Pooh's Adventures Wiki

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Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki

Theme Song[]

Bob: Okay, Larry. It's time for the theme song.

Larry: Uh, yeah, Bob. What do I do?

Bob: Hmm... let's see. Oh! I know!. You play the guitar.

Larry: Bob, I don't have any hands.

Bob: Oh, you're right. Oh, okay, Would you play this?

Larry: I don't want to play that. I'll look silly.

Bob: Oh, come on. It'll be fun.

Larry: Nope. Not gonna do it.

Bob: It's for the kids.

Larry: Oh. Okay. But they better not laugh.

Bob: Allright. Better get out there.

(Larry walks on the screen with a sousaphone. While he's playing it, Bob appears.)

Bob: If you like to talk to tomatoes

If a mouse can make you smile

If you like to waltz with ducks

Up & down the tv channels...

Have we got a show for you.

(Larry nods, then cuts to clips from previous The Veggie and Character Gang's Adventures Series episodes)

All: The Veggie and Character Gang. (4x)

Bob: Broccoli, celery, gotta be...

All: Veggies!

Mickey: Mice and Ducks, Babies and Trains, have to be...

All: Characters!

Larry: Cauliflower,

Bugs Bunny: Stuffed animals,

Susie One full hour...

All: Of Veggies!

Stitch: And Characters!

All: It's the Veggie and Character Gang! (2x)

It's time for the Veggie and Character Gang!

(Larry faints then kids laugh at him)

Barney's Great Adventure Act I[]

(We fade to Larry on the countertop in front of a big projector screen with movie seats)

Larry: Hi there everybody! I'm Larry the Cucumber. Welcome to the movie! Hey, we're so glad you came! Are you ready to eat popcorn and drink soda and sing along? I know I am. Now...

Bob: Larry!

Larry: Yeah, Bob?

Bob: Listen. I'm going to take a shower. Have you seen my anti-bacterial soap?

Larry: No Bob. I haven't.

Bob: Oh.

Larry: Now, this movie you're about to see is all about, Barney the Dinosaur. And our friends from the Veggie and Character Gang. Well, Bob and i are in it too but Bob seen a few times because we had busy things to do.

Bob: Who are you talking to?

Larry: The kids, Bob. They're right there. See?

Bob: [gasps] Wow, look at all of those kids! Hey, nice baseball hat. [laughs with Larry]

Larry: Now, in this movie, Me, Barney and the Veggie and Character Gang are going to need your help. We want you to talk and play along.

Bob: Oh, im in!

Larry: But Bob, i thought you said you were going to take a shower.

Bob: Oh i know, but a movie sounds much more exciting! Uh, how do we start?

Larry: It's easy. Just count backwards from 10. You see, Bob. That's how you start a movie, Bob.

Bob: Oh! We i can do that1.

Larry: Can you all help us count backwards from 10?

Kids: Yeah!

Larry: Ready? Yell real loud! [The screen shows a film countdown]

Everyone: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. [The screen changes from black and the movie starts]

Bob: Ahhh.

Bob: Hey, uh, Bob? Don't you think you oughta put some clothes on now?

Bob: What? [notices he's still naked] Aahh!! Aaahhh!!! Larry! [runs off]

Larry: [laughs] Enjoy the movie, everybody!

Bernadette Peters: (singing) If Barney the dinosaur comes knocking on your front door just...

Go and play with him, find a way with him,

To the world of imagination,

Oh Barney, your smiling face can make life a better place, so,

Smile along with him, sing a song with him, in the world of imagination...

[During this part of the song, we see a green minivan drive through the countryside and the title kicks in. In the minivan, the dad, Colton, drives, the mom, Kate, looks at a map, Marcella holds Barney (as a doll), Abigail "Abby" stitches lanyard, while Cody plays on his GameBoy, and Fig sits in his seat, silently as the episodes title come up "The Veggie and Character Gang's Adventures of Barney's Great Adventure"]

Marcella: Are we there yet?

Kate: Your turn.

Colton: No, not yet, Marcella.

Abby: Oh, it's taking too long!

Cody: What's your hurry? They're dumping us for a whole week.

Colton: Oh, come on Cody, you're gonna have a great time. You can help Grandpa with the farm chores, like, uh... "milking the chickens!"

Others (except Cody): (laugh).

Kate: And we've called this special character gang called the Veggie and Character Gang to come help you have fun.

Abby and Marcella: Ooooh!

Abby: I can't wait to meet them!

(Abby and Marcella continue to play, but Cody is just miserable.)

Bernadette Peters: (cont'd) When there's no one there to understand, and he pops up and takes you by the hand to some enchanted land...

Cody: Get the doll out of my face.

(Marcella takes the Barney doll out of Cody's face, just as she and Abby are about to say...)

Both: Talk to the hand, cause the face ain't home leave a message at the tone: beep! (both laugh: What they were gonna say was "Abby and Marcella can't come to the phone. Please leave a message after the beep... beep! If you are satisfied with your message, press 1 or hang up!")

Marcella: Do you like dinosaurs?

Cody: What about them?

Abby: That's Barney.

Cody: I know it's Barney. The whole world knows it's Barney and he's a stuffed doll!

Marcella: You're wrong! Barney can walk and talk.

Abby: And sing and dance.

Colton: Batteries not included.

(Kate and the girls chuckle)

Cody: Sing and dance?

Abby: We use our imaginations.

Cody: Your imaginations? That's kids stuff.

Abby: That's alright. We are kids.

(Abby and Marcella chuckle)

Abby: So mom, dad, what are the Veggie and Character Gang like?

Colton: Well, they're certainly fun.

Kate: Yeah, there's Winnie the Pooh the bear of little brain.

Colton: Miss Frizzle and her class.

Kate: Mickey Mouse and his friends and a lot of other characters.

(The car approaches the town of Merrivale as it prepares for its annual Apple Day festival.)

Colton: Hey, look! Merrivale Apple Day Festival! Parade, circus, hot air balloons, fireworks, Wow!

Abby: It's tomorrow! Can Grandma, Grandpa and the Veggie and Character Gang bring us?

Colton: Um...

Kate: Well, maybe, but don't count on it, okay?

