Theme Song[]
Bob: Okay, Larry. It's time for the theme song.
Larry: Uh, yeah, Bob. What do I do?
Bob: Hmm... let's see. Oh! I know!. You play the guitar.
Larry: Bob, I don't have any hands.
Bob: Oh, you're right. Oh, okay, Would you play this?
Larry: I don't want to play that. I'll look silly.
Bob: Oh, come on. It'll be fun.
Larry: Nope. Not gonna do it.
Bob: It's for the kids.
Larry: Oh. Okay. But they better not laugh.
Bob: Allright. Better get out there.
(Larry walks on the screen with a sousaphone. While he's playing it, Bob appears.)
Bob: If you like to talk to tomatoes
If a mouse can make you smile
If you like to waltz with ducks
Up & down the tv channels...
Have we got a show for you.
(Larry nods, then cuts to clips from previous The Veggie and Character Gang's Adventures Series episodes)
All: The Veggie and Character Gang. (4x)
Bob: Broccoli, celery, gotta be...
All: Veggies!
Mickey: Mice and Ducks, Babies and Trains, have to be...
All: Characters!
Larry: Cauliflower,
Bugs Bunny: Stuffed animals,
Susie One full hour...
All: Of Veggies!
Stitch: And Characters!
All: It's the Veggie and Character Gang! (2x)
It's time for the Veggie and Character Gang!
(Larry faints then kids laugh at him)
Opening Countertop[]
(The scene opens to Bob and Larry on the countertop.)
Bob: Hi, kids! Welcome to VeggieTales! I'm Bob the Tomato...
Larry: ...And I'm Larry the Cucumber!
Bob: And we're here to answer your questions.
Larry: Yep.
Bob: This week we got a letter from Sam Wahba from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Now Sam says that he has always wanted to play on the soccer team, but he's afraid to try out. because he's afraid he'll mess up and look silly in front of my friends. His mom says he needs to believe himself and wants to know how,
Larry: Oooh. Good question.
Bob: Well, Sam i know a story that i think could help you a lot. Roll Film!
[We fade to black]
The Wild Act I[]
[The film begins with the Walt Disney Logo]
Samson: [narrating, off-screen] So there I was, face to face with the biggest, meanest leopard on this side of the Serengeti. And...
Ryan: [off-screen] You roared so loud, his spots flew clean off. Dad, I've heard this like a billion times.
Samson: [off-screen] Uh, do you know the one where I made the laughing hyenas...
Ryan: [off-screen] Cry? Yep.
Samson: [off-screen] The croc attack?
Ryan: [off-screen] Dad.
Samson: [off-screen] OK. Think.
Ryan: [off-screen] Yeah, you do that. [chuckles]
Samson: [off-screen] Alright, Mr. Smart Guy, here's one I know you haven't heard.
[The camera zooms down to Samson and Ryan]
Samson: It all started in the little place I like to call... ...the wild.
[The camera zooms into the title, "The Irelanders Goes to the Wild" and then to the wildebeests running]
Samson: They were the fastest wildebeests on the Savannah. We're talking fast. (the wildebeest speed up) All the other lions had given up the hunt hours ago, except your old man. Fortunately, I knew a short cut.
[Samson leaps between pillars of rock, swings over a branch and lands with a thud on solid ground]
Samson: I thought I had 'em. Until the dust cleared.
[Samson looks to see he's surrounded by wildebeests]
Samson: Classic wildebeest trap.
Ryan: So, what did you do next?
Samson: What did I do?
Ryan: Yeah.
Samson: That's when I gave them the roar.
[Samson roars really loudly. The force from it sends the wildebeests flying. One hits a rock while another digs it's horns into it's bottom. The blast sends the last of the wildebeests into the distance as Samson stops and admires his handiwork]
Ryan: That's it?
Samson: Hold on a sec. I only thought it was over. But they had a secret weapon.
[A giant wildebeest with red eyes comes into view and green smoke comes out of his mouth as he roars at Samson]
Samson: He was the biggest wildebeest I've ever seen. He was 14 feet tall!
Ryan: 14?
[The wildebeest gains extra biceps and grows taller as Samson changes details]
Samson: I meant 1,401 feet tall!
Ryan: Cool.
Giant Wildebeest: (roars)
Samson: And he had two... No, four of the biggest horns I'd ever seen.
[The giant wildebeest gains two extra horns in his nostrils and swings Samson around on him. He lands between the giant wildebeest's eyes and he sees him and shakes him off before breathing green fire]
Samson: His breath was red hot! I mean, green. And he hated the environment. To pull this off, I knew I was gonna have to dig deep, deeper than I ever had before. So I swallowed my fear, sucked in the biggest breath I could.
