This is the transcript of The Rescuers Down Under (Anime Version) Part 3.
(We now fade to the Albatross Air Service, where we see the sign that gets blown away by the wind as the heroes arrive)
Mario: Guys, I’m not sure this is a good idea to fly this soon after eating!
Peach: Guys, you’ll be just fine.
Luigi: Well, it's best if you go to bathroom before you go.
Mario: But aren’t you supposed to wait 45 minutes?
Peach: Oh, just knock on the door and see if Mr. Genie is there.
Daisy: Who's Mr. Genie?
Mario: He's that big, blue floating fellow who previously helped us get to Devil's Bayou, where we rescued Misty.
Yoshi: (Shivering from the cold) Guys, can you hurry it up? I can't stand the c-c-cold.
Toad: Oh, poor Yoshi.
Toadette: He's just not used to this weather.
Mario: Just hang in there, Yoshi.
(Mario tries knocking on the door)
Mario: Oh, nobody’s home, let’s go. (A pile of snow falls on him and Luigi)
Peach: Come on, guys, there’s no time to play in the snow.
Daisy: Yeah, not when there’s work to be done.
Mario: We weren’t playing in the snow.
Luigi: Yeah, it was an avalanche. (Another pile of snow fell on him and Mario)
Peach: (Notices a sign) Oh, look, everyone! (Reading) “Under new management. See Elliott.”
(We hear rock music coming from a cabin)
Peach: Come on, guys, let’s get a move out.
Daisy: You heard her, let's go.
Toadette: Wait, who's Elliott?
Toad: I don't know, but let's go find out.
Yoshi: I sure hope this place is warm enough.
(The heroes enter the cabin and see a green dragon named Elliott from "Pete's Dragon" dancing to "Black Sacks")
Yoshi: Oh, boy! A dragon!
Peach: Yoo-hoo, Mr. Elliott.
Elliott: Get down there, son!
Daisy: Hello!
Elliott: Pick it, boy, pick it! Yeah! Whoo, here we go! Let’s walk!
Mario: Look out! (Elliott steps right past them while he continues dancing) Excuse me!
Peach: Mario, do something. He can’t hear us.
Elliott: Big time! Big time!
(Mario goes over to turn off the radio)
Elliott: Hey, who killed the music?
Mario: That’s better.
Peach: Excuse us for interrupting. We are from the Rescue Aid Society. I am Princess Peach, and this is Luigi, Toad, Yoshi, and this is...
Elliott: Princess Peach? The Princess Peach? I don’t believe it. Mr. Genie told me all about you guys. And I see you have you new allies joining you. Who are they?
Peach: This is my best friend, Princess Daisy.
Daisy: Hi!
Peach: And also, I'd like you to meet Toadette.
Toadette: Hello, Elliott. It's very nice to meet you, sir.
Elliott: Oh, boy, this is an honor to have some new friends joining you! (To Peach) May I just say “beautiful princess” to you? May I?
(Elliott kisses Peach’s hand, but Mario intervenes)
Mario: Ahem, we need to charter a flight.
Elliott: Well, you’ve come to the right place, buddy. Welcome to... (Pulls out a chart) “Albatross Air, a fair fare from here to there.” (Chuckles) Get it? “A fair fare.” It’s a play on... never mind. (He takes a look at all the brochures) I’ve got tons exotic destinations, faraway places, dimensions to explore, custom designed for “a romantic weekend getaway,” as well as the finest in-flight accommodations. (He goes over to the icebox) Speaking of which, what I can get you? How about a nice raspberry-flavored 1-up juice, or a mango Maui cooler? They’re both very tastier.
Toad: No, thanks.
Toadette: We’re not thirsty.
Yoshi: But in that case, I'll just take a couple of snacks and a drink.
Elliott: All right. How about Donkey Kong’s Jungle Juice? Or a coconut guava nectar? It’s carbonated, very nice. They’ve got little paper umbrellas in each one of them.
Peach: No, this is urgent and we must leave immediately!
Elliott: Nothing? Nothing at all?
Mario: Elliott!
Elliott: How about a root beer or a cream soda?
Mario: Now look, we need a flight to the Pokémon Universe.
Luigi: Yeah, like Mario is saying.
Elliott: The Pokémon Universe? You mean the world of Pokémon? That’s a fabulous idea! (Goes over to the calendar after opening a can of cream soda) So when can I pencil you in? After spring thaw? You know, mid-June would be very nice.
Peach: No, we must leave tonight!
(Elliott drinks his soda but spits it out in shock)
Elliott: Tonight? (Laughs) Come on, guys, you’re kidding me, right? (Opens the window to a blowing snowstorm) Have you looked outside? It’s suicide out there! (Closes the window) Oh, no. Oh, no, I’m afraid your jolly little holiday will have to wait. (Laughs) What a bunch of jokers.
Peach: But you don’t understand. A Pokémon Trainer needs our help, he’s in trouble.