Colton: Well, the Veggie and Character gang could probably be able to take you if you ask them.

Cody: (grumpy) Oh, great, the one good thing to do in town is to probably miss it! (he readjusts his sunglasses)

Bernadette Peters: (cont’d) So Barney our purple friend our friendship will never end and...

Even when we're grown, we’ll be glad we've known

Barney's world of imagination

Barney's world of imagination!...

(The car approaches the farm as the song ends and Grandpa George sees it coming)

Grandpa George: Delilah, the kids are here, shake a leg now.

(Grandma Delilah hears this and rushes out the door.)

Grandma Delilah: They're here? Oh my goodness! George, do I look alright?

Grandpa George: Beautiful as always, but, got some flour on you nose.

(Grandma cleans off her nose.)

Grandma Delilah: Is that better?

Grandpa George: Much.

Abby: Grandma! Grandpa!

(Grandpa picks Abby up as everyone else greets each other.)

Colton: Marcella, this is Abby's grandpa.

(Marcella and Grandpa shake hands)

Cody: Hi, Grandma.

(Kate gives Fig to Grandma)

Kate: (to Fig) You're gonna go see Grandma. (To Grandpa). How are you, Dad?

[Then the Movie Time Travel Mobile lands into view]

Kate: Oh look! The Veggie and Character Gang are here!

Abby and Marcella: Yay!!!

[The Veggie and Character Gang come out]

Abby: Hello!

Bob: Hello, there!

Larry: You must be Abby, Cody, Fig and Marcella.

Abby and Marcella: Yep!

Bob Well it's nice to meet you. I'm Bob the Tomato...

Larry:...And I'm Larry the Cucumber!

Bob: And these are our friends.

The Veggie and Character Gang: [say their names]

Junior: We're the Veggie and Character Gang!

Marcella: We know.

Abby: My mom and dad have told us a lot about you.

Kate: [To Grandpa George] Are you sure you and the Veggie and Character Gang handle the kids for a couple of days?

Grandpa George: Yes, yes. Everything'll be okay.

Bugs Bunny: We sure can doc.

(everyone walks into the house, while Cody glances around in his sunglasses).

Grandpa George: Cody, tiger!

Thomas the Tank Engine: Come on, Cody!

Ralphie: You're gonna have a fun time with us.

Laura: Yeah!

(Cody, Grandpa, Ralphie, Thomas and Laura walk into the house and Cody unloads his bags into his bedroom for his stay.)

Cody: (looking at and imitating a cow figurine) You don't need cable TV in a farm, Cody, you'll have scenery to look at. (He looks out his window and sees a few pigs in a pigpen). (normal voice) Yeah, great scenery.

Ralphie: Aw, come on Cody. You'll have a great time with us.

Larry: Yeah.

Cody: I don't think so.

(Cody lays down on the bed and starts tossing and catching a basketball).

(Abby holds the Barney doll through Cody's doorway)

Abby: (imitates Barney) Cody, oh Cody.

Cody: (annoyed) What?!

Abby: (Barney voice) It's me, Barney. Won't you come play with me?

Cody: No!

Abby: (Barney voice) We can play a nice game of pretend.

Cody: Well, great. Then you can pretend that I'm playing with you.

(Abby, Marcella, Laura, Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, The Rugrats, Wanda, Pooh, Tigger, Piglet and Ducky walk into the room, agitated. The girls are not happy.)

Abby: Well okay Mr. Grouchy.

Wanda: Yeah Cody, come and play with us.

Ducky: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Mickey: What kind of a kid are you?

Marcella: Mickey's right, for a guy who thinks he's cool, you're sure no fun.

Ducky: Marcella's right you are no fun. No you aren't. No no no.

Cody: No fun... (the basketball hits Cody on the head and the girls and the others giggle at seeing this).

Cody: (gets up, annoyed) Fun?

Minnie: Yeah.

Cody: Okay. I'll show you silly girls and characters fun. Watch this! (snatches the Barney doll and runs into the girls' room)

Abby: Hey!

Tommy: What are you...?

Cody: Let's play keep away!

Thomas: After him!

(Abby, Marcella and the others run into their room and check under their beds to see where Cody's hidden.)

Abby: He's gone!

Marcella: How'd he do that?

Larry: Start looking!

(Cody comes out from behind the door while the girls and the others aren't looking and runs into the hallway).

Cody: See ya!

Tigger: Huh? Hey!

(They run after him, but when they get into the hallway, Cody is nowhere in sight)

Marcella: Where'd he go now?

Junior: I dunno.

Abby: The attic!

Tigger: Come on! Follow the bouncin Tigger!

(They follow Tigger up the stairs, but Cody was hiding in the downstairs closet. He runs out of the closet and into the bathroom)

Ralphie: There he it!

Abby: There he goes!

(The girls run after him. Cody hides the Barney doll in the shower and closes the curtain, as the girls and the others run into the room)

Marcella: Caught ya!

Cody: (sarcastically) Were you chasing me?

Wanda: Yes! We were chasing you because you too their Barney doll

Abby: Yes! Now can we have Barney back?

Cody: (sarcastic) Um, do I know a Barney?

Laura: Cody, we know you have him.

Abby: Yes, so where is he?!

Cody: (sarcastic) I don't know Abigail. Why don't you use your imagination.

Abby: (getting back at him) Okay, I will.

Marcella: Me too.

Junior: Huh? How's using your...?

Abby: You guys just use your imagination with us. You'll see.

Thomas: Well, okay.

Larry: Everybody close your eyes and use you imagination.

(They all close their eyes, Cody scoffs, but Abby glares at him and sticks out her tongue.)

Cody: Gee, no Barney. Maybe you're not trying hard enough.

Phil: Okay, we will try harder.

Tigger: Everybody think harder!

(The they all close their eyes harder, while Cody snickers in disbelief Suddenly the shower starts running and the shower's legs bend under weight. They all open their eyes and saw the tub is bend down]

Susie: Huh?

Minnie: Did the tub just get bend down?

[They then look up at the shower as the shower stops running]

Pooh: What's going on?

Voice: [laugh off-screen inside the shower]

Ducky: W-w-who said that?