[The giant wildebeest and the other wildebeests charge at Samson as he glares at them. The giant wildebeest's eyes spark with green energy]
Ryan: Dad. I'm ready!
Samson: You got it?
Ryan: I got it! I got it!
Samson: Well, let him have it! Roar, son!
Ryan: (yowls and coughs)
[The wildebeests stop and the giant wildebeest bursts into laughter. The other wildebeests do the same as they pop like bubbles. The whole thing is revealed to be a dream as Ryan looks embarrassed. He and his father Samson are actually in the Central Park Zoo watched by humans]
Humans: (laughing)
Samson: (roars) Uh-huh.
Humans: (cheering)
Ryan: (groans) Story of my life. Your roar stops a herd of wildebeests. Mine makes the babies laugh.
Samson: Hey, come on. That was much better.
Ryan: (sighs)
Samson: I'm serious! It dropped half an octave. (mimics Ryan) It dropped half an octave. (chuckles) And it sure scared me. Made my hair stand up on end.
Ryan: Yeah, right, Dad.
Samson: (chuckles) OK. Let's take it from the top.
Ryan: I'm done for today.
Samson: Come on, come on, one more. You were so close. Maybe it's something technical. Maybe you're not opening your mouth wide enough. (using his paws to open Ryan's mouth wider) Like this.
Ryan: (mouth open) Dad, thanks for the technical help, (yanks himself free, knocking Samson down) but if you really wanted me to roar like you, you'd take me to the wild.
Samson: Whoa. Hold on a second. We've got everything we could ever want right here. Great lifestyle, three squares a day.
Ryan: And it's boring.
Samson: Boring?
Ryan: I'm never gonna learn how to roar here, Dad.
Samson: Ryan...
Ryan: But don't worry. I finally figured out how we can get to the wild.
Samson: You did?
Ryan: The pigeons say those green boxes go there.
Samson: Those boxes are bad news. Stay away.
Ryan: But, Dad...
Samson: Listen, I know you're frustrated, but a lion finds his roar...
Ryan: I'm so tired of hearing that, Dad!
Woman: (screams)
Ryan: Huh?
Woman: It's a rat! (as a squirrel named Benny tries to pull a baby's candy necklace off it's neck) Get that rat off my baby!
Benny: A rat?! (gibbering as he gets swung around by the baby) Hello!
[Benny gets thrown on the ground with the candy necklace in his paw]
Child: Silly, silly rat.
Benny: Rats do not got bling like this, lady.
Woman: Why you little...!
[The woman whacks Benny with her purse sending him flying straight into Samson's left nostril]
Benny: Lastly, that is the ugliest baby I've ever seen!
Samson: Benny, stealing candy from a baby?
[He blows Benny out and into Ryan's paw, much to his disgust]
Benny: Stealing is such a strong word. I prefer "liberating." Hey, kid, heard the roar. Down another...
Samson: Octave.
Benny: Octave. (clicks)
[Ryan drops Benny in annoyance]
Benny: You ready to cheer me and your old man as we capture our fifth straight turtle-curling title? (does kung fu moves and yells)
Ryan: I can't even roar. How would you even know I'm there?
[He runs off to a tree in the distance]
Samson: So, you really think it dropped an octave?
Benny: Absolutely. What the heck is an octave?
Samson: (sighs)
Ryan: I heard that!
[Later, a serving hatch opens revealing a steak cut into a rabbit shape as Samson comes over]
Samson: Mmm. Rabbit.
Benny: Mmm. Cholesterol. I'll stick with the nuts.
Samson: (mouth full) I don't know what his problem is, Benny. He's 11, but he's still roaring at a nine-year-old level.
Benny: Little help here, Sammy?
[Samson opens his mouth. Benny tugs a whisker and Samson's jaws come down on the acorn he's holding, breaking the top off. Benny takes a bite]
Benny: (mouth full) You know what? Maybe you're setting the bar too high, with all those stories about Samson the Wild.
Samson: Hey, he's always loved those stories! They inspire him.
Benny: OK, OK. I'm not gonna argue with someone who can use my tail as dental floss. Oh, Sammy, you got something right there.
Samson: Where?
Benny: No, no, other side.
Samson: Here?
Benny: Ye-ye....
[The piece of meat that was in Samson's mouth lands on Benny's head, much to his disgust]
Samson: Oh, sorry, Benny.
Benny: You got it.
Bob: First off, ew. Second, excuse me?
Samson: Huh?
Benny: What?