Elliott: Pokémon Trainer? You mean someone who trains their Pokémon?
Daisy: Yes, he was kidnapped.
Elliott: Kidnapped? Oh, that’s awful. Lockin' up a Pokémon Trainer, huh. Pokémon Trainers should be free. Free to catch their own Pokémon, win gym badges, and sometimes support with other Pokémon Trainers. Nobody’s gonna take a Pokémon Trainer’s freedom away while I’m around! Nobody, you hear me?
Peach: Does that mean you’ll take us?
Elliott: Storm or no storm, Albatross Airlines at your service!
(The heroes all get aboard inside a travel mobile on Elliott's back)
Elliott: Passengers are requested to please faster their seat belts. We’ll be departing following our standard pre-flight maintenance. Thank you. Loosen up, get the blood flowing up to the head. And a couple of these. (He tries to do a push-up, but his back cracks) Ow! Okay, one’s enough. There we go. (He twists his back) Aw, yeah, that feels better! Oh, boy! (He goes to the exit) Tie your kangaroos down, sports fans! Here we come!
(The doors open as a snowstorm blows in)
Elliott: Let’s go for it! Whoa, hey! I didn’t adjust for the wind. All right, we’re gonna make it. I just had to duck down a little lower, go under the wind. Here we go!
(He exits the cabin and goes out into the snow)
Elliott: Oh, this is cold! Whoa! Hey. Slippery. Ice! (They crash through a bank of snow) We got ice! We got ice! Whoa, hang on now! (He reaches the runway and starts to take off and fly) Aaah! Cowabunga!
Peach: Captain, is this a nonstop slight to the Pokémon dimension?
Elliott: Well, uh, not exactly, no. I could definitely say no. We’re gonna have to make connections with a bigger flying machine. Nonstop? What do I look like, Charles Lindbergh?
(Elliott continues flying as we fade to where the Koopa-Kutter 3000 is passing sign reading “Danger, open mine shafts”. Cut to the cage where Ash and Pikachu are attempting to get out)
Ash Ketchum: Let me out of here! Let me go! You can’t do this! Help! Help! HELP!
Pikachu: Pika! Pikachu!
(Bowser and Zoroark in the front seat hear Ash, as Bowser takes out his microphone)
Bowser: Breaker, breaker, little mate. I forgot to tell you, around here, you need to be QUIET!
(Ash and Pikachu fall back)
Bowser: Or the Pokémon Rangers might hear you. Now sit down and relax. Enjoy the view. (Chuckles)
(Ash and Pikachu watch from the cage)
Bowser: Nothing but abandoned opal mines, as far as the eye can see. And dead ahead is home sweet home.
(Bowser sings as the Koopa-Kutter 2000 goes under an arch towards his lair)
Bowser: (singing) Home, home on the range
Where the creatures are tied up in chains
I cut through their sides and rip off their hides
And the next day I do it again
Home, home on the range
(Fade to Ash’s house, where we see Delia Ketchum calling out to Ash)
Delia Ketchum: Ash! Ash! Ash, where are you?
(Now we go to a giant airplane, as we cut to the heroes sleeping in their travel mobile on Elliott)
P.A. System: Ladies and gentlemen, Flight 12 is now approaching the Pokémon universe airport. Make sure your seat belts are fastened and tables secured, and enjoy your stay in the Pokémon universe.
(Peach woke up as she heard the announcement, as the others wake up)
Mario: (Yawns) Are we there yet?
Peach: Yes. You know, perhaps we should wake up Elliott.
Mario: All right, I’ll get him up. (He tries to wake up Elliott) Elliott? Elliott, wake up!
Elliott: Just five more minutes, please. (He rolls over as everyone in the travel mobile yell) That’s only five more minutes.
Peach: Elliott, are you awake?
Yoshi: Come on, wake up now!
Mario: Get up! We’re there!
Elliott: (Sighs) Okay, I’m up.
Mario: Watch with your travel pack.
Elliott: (He gets up as his back cracks again) I must’ve been sleeping on a bolt.
(The doors open)
Elliott: Oh, boy! Throw another shrimp on the barbecue, because here I come!
Luigi: Here we go again!
Daisy: Hang on, everybody!
Elliott: One, two, three! CANNONBALL!!!
(Elliott dives into the sky as the heroes hang on. Then it passes many flying seagulls)
Elliott: Gangway! Coming through! I’ve got people on board. Clear the way! Move over, ma’am. There you go. Coming through, sir. Thank you.
(Elliott soars above the world of Pokémon)
Toad: Wow! Look at that, guys!
Yoshi: We're in the city of Sydney!
Toadette: What a beautiful city!
Elliott: Next stop, Mugwomp Flats! Did we lose anyone back there? (Chuckles)
Luigi: Guys, from now on, can we just take the train?
Daisy: Luigi, you know that flights are better than trains, so get used to it.