Mickey: I don't know Ducky.

Piglet: Well i'm afraid to find out. [hides behind Pooh]

[Cody carefully starts to open the curtains, but backs away when Barney comes to life and opens them himself.)

Barney: [laughs]

Girls: Whoa!

Piglet: Ahh! [hides behind Pooh again]

Bugs Bunny: [gasps]

Minnie: Wow!

Barney: Uh, towel, please. (chuckles and gets out as Barney takes His little Foot out of the shower and he put it on the floor and His Foot grows Big as the shower 's legs go back to normal)

(Marcella gives Barney a towel and he dries himself off)

Barney: Thank you, Marcella.

Marcella: (to Abby excitedly) He knows my name.

(Barney places the towel on Cody's arm.)

Barney: And thank you, Cody. It's so nice to have a shower after a long car trip.

Abby: Uh huh.

Pooh: It's okay, Piglet. Look!

Piglet: [come out from hiding behind Pooh] [amazed] Whoa!

Mickey: [excited] Barney's alive!

Junior: [faints]

Barney: What's up with him?

Larry: Oh, he's just a fan of you.

Junior: [gets up] Yeah, i been a fan of you ever since i was very little Barney! And i've aways wanted to meet you!

Barney: Well it's nice to meet you too, um... what's your name?

Junior: Junior Asparagus.

Larry: And i'm Larry the Cucumber. And this is Ralphie, Wanda, Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Laura, Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, Tigger, Bugs Bunny, Thomas the Tank Engine and Ducky.

Mickey: We're the Veggie and Character gang! Well, the other members of us are outside of the bathroom.

Barney: Nice to meet you all. Now, what were playing before, Abby?

Abby: We were playing a game of pretend, remember?

Barney: Oh, right. I just love to pretend! (chuckles).

Marcella: Hey, why don't we go play in the barn?

Wanda: Yeah, We want you to meet the rest of the gang, Barney!

Barney: Great!

(All of them exit, while Cody watches in shock)

Cody: A dinosaur. A dinosaur? Barney the dinosaur?!

(Cody runs after them, he runs up the pathway, into the barn, while Barney and the girls sing Do Your Ears Hang Low and the rest of the Veggie and Character gang are in there too and they're amazed to see Barney)

Barney and Girls : (singing) Do your ears hang low, do they wobble to and fro,

Can you tie them in a knot, can you tie them in a bow.

Can you throw them on your soldier like a continental soldier, do your ears hang low?

Phoebe: At my old school, we never met a real talking toy dinosaur before.

Goofy: I can't believe Barney's really alive

Dorothy Ann: Me too! And according to my research, Barney is a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

All: Oooh.

Littlefoot: You mean like the Sharpteeth we have back in the great valley?

D.A Yes Littlefoot.

Barney: But i'm a friendly Tyrannosaurus Rex

Petrie: Oh! Like our friend Chomper.

[Cody then comes in]

Cody: Hey!

Barney: Huh? Oh!

Cody: What do you think you're doing?

Barney: Uh, who me?

Cody: Yeah, you. What is this, some kind of a joke?

Minnie: I wouldn't call it a joke. (giggles)

Mickey: But we are having fun.

Daisy Duck: Yeah, fun.

Barney: Lots of fun! (chuckles)

Cody: Look pal, real dinosaurs don't talk, and real dinosaurs don't laugh (imitates Barney's chuckle).

Barney: (chuckles)

Cody: There aren't any real dinosaurs anymore.

Barney: (chuckles) Well...

Larry: Well, you're right about one thing, Cody.

Bob: Yeah, real Dinosaurs aren't around anymore like you said.

Barney: But i'm as real as you're imagination. And that's something here --

Cody: Yeah, yeah yeah. But that doesn't explain--

Abby: Cody! You don't have to explain. (she and Marcella giggle)

Ducky: You sure don't. No, no, no.

Junior: Why don't we show Cody in a song Barney?

Barney: I had a feeling you'd say that Junior. [laughs]

[The song Imagine starts]

Barney: Close your eyes and you will find, there are pictures in your mind,

Things that you can see and feel, all those things are very real.

Doesn't matter where you are,

Make believe and there you are,

You can be most anywhere when your imagination takes you there.

(Abby and Marcella hang upside down)

Laura: Imagine you're a cuckoo clock...

Cody: I'm not a cuckoo clock!

Junior: (cont'd) All day long they go Tick Tock, Tick Tock...

(The girls come back up as Barney pushes the swing they're sitting on.)

Girls: Close your eyes and wish real hard...

Larry: A cuckoo clock is what you are

Barney: Oh, that's right!

(Abby and Marcella climb up to a higher point in the barn with the swing)

Barney: (cont'd) Imagine you're a bird that flies...

Cody: I'm not a bird that flies! (scoffs)

Wanda: (cont'd) Soaring high through the sky...

D,A and Phoebe: Spread your wings and feel so free...

(Abby and Marcella swing towards the camera)

Abby and Marcella: Whee!

Thomas: A bird is what you're bound to be!

All [except Cody]: Imagine, Imagine,

And you can be anything you choose,

Imagine, Imagine,

Just be sure you'll never lose, the power to...

(Abby and Marcella pick up brooms to use as elephant trunks)

Tigger: Imagine you're an elephant,

Abby: I'm a giant elephant!

Pooh: Carrying a big long trunk,

Piglet: It's with me everywhere I go...

Cody: No!

Barney: Who's to say it isn't so, Let's go!

(The girls push Cody onto a wheelbarrow)

Cody: What do you think you're doing?

Abby: (teasing) "Na na na na na na"

(Barney starts pushing the wheelbarrow)

Cody: What? Hey stop, stop! Barney!

(Barney empties the wheelbarrow and Cody falls out)

(Abby and Marcella get into the wheelbarrow as Barney wheels it away)

Abby: Bye! See you later!

Tigger: (makes a face at Cody) You can't catch me!

Cody: Come back here! You can't get away! Come on!

Bugs Bunny; Here we Are! Come get us!

Abby: You missed us!

Lil: Go! Go! Go!

(Cody chases the girls Bugs Bunny, Tigger and the Rugrats around the barn to a ladder as they start to climb it)

Cody: Come back here!