[They look to see the Veggie and Character Gang at the fence]
Samson: Hey, uh, red guy. You guys should probably get going, the zoo'll be closing soon.
Benny: Yeah, and who are you anyway?
Connor Lacey: We're the Veggie and Character Gang! I'm Bob the Tomato.
Larry: And i'm Larry the Cucumber! We're the leaders.
The rest of the gang: [say their names]
Samson: I'm Samson. And this is my best friend, Benny
Mickey Mouse: Yeah. We know. Anyway, we saw what was happening and we want to help. We'll help your son get the hang of roaring, don't you worry.
Samson: Thanks, guys. I appreciate it. Would you guys like to join me and Benny at our big turtle curling game tonight? We'll need all the support we can get out there.
Larry: We'd love to. Besides, I have heard of curling at the Olympics but curling with turtles? Now that's something I've got to see.
Blossom: Yeah. That does sound weird.
Lilo: But it'll be fun to watch. We're in.
Benny: Don't know about you, Sammy, but I'm liking these guys already.
[The scene changes to guests leaving the zoo]
Zoo Announcer: Attention, friends. Stop by the gift shop and get the most popular plush in America: Nigel, the "I-Like-You" Koala.
Man: Look, honey! The crazy thing talks!
Nigel Doll: I'm so cuddly! I like you!
Zoo Announcer: That's right. He's so cuddly. And better yet, he likes you.
[Only one toy is left. The scene changes to the zoo gates being shut and locked]
Zoo Keeper: (whistling)
Benny: Finally. And the zoo will officially be ours in T-minus three... ...two... ...and showtime!
[An elephant trumpets behind him causing his ears to flap]
Nigel: Here I come!
[Nigel, a koala jumps from a tree branch and lands on a bar, cringing pain as he lands on it]
Nigel: Who put that bar there?
[An elephant transitions the scene to Larry, a green anaconda slithering through an elephant statue's trunk]
Larry (The Wild): (laughs) That tickles! (laughs but then falls to the ground) Hey!
[A giraffe transitions the scene to the flamingo enclosure where flamingos are arguing as she turns her head to let them use her as a bridge]
Flamingos: Did too! Did not! Did too! Did not! Did too!
Flamingo 1: Out of my way, ya bum!
Flamingo 2: (as they climb over the giraffe and spotting Nigel) There's that moth-eaten koala!
Nigel: I've told you flamingos a hundred times, walk.
Flamingo 1: How about an autograph?!
Nigel: Don't...
[The flamingos kick Nigel who bangs his head on a tree branch and lands on the ground as they begin pecking him]
Nigel: (screaming)
Flamingos: Birds! Find the string on his back! So you're havin' a really nice day!
Samson: Guys! Off my co-captain now.
Flamingo: Uh, sorry, Samson. (kicks Nigel) Yah!
Nigel: Oof! That didn't hurt.
Samson: (chuckles)
Thomas: Looks like Nigel couldn't handle his fans very much.
Tigger: Yeah, good thing Samson can turn them into scaredy birds.
Dorothy Ann: Well, they respected Samson for his stories about his adventures in the wild so technically, that's not the same as being afraid of him.
Tim: So they did what he say like leaving Nigel alone.
Benny: Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. I'm gonna ask Bridget out finally.
Samson: Slow down, Romeo. You are a squirrel and she is...
Benny: Perfect, right? Look, I know what you're sayin'. Believe me, I got my eyes wide open. (bumps into Bridget the giraffe's leg) Hey, watch where you're goin', you big... big...! (stuttering)
[The camera pans up to reveal Bridget staring down at Benny as he stares up at her love struck]
Benny: Bridget.
Bridget: Don't stare at my spots, Benny. My eyes are up here.
Minnie Mouse: Wait, Benny's in love with a giraffe? Whatever next?
Bob: Yeah, that is kinda what Samson was trying to tell Benny, Minnie.
Benny: Huh? Oh, oh. Of course. I'm so sorry. Oh, this is for you, honey. It goes around your left hoof.
Bridget: Did you get that out of the trash? (Benny stays silent) Oh, you did! You little trash picker!
Benny: I'm not a trash-picker. I'm a recycler. That's a lot more romantic. Isn't it?
Cera: Romantic? Pffft. More like a total washout.
Buttercup: You can say that again.
Bugs Bunny: Yes, a squirrel and a giraffe? A married couple? Ridiculous. (laughs with Goofy)
Bridget: Romantic?
Benny: Sam, come here. Come here.
[Samson throws Benny up to Bridget's head repeatedly on his nose]
Bridget: Romantic? Oh, don't mention romance to me, Benny. I've never had a boyfriend.
