henry: But... they're awake at night.
[They nervously look up and when the lamps turned on...]
James, Henry, Arrby, Rex, Tuck and Ella: (screams) BATS!
Rex: Let's get out of here!
[James and Henry reverse away as the pups kept their hunting gear in the engines. They got out of the cave and the bats flew into the night sky]
Tuck: That was close. I think I'm having chest pains.
Ella: Told you there were bats in there.
Arrby: How are we gonna find the monster now?
Rex: Are you serious right now?
Arrby: Uh, maybe.
Henry: That's it! I am not handling more of this ghost business! Let's just... [Then] Let's just rest in that shed until morning comes.
James: I just hope the others are doing good.
Rex: Should we check on them? We have been out on the mountain for a little while.
Tuck: Yeah. I wonder where they are anyways.
Ella: I don't know.
Henry: I don't care. I'm scared.
Arrby: The radar can help us find them. [He uses the radar in Henry’s cab to see if it could help them find the others. Later] That's weird. It's saying they're in a shed.
Rex: Well, we need to find them. Who knows if the cryptid hunters maybe following us.
Tuck: I wonder how they're doing anyways.
Ella: Probably havin' more 'luck' than us.
Arrby: Let’s follow the radar and find our friends.
James: I'm gettin' sick of this.
[They leave the mountains and go off to find the others. Meanwhile, our heroes are seen with Noel in an abandoned basement turned into a garage]
Noel: Ok, this is everything I have.
Rubble: Gee, nothing useful here. There's just pipes and rusty old parts.
Noel: (sighs) I'm stumped. I keep scaring them off and they just keep coming back.
Chase: Don’t worry, Noel. We’ll make sure they’ll leave you alone and that you won’t scare anyone anymore.
[just then the others burst into the back door]
James, Henry, Arrby, Rex, Tuck and Ella: AGH! [then there was a crash] (groan in a little bit of pain)
Thomas: Guys?
Arrby: Oh hi, mateys. [gets hit in the head by a block of wood] Oh!
[seeing them all covered with things he found Noel just gave himself an idea]
Noel: (gasp) That's it! I think we need to give our rude little friends a real scary story.
Henry: So... What did we miss?
Rex: And who are you?
Noel: I’m Noel and you lot just gave me an idea of sweet revenge!
James: We did? What is it?
Noel: (lets a fake evil chuckle)
[Soon everyone joined Noel on his plan even though some of them don't know what's so funny]
Rubble: Why are we laughing?
[A couple minutes later the Cryptid Hunters are getting closer and closer to Noel's hideout]
Mini Green Van: Maybe the Bigfoot is in here.
Red Tractor: Let’s find out.
[They headed further and further to Noel’s hideout and then...]
Purple Camping Van: Cor Blimey!
Aquamarine Volkswagen: The mother ship!
Red Tractor: Forget Bigfoot. It's time to recalibrate for aliens]
[But it turns out to be a trap as the cryptid hunters rolled over a rope and a tarp drops on them]
Percy: (whispering) Now what?
Noel: (whispering) Now...
[The scene changes to Noel's basement as the tarp lifts itself off the cryptid hunters]
Aquamarine Volkswagen: Cor Blimey!
Mini Green Van: What's happening?
[a light shows some of our heroes in a giant cloth]
Thomas: (covered in a cloth) We come from a planet beyond your reception.
Chase and Skye: (in an alien monster costume) On a mission that you may find...
Rubble, Caitlin and Rex: (in the shadows) Unpleasant.
Purple Camping Van: They've come to ruin our planet's population!
Percy: (with tangled up pipes) Help me! Help me! I mean... Mercy! Mercy! (spluttering)
Red Tractor: They're sucking his life out of him!
Mini Green Van: Oh no!
Noel: (seen in the shadows) 'Sup foolish Earth dwellers.
Cryptid Hunters: (gasp in fright)
Noel: (seen in the shadows) You have foolishly come to our territory, you gotta steal our mission. Let this be your final warning. Unless you end up like him!
[he knocks James and he falls on his side covered in slime and rusty parts]
James: (pretending to pass out) Save. Your... Selves.
Noel: (seen in the shadows) Now which one of you will be first?!
(This scares the Cryptid Hunters even more)
Aquamarine Volkswagen: Run for your lives!
[The Cryptid Hunters race out of Noel’s cabin and just like that, they were gone]
Most of Our Heroes: (cheer)
Henry: That was great!
Noel: It worked!
James: That's cold. They didn't bother to clean me up.
[The very next morning...]
Noel: Thank you all so much to help me getting my property alone.
Thomas: No problem, Noel.
Percy: Maybe now you can finally catch a break.
Noel: I just can't be grateful enough. Then again it was really swell to put on a performance again. So, uh, where you all going to?
[Our heroes look at each and...]
Thomas: We’re going to a town named Builder Cove.
Percy: Do you think you know a way out of here?
Noel: Oh! Do I? Come on. [Later they were back on their trip with a laughing with joy and dancing Noel joining them] This is awesome! I think I've been couped up a little too long!
James: (getting hit with the moss from Noel) Ack! (disgusted) Yup, I agree with that.
Henry: Well, here's to spontaneity. What doesn't kill you... at least makes a new friend.
James: Nope, just the moss.
Everyone else: (laughs)
[Noel continues to dance as he enjoys his freedom. The End]