Abby: Come on Marcella!

Susie: I'm sliding down a chimney!

Cody: I don't see a chimney!

Marcella: Whoopie-Whee! Look at me!

Cody: That's a hay chute.

Girls: No it's not.

Barney: It's what they say it is!

Girls: That's what!

All: Imagine, imagine

And life becomes

a wonderful surprise

Imagine, imagine

And dreams appear

before your eyes

Barney: Doesn't matter where you are

Make believe

and there you are

You can be

most anywhere

When your imagination

takes you there

All: [laughing]

Cody: Okay, Barney, you're really here. But in my imagination, you're about to disappear.

Girls: Cody!

Barney: [chuckles]

Cody: [closes his eyes] I....do not....believe in you.

[He opens his eyes again and Barney is nowhere to be seen]

Girls: [laughing]

Carlos: Cody, he's right behind you. [laughs]

Barney: That's okay, Cody. I... believe... in you.

Carlos: I guess you could say Cody's an un-believer Get it? Un-believer? [laughs]

Barney: [chuckles]

Class: [laughing] Carlos!

Miss Frizzle: As i aways say, seeing is believing.

Larry: Say, how about i go order us some Pizza for dinner?

Barney: Great idea, Larry!

Girls: Yeah!

Junior and Laura: Yum!

Donald Duck: Mmm, Pizza! Yum, yum yum, yum!

[Larry goes to order the pizza]

Cody: Barney the dinosaur's not in this barn!

[We wipe to nighttime as Cody, Abby, Marcella and the Veggie and Character gang on the porch with Grandma and Grandpa and Fig. And they're eating Pizza]

Arnold: Mmmm, thanks for the Pizza, Larry.

Larry: No problem.

Cody: I'm tellin' ya Barney's in your barn.

Grandma Delilah: I know, Cody, you told us while we were eating.

Grandpa George: Several times.

Cody: Listen to me, Grandma, Grandpa. Barney the dinosaur...is in your barn.[to the others] Isn't he ?

Mickey: Yeah.

Minnie: Mmm-hmmm.

Marcella: Yeah. Barney likes your barn.

Grandma Delilah: Well, I'm glad he likes it. Marcella, don't leave your little doll out there all night.

Tim; But Grandma Delilah, Barney's really alive.

Cody: Tim's right, Barney isn't just a little doll. It's very big.

Grandpa George: Oh, sure, he's big now, but you just wait. He's fads come and go.

Cera: Sure, don't believe us now, but when you see Barney you're gonna be surprised.

Grandma Delilah: Now, Cody, I did notice at the table that someone ate like a dinosaur tonight.

Grandma George: [laughs] Handsome fellow like me have to be careful what I eat. Gotta watch my finger. I don't want to lose my girlfriend. [to Cody] Cody, I first met your grandmother when I was about your age. We were childhood sweethearts.

Thomas: Oooh, tell us about it.

[The song Let Me Call You Sweetheart starts]

Grandpa George: Let me call your sweetheart

I'm in love with you ♪

Let me hear you whisper

That you love me too

Keep the love light glowing

In your eyes so blue

Let me call your sweetheart

I'm in love with you

[the song ends]

Phoebe: That was a nice song.

Grandma Delilah: Come on, handsome, you help me with the dishes now.

Grandpa George: Oh, gee, I'd like to but, uh, that dishwater makes my fingers all wrinkly.

[Girls Chuckling]

Larry: But, Grandpa George your hands are already wrinkly.

Grandpa George: Oh, yeah. [laughs]

Grandma Delilah: That's fine. It'll just match your sweet wrinkly face. Come on.

Grandpa George: Okay. Okay. [to Cody] Oh, Cody, you watch your barn for anymore dinosaurs. Okay?

The Veggie and Character gang: [laughing]

Cody: Funny, real funny.

Keesha: You tell him, Cody.

Bob: [to the grandparents] Ok, we'll all be inside in a few minutes.

Marcella: Pretty night, huh?

Abby: Yeah. Oh, yeah.

Barney: (running up) It's beautiful!

(Startled, Cody falls over)

Barney: Oops!

Cody: Get me out of here!

(Barney runs over to see Cody stuck in a bush)

Barney: Eh, sorry! (helps him up)

Cody: Sure, you are.

Wanda: That was funny.

Ducky: Sure was.

Barney: Where are your grandparents?

Abby: You just missed them.

Barney: Well, I'm sure I'll see them soon.

Cody: Yeah, but will they see you?

Mickey: Yeah, they don't believe that you're alive.

Barney: Well don't worry Mickey, they'll see me soon I'm sure.

Marcella: Barney, can you push us on the swing?

Barney: I'd be happy to. Mickey, Larry, Ralph, a little guitar, ukulele and tuba music please.

[Mickey gets out his ukulele and Larry puts on his sousaphone and they start playing it and Ralph the dog plays the guitar with his tail]

[Twinkle. Twinkle little star starts]

Barney: Twinkle, Twinkle, little star

How I wonder what you are

Up above the world so high

Like a diamond in the sky

Twinkle, twinkle, little star

How I wonder what you are

Laura: Hey i know that song.

Daisy: Me too. Can we sing too Barney

Barney: Sure. [To the viewers] And you know this song, so, sing along.

Barney, Girls and Veggie and Character gang: Twinkle, twinkle little star

How I wonder what you are

Up above the world so high

Like a diamond in the sky

Twinkle, twinkle little star

How I wonder what you are

(Larry faints then the girls laugh at him and Ralph does a big guitar strum)

Marcella: Whoa! Awesome finish.

Barney: Actually, I think it was a flea.

Girls: [laughing]

Marcella: Come on, guys, we're gonna play in the attic.

Abby: We're pretending it's a castle.

Barney: Oh, boy!

Pooh: Oooh i love playing castle!

Tigger: Me too!

Marcella: I'm gonna be the princess.

Abby: I'm gonna be the knight.

Phoebe: I'll be the queen.

Ralphie: I'll be the king.

Carlos: I'll be the court jester.

Pooh: I'll be the royal chef.

Susie: I'll be the town crier. And Barney you can be the dragon.