Benny: Great. That settles it. I accept the job of boyfriend number 1!
Bridget: Benny, only the female orb-weaver spider will date a male one-twentieth her size.
Benny: So there's hope!
Bridget: And then she eats him.
Benny: Huh?
[Benny lands on the ground, knocking himself out]
Samson: But at least he dies happy.
Susie: Oooh, that's gonna leave a mark.
[A hippo squeezes out of a fence while a monkey runs by with a Nigel doll]
Eze and Duke: Let's get Ryan, dude! Dude! We said that at the same time! Dude.
[An elephant's foot changes the scene to Samson and the Veggie and Character Gang heading to Ryan's tree in the lion enclosure]
Samson: (beat boxing) Hey! Hey, Ryan. Listen, we're headin' down to the game. We're gonna see you there, right?
[Ryan uses a tree branch to block himself from their view]
Samson: Come on, Ryan. We need you. You're our biggest fan.
Rhino: Yo, Samson! (laughs) I'm your number one fan, man! Whoo! Whoo!
Samson: Thanks, man. Right back at ya!
Goofy: Guess that makes Ryan your second biggest fan. (chuckles)
Ryan: You were saying, Dad?
Samson: Ryan, listen, about this afternoon, I was just trying...
Ryan: Dad, fine. I'll go to your game, all right?
Samson: OK. We'll, uh... see you there, then.
Bob: Well, come on, gang. Let's leave Ryan to have some alone time.
[They head off as Ryan yawns. Once Samson and the Irelanders are gone, Duke comes out of hiding and taps Eze on his back but he doesn't move. Duke slaps him]
Eze: (exclaims)
Duke: Come on, dude.
[They climb up the tree]
Duke: Psst, dude.
Eze: Guess who's here.
Ryan: Eze. Duke.
Duke: Man, he always guesses.
Eze: (chuckles) We're gonna stalk the gazelles while everybody's at the game.
Duke: You in?
[Ryan glares as he watches Samson and the Irelanders heading off]
Duke and Eze: (chuckling)
Eze: Let's go, bro!
Duke: The Ryanator!
Eze and Duke: (laughing)
Ryan: I'm coming down!
[Ryan jumps down from his branch. At the zoo's penguin enclosure, the turtle curling game is underway]
Flamingo: Fish heads! Get your ice-cold fish heads! Now eyeball-free!
MC Penguin: We're heading into the final period of the curling championships and the penguins are up. Here comes Victor.
[Victor slides his turtle across the ice]
MC Penguin: What a beauty!
Victor: Yeah! Sweep!
MC Penguin: It's headed straight for the red bullseye! This could be it, folks!
[The turtle slides just a inch from the bullseye]
MC Penguin: Bo-wango!
Turtle: Yes!
Penguin: Oh, yeah!
MC Penguin: That's gonna be tough to beat.
Samson: What? "Tough to beat"? That's just the way we like it, right, guys?
Penguins: (chanting)
Nigel: I can't believe this! If we lose, I'm gonna rip my head off! (as a penguin glides past laughing) And yours!
Bridget: We cannot lose to flightless birds!
Daisy Duck: Don't talk like that, Bridget! Those penguins are a bunch of bullies! Don't let what they say get to you!
Samson: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! No one is losing anything around here. As long as we stay focused. By the way, has anyone seen Ryan?
Larry (The Wild): Oh! Oh, I know! Maybe he's sulking 'cause he lives in his father's shadow and he roars like a schoolgirl.
Samson: Thanks, Lar.
Larry (The Wild): You betcha.
Pooh: I don't see how that helps.
Bubbles: Uh, what are those monkeys doing with those dolls?
Buttercup: Taunting Nigel with them, by the looks of it.
Monkeys: Nigel! Nigel! Will you sign my dolly?
Nigel: Ugh! Not again.
Samson: Nigel, ignore them.
Nigel Doll: I'm so cuddly! I like you!
Monkeys: You're so cuddly! We love you!
Nigel: That's it! I am not cuddly! I'm a vicious jungle animal from the streets of London! Fear me! Wah!
Monkey: Get him! Get him! Get him!
[Suddenly, the monkeys grab Nigel who grabs one of Bridget's horns]
Nigel: Agh! Help me!
Samson: Girls! Put him down.
Bob: You heard the lion! Drop him!
Nigel: I am not a doll!
Monkey: Cushy tushy!
Nigel: Agh! Leave my bum alone!
Littlefoot: Now that is so naughty.
Donald Duck: Don't you make me come up there, hairballs!
