Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki

The Steel Council is a hidden group that serves as Wade Itzal's army. Most of the members are video game characters but a few are from movies or tv shows. They are led by Wade Itzal.


Grand Commander[]

  1. Wade Itzal

Highest Generals[]

  1. M.X.E.S.
  2. Toc-Man
  3. Puppet Master
  4. Death (Puss in Boots) (Revived)
  5. ShadeMan.EXE
  6. Gruntilda Winkybunion
  7. Wolf O'Donnell



  1. Giganto
  2. Wyvern
  3. Knight
  4. Supreme
  5. Asura
  6. Ninja
  7. Tower
  8. Squid
  9. Sumo
  10. Shark
  11. Strider
  12. Tank
  13. Fortress
  14. Shinobi
  15. Excavator
  16. Spider
  17. Caterpillar
  18. Ghost
  19. Kunoichi
  20. Master Ninja
  21. Red Pillar
  22. Silver Hammer
  23. HMS Windbag
  24. Anubis Rex
  25. King Galaxian
  26. Krome Keeper
  27. Leon Powalski
  28. Pigma Dengar
  29. Andrew Oikonny
  30. Panther Caroso
  31. Ravenbot (Wade's version)
  32. Prismatic Titan
  33. Montgomery Gator
  34. Magician
  35. Mime
  36. Gaspard Herbet
  37. SavageMan.EXE
  38. FlashMan.EXE
  39. DesertMan.EXE
  40. VineMan.EXE
  41. BurnerMan.EXE
  42. SparkMan.EXE
  43. BubbleMan.EXE
  44. VideoMan.EXE
  45. BowlMan.EXE
  46. FridgeMan.EXE
  47. GravityMan.EXE
  48. BrightMan.EXE
  49. SwordMan.EXE
  50. NovaMan.EXE


  1. Balloons
  2. Bangers
  3. Bubbles
  4. Captures
  5. Cyclones
  6. Eagles
  7. Hoppers
  8. Jellyfishes
  9. Shells
  10. Snipers
  11. Soldiers
  12. Wolves
  13. Robots (TF2)




Gallery (Grand Commander and Highest Generals)[]

Gallery (Scientists/Engineers)[]

Gallery (Members)[]

Gallery (Army)[]

Gallery (Items/Weapons)[]

Gallery (Vehicles)[]


  • It is revealed in The Tabbics and The Technorganic that some of the members are neutral and aren't actually evil and that the group isn't truly an evil organization, rather it is more of a neutral group.