Barney: Ok. [notices that Cody isn't coming] Aren't you going to play, Cody ?

Cody: What? Some stupid pretend game? No way! Definitely not cool.

Barney: Oh.

Larry: Uh, we're sorry to tell you this Barney but...

Bob: Cody likes to act grown-up and likes cool stuff.

Barney: Oh, Well, uh, [to Cody] what do you think is cool?

Barney: Rock singers who spit fire, professional wrestling, real stuff.

Barney: Oh, I see.

Bob: Well, Cody. Could we tell you something?

Cody: What?

Larry: Well, everybody grows up.

Bob: But, it's important to like being a child and like using your imagination.

Barney: Bob's right, you know, Cody, even for grownups, the real adventures in life start with... a dream.

Cody: A dream?

Larry: Yeah. One time i dreamed that i was a Russian icebreaker boat captain freeing some whales from the ice. And even though i might not really be one it's still good to imagine.

Bob: Yeah The bible says "Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans". That's Proverbs 16:3.

Cody: Proverbs?

Larry: It's a book in the bible.

Bob: And it means that that if you follow what God wants you to do, he will set your plans up. But maybe he can help you make you dreams come true.

Cody: Oh really? Prove it!

Barney: Oh, you can only prove it to yourself, Cody. But you could start, um... Ahh, you could start by wishing on a star.

Cody: [Scoffs] A star? As if. Stars are only glowing balls of gas a zillion miles from here.

Bob: That may be true.

Larry: But with God's help stars can make you wishes come true.

Barney: Larry's right, besides I think there's a very special wishing star in the sky tonight. And it's right about there.

[They look to see a bright shooting star in the nighttime sky]

Cody: Whoa. [thinks for a second] Want me to make a wish?

Larry: Well, sure. Shooting stars are usually the best stars to make wishes on.

Bob: It's worth a shot,

Cody: Ok, I'll make a wish. [he walks off the porch and walks to where he can see the star] I wish, wish... I wish I could have a real adventure this summer. Do things that no one else has done before. That would be cool.

[Bob, Larry and Barney like that idea as they watch the star whoosh by]

Cody: How's that for a wish, Barney? Barney? [he, Bob and Larry look to see that Barney is nowhere to be seen]

Larry: Barney?

Bob: He must've went inside.

Cody: [sighs] Man, I must be losin' it.

Bob: Well, Cody I'm sure your wish will come true. Just trust God.

Cody: [sighs] if you say so.

[He, Bob and Larry go inside and as they do Ralph looks to see that the shooting star that Cody wished on is coming towards the farm. It goes right pass the windmill blades spinning it faster and it heads toward the barn door, but before it can land inside we cut back to the projector screen on the countertop as Bob comes on screen]

Bob: Wait, wait, stop the film! Stop the film! [the film pauses] Larry! Larry!

Larry: [comes in] Oh, what's the matter Bob?

Bob: What is that star falling from the sky?

Larry: Don't worry Bob That's a special magical egg.

Bob: Oh. [then he realizes] Oh!

Larry: Roll film! [the film resumes] Hey, Bob?

Bob: What?

Larry: Duck! (He ducks off-screen]

Bob: What? (Screams and ducks to avoid the egg)

[We cut back to the film as the shooting star does turn out to be an egg. The egg lands inside the barns and starts rolling around as Ralph follows it inside. Then the egg bumps into one of the barn posts and a bucket drops covering it Ralph then leaves after that. Then we fade to morning as Abby, Marcella and the Veggie and Character gang are coming out to play]

Abby: Come on, Marcella.

Marcella: Come back here!

Larry: Good morning guys!

Veggie and Character gang: Good morning!

Bob: Everybody sleep well?

Bugs Bunny: Sure did, Doc.

Chuckie: So what shall we all play?

Tommy: I'm sure we'll find something to do out here Chuckie.

[Then Cody comes out wearing sunglasses and new shoes]

Phoebe: Um, Cody. What are you gonna do on a farm dressed like that?

Cody: As little as possible and try not to get dirt on my new shoes. Okay?

Thomas: Uh, okay.

Bob: Well, you guys have a good time. I'm gonna go inside to help the grandparents with the chores.

Larry: Ok, Bob.

Bob: I'll see you all later. [heads back inside]

Piglet: Hey! Does anyone know where Barney is?

Barney: [off-screen] I'm over here Piglet!

[Barney come out of the barn dressed like a farmer]

Cody: Barney!

Barney: Cody!

Girls and Veggie and Character Gang: Barney!

Barney: Hi there.

[They run over to him]

Petrie: Good morning, Barney.

Wanda: Nice farmer outfit.

Barney: Thanks, Wanda.

Cody: Barney, you look...

Barney: Oh, thank you, Cody! So do you.

Keesha: Yeah, Cody says he's trying to be cool today. So, he's wearing sunglasses and new shoes.

Barney: Well, I'm sure those look good. Where's Bob?

Goofy: He's inside, helping the grandparents with chores.

Barney: Oh! Well, we better get started having fun right now! Let's go play around the farm!

Susie: Great idea!

Barney: And i know a fun song we can sing while we play. [to the viewers] I bet you know this song so you can sing along with us.

Larry: Hey, Barney! I've got an idea! Let's do a sing along!

Barney: Great idea, Larry!

Larry: [To the viewers] If you wanna sing along with us...[Pulls out a bouncing ball]...just follow the bouncing ball!

All: Yeah! Let's go!

[Larry throws the ball in front of the screen and everyone except Cody sings Old MacDonald had a farm. and during the song we see lyrics and the ball bounces on them]

Larry: Let's do Cows first!

Barney, Girls and Veggie and Character gang: Old MacDonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O

And on his farm, he had a cow, E-I-E-I-O

With a "moo-moo" here

and a "moo-moo" there

Here a "moo," there a "moo,"

everywhere a...

Larry: "moo-moo"

Barney, Girls and Veggie and Character gang: Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

Tigger: Now let's do goats!

[Cody walks along then he steps in a pile of cowpie]

Cody: Oh, man!

Barney, Girls and Veggie and Character gang: Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

And on his farm he had a goat, E-I-E-I-O

With a "baa-baa" here

and a "baa-baa" there

Here a "baa," there a "baa,"

everywhere a...