Thomas: You monkeys let him down right now!
Benny: Nigel get your paws off my girlfriend!
Bridget: Benny, I am not your girlfriend! (screams as she falls down)
[Benny tries to run but slips on the ice. Bridget lands on top of him and Samson and Nigel lands on her back still holding the doll as they all land in a heap]
Nigel Doll: Really nice day!
MC Penguin: What is up with Samson's team tonight? Brutal!
Penguins: (laughs)
Bridget: Benny? Benny? Benny? Benny? Benny? Benny? Oh, my gosh! Who knows mouth-to-mouth?!
Benny: I do!
[Benny kisses Bridget and she launches him onto her nose]
Bridget: Ugh! What was that?
Benny: Just your daily dose of vitamin Benny, baby.
Bridget: Get off my nose.
Nigel Doll: I'm so cuddly, I like you.
Nigel: Stop saying that!
[Nigel punches the doll then headbutts it]
Larry (The Wild): Cannonball!
[Larry jumps onto Bridget, causing her to launch Benny into the air]
Benny: Whoa!
Samson: Next year, I should just coach.
Larry: Yeah, then this team wouldn't make such fools of themselves.
Kimi: You're not kidding.
[Meanwhile, Eze peeks around the trunk of a tree]
Eze: Check it. The Thomson gazelle.
Duke: Zero to 50 in four-point-five seconds. The ultimate fleeing machine.
Eze: There is no substitute.
Duke: Let's get a closer look at these slim jims.
Eze: Shall we?
Duke: I think we shall.
Ryan: Maybe we should just go to the game.
Eze: I thought you wanted to be wild, dude.
Duke: I bet your dad chased gazelles.
Eze: Yeah, if he were our age, he would so be rockin' out with us.
Duke: He'd already be in there, running 'em down like they were... they were...
Eze: Gazelles.
Duke: Yeah, gazelles or somethin'. Ready, man?
Ryan: We'd better not.
Duke: Oh, yeah? Are you gonna stop us?
Ryan: Guys, guys.
Eze: Here we go!
[Ryan watches with a worried look on his face. Back at the penguin enclosure]
MC Penguin: The whole series comes down to this throw! There's no tomorrow! It's do or die! Ya know what I mean.
Samson: Guys, guys. I know we're down, but we're gonna pull this out 'cause we're gonna use... ...the secret play.
Larry: The secret play! Hey, everybody, guess what? We're gonna use the secret play!
Bridget: Larry, the first part of the secret play is keeping it secret.
Larry (The Wild): OK.
Samson: Now, just follow my lead. I'm going to need a double effort from everybody.
Nigel: Absolutely, captain. Triple effort if you want, sir.
Bob: You got it, Samson.
Samson: Good.
Bob: You heard Samson, team. Can we win this game?
Characters, Bridget, Benny, Larry and Nigel: Yes, we can!
Samson: Ready? And...
Everyone: Break!
[Meanwhile, the gazelles look up]
Eze: Sssh. Quiet.
Duke: On three, dude. One, two...
Ryan: No!
[Ryan jumps in front of them and yowls]
Ryan: (yowls)
[The gazelles look up, hearing the noise]
Eze and Duke: (laughs)
[Suddenly, the ground shakes]
Duke: Uh-oh.
Eze: (gasps) Now you did it, Ryan.
Ryan: (gasps)
[Back at the penguin enclosure]
Samson: Feelin' mean, Donald?
Donald: Bring it on!
MC Penguin: Folks, there's pressure on the big guy!
Samson: Ready, Bridget?
Bridget: (strained) Ready.
Samson: Ready, Benny?
Benny: Ready.
Samson: Ready, Veggie and Character Gang?
Veggie and Character Gang: Ready, Samson!
Victor: Hey, Samson, it's a shame your little brat isn't here to see you lose. (laughs)
Phoebe: Don't let that loser get in your head, Sammy. Just focus on the game.
Benny: I can't... hold it!
[Benny's teeth lose their grip on the ice and he lets go and ends up swinging Larry around Bridget and dragging them alone as they slide across the ice]
MC Penguin: Oh, no! What are you doin'?
Donald: (screaming)
MC Penguin: (as Samson picks up Donald and slides him across the ice) And here comes Samson. Look at that guy. Is he a beauty or what?
Samson: Larry! Bridget! Sweep!
[A penguin is munching on a hot dog when Larry and Bridget slide by, grabbing his brush and replacing it with Benny]
MC Penguin: What a recovery! They're sending in Bridget and Larry to do the job!
Bridget: Sweep faster, Larry! Sweep, sweep, sweep!
Larry (The Wild): I am!
Bridget: Come on, man!
MC Penguin: Team Penguin is sending their ace, Victor...
[Victor bumps into Larry as he sweeps]
Larry (The Wild): Watch it, Victor!
Victor: Nah, watch it yourself, see?
[They carry on sweeping]
Bridget: Nigel, how are we looking?
[The penguin team form a block in front of Nigel]
MC Penguin: Oh, no! This could be trouble, folks!
Nigel: This is cheating and you will die for this!
Larry (The Wild): I can't hear you, Nigel!
Nigel: Move left a bit...
[A penguin punches him knocking him onto the bullseye]
Larry (The Wild): OK, move left and hit!
Bridget: Larry, no!
Larry (The Wild): Tally ho!
[Larry hits Donald with the brush and he ricochets off a banner, over MC Penguin's head, off the penguin with the hot dog's belly and right into the penguins and Nigel knocking them over. He slides toward the bullseye]
Samson: Go on! Go on!
Larry: That's it!
Mickey: You can do it!
Daisy: Go, Donald!
Tread: Come on, come on, come on, come on!
MC Penguin: Folks, we are inches away from the greatest upset in turtle-curling history!
[Donald slides away from the bullseye]
MC Penguin: Oh, no! I can't believe my eyes!
Samson: No!
Thomas: Oh! So close!
Daisy: You can say that again!
MC Penguin: Looks like Samson might have choked!
Donald: (straining and farts sending him onto the bullseye) Oops. Pardon me.
Samson: Yes!
Veggie and Character Gang: Alright! Yeah! We did it! Ha-ha-ha! In your faces, Penguins! Yes! Whoo! Way to go, us!
MC Penguin: Unbelievable! Samson and his team have clinched the title! (as the ground shakes causing Donald to slide off the bullseye) No, wait! I've called it too soon!
Samson: What the heck?
Piglet: What is going on here?
MC Penguin: The penguins have done it! They're zoo champs for the first time!
[The gazelles run through the zoo]
Ducky: Whoa! Not an earthshake! No, no, no!
Mickey: (putting his ear to the ice) Well, it's either an earthquake or....(gasps)
Samson: Stampede? Stampede!
Penguins: (whimpering)
[Ryan runs in front of a hedge]
Ryan: Please! Stop!
[The gazelle run onto the ice as he ducks out of the way. They slip and slide all over the place and the Veggie and Character Gang and animals duck as Victor flies over them. Ryan slides across the ice and bumps into gazelles on the way. He tries to stop himself with his claws until Samson stops him with his paw]
Ryan: (sheepish chuckle)
Duke: Dude. Busted.
Eze: Catastrophic.
Ryan: Told you I'd come to the game. (sheepish chuckle)
Samson: [in a very angry tone] You think this is funny? You just endangered everyone in the zoo!
Ryan: I'm sorry.
Samson: [furiously] For what? Chasing the gazelles or costing us the game?
Ryan: No, I-
Samson: [interrupting, furiously] All you do is sit up in your tree and sulk.
Ryan: If you just-
Samson: [interrupting, continued] I mean, what is it? What's the problem? Is all of this because you can't roar?
[Ryan stares at his father, offended]
Samson: [softening up] Ryan, I didn't mean that.
Ryan: [very upset] You know what I'm doing when I'm sulking up in my tree? I'm thinking how great it would be if Samson the Wild wasn't my father.
Samson: [gasps, regretfully] Ryan, I didn't...
Ryan: [insulted] 'Cause it would make being Ryan the Lame a whole lot easier. [he starts running away]
Samson: Ryan, I'm sorry. Ryan! Please don't... leave.
Larry (The Wild): Bye, Ryan! Thanks for coming to the game. [to Samson] And you were worried he wouldn't show up.
Thomas: That didn't go well.
Goofy: No, it didn't.
Bob: Samson, I think what you said really hurt Ryan's feelings.
Samson: Yeah but I didn't mean to. I was just caught up in the moment of winning and it... just slipped out.
Buttercup: Well, you could've at least given him a chance to explain things before you yelled at him!
Blossom: Quiet!, Buttercup We're sorry that you failed to win the curling championship.
Samson: It's okay. But now i have a big problem. (sighs)
[Later, at the zoo fountain]
Benny: Mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm. Not good. No one listens to the squirrel.
Samson: (sighs) I don't know what to do anymore, Benny. I've tried everything.
Benny: Everything? You tried everything?
Samson: What are you saying?
Benny: I'm saying you have to tell him the truth.