Larry: "baa"

Barney, Girls and Veggie and Character gang: Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

Mickey: I'll take the next verse. Let's do Horses.

Mickey: Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

And on his farm, he had a horse, E-I-E-I-O

With a "neigh-neigh" here

and a "neigh-neigh" there

Here a "neigh," there a "neigh"

everywhere a..

Larry: "neigh

Mickey: Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

Piglet: Can i do one?

Mickey: Sure, Piglet.

Piglet: I'm gonna do sheep.

Piglet: Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

And on his farm, he had a sheep, E-I-E-I-O

With a "maa" here

and a "maa" there

Here a "maa," there a "maa,"

everywhere a...

Larry: "maa"

Piglet: Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

Tigger: Chickens next! cluck-cluck!

Barney, Girls and Veggie and Character gang: Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

And on his farm, he had a chicken, E-I-E-I-O

With a "cluck cluck" here

and a "cluck cluck" there

Here a "cluck," there a "cluck,"

everywhere a...

Larry: "cluck cluck"

Barney, Girls and Veggie and Character gang: Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

Wanda: Pigs!

Barney, Girls and Veggie and Character gang: Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

And on his farm he had a pig, E-I-E-I-O

Cody: [sits down then he looks ahead] Oh, no!

[Tommy has opened the pig barn door and had let the pigs out]

Barney, Girls and Veggie and Character gang: With a "oink oink" here

and a "oink oink" there

Here a "oink," there a "oink,"

everywhere a

Larry: "oink oink"

Barney, Girls and Veggie and Character gang: Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

Daisy: Now, finally. Let's do ducks!

Barney, Girls and Veggie and Character gang: Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

And on his farm, he had a duck, E-I-E-I-O

With a "quack quack" here

and a "quack quack" there

Here a "quack," there a "quack,"

everywhere a...

Larry: "quack"

Barney, Girls and Veggie and Character gang: Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

[A pig chases Cody into the barn]

Cody: Get outta here! Go!

[Cody closes the barn door then he hears a clanging noise and sees the bucket that fell last night moving]

Cody: Whoa!

Abby [0ff-screen]: In here.

[She, Barney, Marcella and the Veggie and Character Gang come in then they see the bucket moving too

Barney: Oh, oh, oh.

Cody: What's goin' on?

Piglet: I don't know, but i don't want to find out. [hides behind Pooh]

[They get closer and closer to the bucket until Cody kicks it and...]

All: [shouting]

Piglet: Ahh!

[...They see the egg]

Tim: What is it?

Abby: It looks like some sort of... egg.

Cody: It's too big to come from the chickens.

Marcella: Maybe it was a big giant chicken.

[They all look at Marcella in disbelief]

Junior: A giant chicken?

Marcella: Or not.

[Suddenly one of the stripes on the egg turns from dark to pink]

All: Wow!

Abby: Look at the colors!

Phoebe: It's glowing!

Tigger: Wow!

Cody: How's it doing that?

Larry: That's amazing!

Ducky: It's Awesome! Yep, yep, yep!

Marcella: Wow!

[Cody picks it up in amazement]

Cody: Whoa! It's huge. Wow ! Look at the pink.

Minnie: Pink's my favorite color.

Carlos: Well, what kind of egg is it?

Cody: I don't know, bit it looks okay. Not any cracks or anything.

Abby: Barney, have you ever seen an egg like this ?

Barney: Um, well... To tell you the truth, I, uh...

Larry: How about you D.A?

D.A: No. I've never seen that sort of egg either.

Marcella: Hey, maybe your grandma would know.

Mickey: Let's go ask her.

Barney: Okay. [they rush pass him making him spin around for few seconds as his farmer outfit disappears] Whoa! Wait for me!

[He runs out of the barn after them. Then Baby Bop comes in and she sees the viewers]

Baby Bop: Hello! My name is Baby Bop, and I'm lookin' for my blankie. It's lost. Have you seen it? [While she is talking Ralph comes in with her blanket, but she doesn't see him with it] It's this big, and it's really, really soft, and it's yellow. Do you know where my blankie is? Oh, oh, you do? Oh, where is it? It-It's t-t-this way? Oh, oh! This way? Are-Are you sure? Okay, thank you very much. [Ralph goes the other way with it] Oh, bye-bye. I gotta find that blankie.

[She goes right as we cut to Barney, Cody, Abby, Marcella and the Veggie and Character Gang heading find the grandparents with the giant egg]

Abby: Wait till Grandma sees this!

Cody: [mentioning Barney] Wait till Grandma sees this.

[Then Barney hears Fig crying]

Barney: Uh-oh. Oh, the baby! I better go up and check on him.

[He heads to the house as Cody, Abby, Marcella and the Veggie and Character Gang find the grandparents and Bob hanging quilts on the laundry line]

Abby: Grandma, Grandma!

Larry: Cody found an egg in the barn.

Grandma Delilah: Yes, of course, we have lots of eggs.

Phoebe: But this is not a chicken egg.

Grandpa George: It isn't? Let's see it.

[They see that Barney isn't there.]

Cody: Well, Barney has it.

Bob: Right, where's Barney ?

Cody: I'll go find out. [to Abby] Make sure they don't go anywhere. [He leaves to find Barney]

Marcella: You have to see this egg.

Grandma Delilah: Yes, of course, dear.

Littlefoot: Yes, it's really big, and it has colors and...

Grandpa George: Well, that doesn't sound like one of our chicken eggs.

Abby and Marcella: It isn't!

Cera: We just said that a minute ago!

Grandma Delilah: Well, in that case, you'd better talk to our neighbor, Mildred Goldfinch.

Abby: The bird lady ?

Grandma Delilah: Yes.

Junior: What bird lady ?

Grandpa George: Oh, she'd love to see you, I bet.

Abby: We met your last year, she's terrific.

Ducky: Really?

Grandma Delilah: She's a bird watcher, Ducky, and I think she knows everything and eggs and birds. Why don't you children and characters go on over there ?

Petrie: Well, is that okay with you?

Grandma Delilah: Of course!

Abby: Yeah, come on.