Samson: I don't think I could do that, Benny. I mean... What's he gonna think of me when he finds out?
Benny: I don't know. But if you don't tell him...'re gonna lose him, Sammy.
[Benny runs off, leaving Samson to ponder what to do. The camera zooms down to Ryan walking alone til he look up and saw a poster of his dad being majestic and wild]
Ryan: (growls)
[He pounces and swipes his claws but see that it's not fearsome enough as he look at his father roaring and hangs his head then spots some green containers across the fence]
Ryan: The green boxes.
[He looks at the poster of his father again and glares at the image of him preparing to pounce under the caption that reads "WILD". He closes his eyes for a moment then puts on a look of determination as he climbs up a tree toward the green containers and makes sure no one's watching. Ducky watches, feeling concerned]
Ducky: [whispering] No, Ryan. Don't do it. No, no, no!
[Meanwhile, Samson and the Veggie and Character Gang head over to the Lion enclosure and look over at Ryan's tree]
Laura: Do you think he's sulking up there again?
Bob: Only one way to find out, let's go take a look to be sure.
Samson: He's right, follow me.
[They climb over the fence and head over to the tree. Meanwhile, Ryan jumps down to the other side of the fence and runs over to the containers. He sniffs then heads inside and curls up. He closes his eyes. Ducky whizzes through a gap in the fence and up the ramp to the container]
Ducky: (whispering) Oh, no. I better get him out of there before he gets loaded onto a truck and locked in.
[She heads into the container. Back at the lion enclosure]
Junior: How do we even know he's up there?
Petrie: Perhaps we should take a look there.
Littlefoot: Uh, Petrie, I don't think Ryan wants to be spoken to right now. He might still want to be left alone.
Carlos: Yeah, because he's too scared.
Thomas: Carlos!
Carlos: What?
Mickey: Still, someone should have a look. Just to double check.
Bob: Well, I think Samson should do it. After all, he is Ryan's dad.
[Samson looks unsure and goes to leave but then has second thoughts. He climbs up the tree and pushes the branch aside only to find Ryan's not there]
Minnie: Anything, Samson?
Samson: No. Nothing. He's not here.
Keesha: What? That can't be right.
Larry: If he's not there, then where could he be?
[Back in the container, Ducky is trying to wake Ryan]
Ducky: (whispering) Ryan. Ryan, wake up.
Ryan: (wakes up as the lights come on) Ducky? What are you doing in here?
Ducky: We need to get out of here and fast. And anyway, we're not supposed to be in here. For all we know, they could be...
Man: OK, they're all loaded up!
Ryan and Ducky: (gasps)
Man 2: You don't think I know that?
[Two men shut the doors of the container as a truck's engine starts, much to Ryan and Dizzy's fear]
Man: Get movin'!
Ducky: Oh, no! (bangs against the doors) Let us outta here!
Ryan: I changed my mind! I don't wanna go!
[Samson looks up to see the container loading bay lights turn on and hears Ryan and Ducky yelling in the distance]
Ryan: Help!
Ducky: Somebody help us!
Samson: Ryan.
Ralphie: Uh, is it just me or am I hearing things? I could've sworn I heard Ducky calling for help.
Thomas: That's because you did, Ralphie!
Littlefoot: Now that you mention it, where is Ducky?
Samson: I think I know.
[Ducky and Ryan peak out of the container as the truck starts to pull away]
Ryan: Help us!
Ducky: Someone get us out!
[Samson and the Veggie and Character Gang race past Bridget, Larry, Benny and Nigel]
Samson: Watch out!
Bridget: Sam! Guys!
Benny: Wait for us!
Ryan: Dad!
Ducky: Littlefoot! Guys!
Samson: Ryan!
Littlefoot: Ducky!
Spike (The Land Before Time): (gasps)
Ryan: Dad! Don't let them take us! Nooo!
Samson: Ryan!
Littlefoot, Cera and Petrie: Ducky!
Ducky: Do something, guys! Get us out of here!
Ryan: Help!
Samson: (reaching the wall at the end of the fence) No!
Ryan: Dad, help us!
Samson: Ryan!
Littlefoot, Cera and Petrie: Ducky!
Ducky: Guys!
Blossom: Stay calm, you two! I've got my eyes well on you! [as traffic whizzes by] Whoa! [looks around but the truck is nowhere in sight] Oh, dear. Suppose I better go and tell Samson and Littlefoot the bad news. (turns around and drives back to the fence)
Bob: Did you catch them, Blossom?
Blossom: No, Bob. The road got blocked with traffic. I lost them.