Marcella: Great, let's go!

Larry: Are you coming Bob?

Bob: Sorry, Larry. I've still gotta help with the chores. But i want you to be in charge of the others while I'm not there.

Larry: Okay, Bob!

Bob: Okay, good luck.

[Inside Barney is changing Fig's diaper]

Barney: I will get this old wet diaper off of you, and you'll feel much better.

Fig: [Coos]

Barney: What? You're tired of the same old look ? Well, I think I can help with that.

[He sings If you're happy and you know it while he changes the diaper and does something else]

Barney: (singing) If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands ♪

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands That's it!

If you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands.

[He lifts Fig out as he is now wearing an outfit similar to a sailor]

Barney: You look terrific. Very dashin'. You look your hat?

[Then Cody come in]

Cody: [Scoffs] So, there you are. Where'd you go ?

Barney: Oh, I heard Fig cryin', so, I came up to check...

Cody: Never mind. I'm taking you to see my grandparents right now.

Barney: Oh, good. Bye Fig!

[Just as they are leaving]

Cody: Oh, Grandma will be in in a second, okay? [to Barney] Hey, wait for me!

[He leaves out of the room as we cut to him and Barney outside the house then Abby, Marcella and the Veggie and Character gang come into view and Abby snatches the egg from Cody]

Abby: We'll be needin' on this.

Barney: Oh, hi!

Cody: W-Where're you going?

Larry: To take the egg to Miss Goldfinch.

Abby: Hurry up.

Cody: Wait! I want Grandma and Grandpa to see him right now. Grandma!

[But they pull Cody and Barney off-screen quickly]

Barney and Cody: Whoa!

[We iris to black then we fade to them walking through a dark forest Abby, Cody and Marcella are riding a horse named Agnes]

Piglet: Kinda scary in this forest.

Pooh: Don't be afraid Piglet.

Barney: Come along, Agnes.

Phoebe: Do we have much further to go ?

Wanda: I don't think so.

Cody: I don't remember it looking like this last year.

[They keep going]

Marcella: Maybe we're lost.

Junior: What do you think Barney? Barney?

[They see that Barney is nowhere to be seen]

Abby: Barney?

All: Barney? (3x)

Bob: Stop the movie, stop the movie, stop the movie, stop the movie! [the film pauses]

Larry: What's the matter Bob?

Bob: Larry, Larry, do you see where Barney is?

Larry: No.

Bob: He must be lost too!

(They both look at the scene)

Bob: Oh, I can't look! (closes his eyes)

Larry: (To Bob) But, but don't worry, Bob, it will be okay, (to the audience) right, everybody? Cause it turns out that we were about to be at Miss Goldfinch's. Roll film! [the film resumes] (to Bob) Let's watch, Bob.

Bob: Oh, ok, Larry, but I can’t see anything.

Larry: Bob, you still have your hands over your eyes, Bob.

Bob: (Opens eyes) Oh. (Laughs) I knew that. But Larry i don't have hands.

Larry: Oh, right. You're right, Bob. Come on.

[Both go offscreen pan to Barney]

Barney: Look what i found! [He moves a twig out of the way to reveal a sign looking like a pelican saying Goldfinch] That way!

[But all we see is dead end]

Cody: There is no "that way."

Barney: Oh, I think there is.

Piglet: I'm afraid to look.

All: [Whimpering ]

[They keep going through the forest until we fade to Barney opening a gate to reveal Miss Goldfinch's house]

Veggie and Character Gang: Ooooh

Barney: What a beautiful house.

All: Awesome!

[Then we see Miss Goldfinch]

Mrs. Goldfinch: Jumpin' jay birds, looks like we have company callin'. Hello! I remember you. You're Abby. And you're Tody.

Cody: It's Cody.

Girls: [Giggling]

Miss Goldfinch: I'm sorry.

Cody: It's okay.

Abby: And this is my friend, Marcella.

Mrs. Goldfinch: Please to meet you, Marcella.

Marcella: Ditto, Miss Goldfinch.

- And this is our personal friend...

Mrs. Goldfinch: Oh, wait, don't tell me. A purple plumed Peruvian parrot.

Barney: (giggles) No.

Marcella: Mrs. Goldfinch, um, Barney's a dinosaur.


If you two are about done,

I have a question about an egg.

Mrs. Goldfinch: Ouch! I'd hate to be the bird who laid that egg.

Cody: I found it over at my grandparents' farm.

Mrs. Goldfinch: I'm not sure what kind of egg this is. We'll have to bring it inside my house it check it out.

Oh, okay.

- [ Whistle Blowing ]

- Oh.

[ Bird Squeaks ]

[ Doorbell Rings ]


Abby: Oh, it's an elevator.

It's great!

Where'd all the birds come from?

People from all over the world send her birds that are sick.

Mrs. Goldfinch: And once I help 'em get well, most of them want to stay. I tell you, I buy birdseed by the barrel.

Thank you.

Parrot: (caws) Birdseed by the Barrel.

[Then a truck approaches]

Mr. Millet: How ya doin' today, Mrs. Goldfinch?

Mrs. Goldfinch: Hey, Mr. Millet. He owns Birdseed by the Barrel. He's making his weekly delivery.

[ Whirring, Chiming ]


What a cool...

Oh, it's amazing.

- Look at all the furniture up there.

- Oh, wow.

It's like a museum.

- Oh, look at that.

- Look at that.

Look over there.

[ All Exclaiming ]

Mrs. Goldfinch: This is my library. And this is collection of empty eggshells. Everything from hummingbirds to ostriches.

Oh, egg-cellent.

Well, if we wanna find out, we've surely come to the right place, haven't we?

[ Cawing ] Excuse me.

♪ Can you tell us

what's inside the egg? ♪

♪ Tell us what it is ♪

[ Barney, Children ]

♪ Mr. Goldfinch, what's inside the egg? ♪

♪ You are such a whiz! ♪

♪ Please don't ask

me, I can't even guess ♪

♪ Hey, don't drop it!

There'll be such a mess! ♪

[ Barney, Children ] ♪ When we found it,

we were so impressed ♪

♪ And we wonder

what's inside it ♪

♪ We can't see you,

who's inside it? ♪

♪ Look around you,

tell me what you see ♪

[ Barney, Children ]

♪ Miles and miles of books ♪

♪ Somewhere there we're

sure to find the key ♪

We're no pile of schnooks !

[ Girls ] ♪ It's so gorgeous,

really quite a catch ♪

♪ And I wonder

when it's gonna hatch ♪

♪ Maybe this time,

Cody's met his match ♪

I don't think so.

[ Barney, Children ]

♪ And we wonder

what's inside it ♪

♪ We can't see you,

who's inside it? ♪

♪ It's so pretty

with its colored ring ♪

♪ I just hope it

doesn't have a sting ♪

What if it's a horrid

reptile thing?

- Sorry, Barney.

- Oops. That's okay.

[ Barney, Children ]

♪ And we wonder

what's inside it ♪

♪ We can't see you,

who's inside it? ♪

♪ Maybe it's a baby chimpanzee ♪

♪ Maybe it's a dinosaur like me! ♪

Maybe it's a fluffy little duck.

So far, we aren't having any luck.

♪ Maybe it's a

cousin of E.T.'s ♪

A tiny hummingbird.

♪ Cody, you are

such a silly tease ♪

♪ This is quite absurd ♪

♪ We are searching

every single page ♪

Maybe we should put it in a cage.

♪ Maybe that might

put it in a rage ♪

[ Barney, Children ]

♪ And we wonder

what's inside it ♪

♪ We can't see you,

who's inside it? ♪

♪ Don't ya think that

this is lots of fun? ♪

♪ Dreams are fancy-free! ♪

[ Children ] ♪ And I feel

the fun has just began ♪

♪ Just you wait and see ♪

[ Cody ] There's nothing

here that we can find.

♪ One more back and

I'm goin' blind ♪

♪ But it seems that

we don't really mind ♪

[ Barney, Children ]

♪ And we wonder

what's inside it ♪

♪ We can't see you

who's inside it? ♪

♪ Let's make sure we

don't out of steam ♪

♪ We must stick

together as a team! ♪

♪ Then we know we're

sure to find our dream ♪

[ All ] ♪ And we wonder

what's inside it ♪

♪ We can't see you,

who's inside it? ♪♪

[ Tapping On Shell ]

That's funny.

Okay, who's playing game shere ?

Did... you see what I saw ?

Yeah, I think I saw what you see.

Forget the see-saw, that egg moved.

[Abby] Whoa!

Another ring is lightin' up.

[All] Whoa!

[Girls] Oh, man!

You have anything like

that in one of your books?


And we have looked in every single one.

Wait a second.

What's that?

Mrs. Goldfinch: Oh, that old thing? I just use that book to keep the chair from wigglin'. I don't even know its title.

Maybe that's because it

doesn't have a title.


Barney: But there is a picture on the cover.


Well, what does it say?

Mrs. Goldfinch: It says that there's a dream-maker inside.

- What?

- Dream-maker?

- Come on!

Well, what does a... a-a-a dream-maker look like?

Miss Goldfinch: I don't know. A lotta pages are missing.

What does it say?

Miss Goldfinch: Every thousand years or so, and egg falls from the skies. Inside the shell the dream-maker prepares its big surprise. A visitor from days gone by who has a gift a share, for boys and girls around the world, for children everywhere. But mark you well, the very spot where first the egg is found. For when the colors, all have changed it must hatch on this ground.

Abby: Barney, what does she mean?

Barney: Well, the egg will hatch when all five of these rings light up. But it'll only hatch in the very spot where Cody found it.

Abby: In the barn.

- Yeah.

Miss Goldfinch: Hovering hummingbirds, you're right. There's three more to go. Oh, you'd better get that egg back to the barn right away.

Cody: Oh, come on, you're dreamin' if you think that--

(Cody knocks the egg off the table.)

Miss Goldfinch: Cody, be careful!

(The egg rolls out of a hole and onto an edge.)

[Barney] Oh, no!

- No!

- No!

- No.

- No, no!

Cody: No. Stop.

- No.

[Children] No. Noooo!

- Go, go, go.

Cody: I'm takin' the fast way.

Mr. Millet: See ya, Miss Goldfinch.

[Barney] No, wait, Mr. Millet!

- Mr. Millet, stop!

- You've got our egg!

- [Girls] Stop!

-No, no!

- [Goldfinch] Come back here,

Mr. Millet, please.

- [Barney] Mr. Millet!

Cody: Let's get on that horse and go.

Abby: But we can't all ride on Agnes.

Marcella: Think I have an idea.


What is it?


- All right!

- Great idea.

Barney: Okay, Agnes, it's all up to you. Just use our imagination.

- [Horse Neighs]

- Okay.

Cody: You expect a horse to use his imagination?

A horse.

Barney: Why, of course.

- Wow!

- Awesome!

Oh, cool!

How do you like it?

Barney: Hi, ho, Agnes, away!


[Blender Whirring]

- [Cody] Yeah!

- Oh, boy!




Collector: Ahoy, there! Those are splendid ships you're flying!

Cody: Thank you, but you have our egg!




Bob: What has been going on around here?

Grandpa George: Bob has a point. (stammers) What kind of game were you kids, veggies, and characters playing out here?

Abby: We weren't exactly playing, Grandpa.

Marcella: And we weren't even here most of the time.

Cody: You see, we took that big old egg over to Miss Goldfinch.

Abby: The bird lady.

Marcella: And her book said it was a dream maker and that we need to bring it back to the farm.

Abby: Only it took a ride on a truck. And then Barney--

Grandma Delilah: The dinosaur.

Cody: He helped us chase it, but it rolled under a parade.

Marcella: So, we went to a French restaurant.

Abby: But at the circus, the egg got tied to a balloon.

Marcella: Not a little balloon.

Cody, Abby, Marcella, and The Veggie and Character Gang: (in unison) A big one.

???: A hot air balloon to be exact.

???: And we needed something to fly on to get it back.

Cody: So, we made this log into an airplane--

Grandma Delilah: Oh, slow down, children, everyone.

Bob: I don't think we're buying this. I think you guys better explain yourselves.