Keesha: Oh, bad! Oh, bad! Oh, bad, bad, bad BAD!!!!!!
Laura: How are we going to find them?
Samson: Benny, we need to have that truck followed.
Benny: Check.
Samson: Get me... the pigeons.
[Meanwhile, an old pigeon named Hamir is getting ready to throw something]
Hamir: I am wanting snake eyes! Come on, baby.
[He throws two ladybirds which land in different positions. Three pigeon ladies sing and dance. The upright ladybird pushes the other upright]
Ladybird: Thanks.
Hamir: Hamir! You are the great loser of all time! What offerings must I make, I wonder?
Benny: (slapping Hamir) Hamir! Hamir! Get a grip on yourself!
Hamir: (screaming) Benny! I am needing till Friday before I am paying you back!
Benny: No, no, it's Ryan and Dizzy! They're in one of those green boxes and they took it away on a truck! We've gotta go find them!
Hamir: (gasps) That is not good! Not good at all! (to his wife) I know! I know! I am telling him, you crazy pigeon! (sighs) The green boxes go to the big water where stiff lady with spikes on her head...
Benny: Hamir!
Hamir: Spikes!
Benny: I can't understand...
[Samson snatches Hamir up]
Samson: Just tell me where the green boxes go.
Pigeon Pete: Yeah. Just calm down and explain slowly.
Hamir: Stiff lady, spikies?
Larry: Wait, you mean the Statue of Liberty?
Hamir: Yes! Like my wife says! The truck takes them to her! To her!
[A blue container transitions the scene to the harbour as Hamir continues]
Hamir: Though I hate telling bad news, there is more bad news to tell. When the sun rises, the green boxes leave on boat-boat and never return!
[Cut back to Hamir]
Hamir: I am sorry for this. I really am.
[He looks to see everyone's gone]
Hamir: Hello? (screams as water drips on him)
[Back at the fence near the loading bay]
Benny: No, not good. Not good.
Bridget: Pfff. You always say that.
Benny: I keep on sayin' it. No one's listenin'. Like a broken record here.
Bridget: OK. When do we leave, Sammy?
Benny: Yeah. When do we leave?
Samson: It's not "we". It's me. Let's make this clear. This is now a rescue mission and I'm the only one going.
Bob: But you can't go after Ryan and Ducky on your own. You're gonna need back up. Plus, you don't know your way around the city.
Thomas: Alex and his friends had to be relocated when their search for Marty was mistaken for violence. The same thing could happen to you if you're not careful!
Larry (The Wild): Yeah, we'll come too! We're not afraid. Are we, guys?
Bugs Bunny: What? Pffft. No way.
Nigel: Afraid? No. You know koalas. More like "scared of things."
Bridget: Look, Ryan's like a cub to all of us. Not that I'll ever have one of my own at this rate.
Petrie: And Ducky is a vital member of me and Littlefoot's team. What if something bad happened to her?
Littlefoot: We always look out for each other, no matter where they are or what situations they get into. Without Ducky, her mom will be heartbroken.
Nigel: You know, there's that famous... A koala once said, "We will fight them... with peaches."
Buttercup: I literally have no idea what that means.
Bridget: Yeah. Anyway. So we're helping, whatever it takes.
Bob: Yeah, Sam. We're behind you every step of the way.
Samson: You want to leave with me? OK. If you don't mind being hunted down, shot at.....stuffed...
Larry (The Wild): OK!
Samson: ...or worse, then fine.
Larry: Nice try, Samson but you can't scare us.
Thomas: We have experiences with hunters before so we know how to deal with them.
Larry: Yeah. We encountered, sharks and barracudas, we encountered, sabor tooth tigers, encountered a humongus chicken, we encountered hyenas. We even encountered aliens.
Bridget: I have a recurring nightmare about taxidermy and spot remover.
Nigel: Well, they have to catch us before they can stuff us and I'm fast.
D,A: Well, koalas like you spend most of their time in trees, lounging around and eat eucalyptus leafs so yeah, speed's not technically one of your strong points.
Samson: Well, then, fine. You guys can come. But the rest of you aren't leaving. Got it?
[There's silence as the others looks worried]
Nigel: OK, you're the boss. You got the big hair.
Bridget: You bet. Absolutely.
[The others head off]
Benny: (chuckles) Yeah, that's good, Sammy. Hey, way to weed out the weak links. Alright, now that they're out of the picture, what's the plan?
Bob: First of all, Petrie, sound the character alert! [Petrie does so with his beak] Veggie and Character gang, to your stations!
[The screen shows the characters reporting to for duty]
Bob: Veggie and Character gang, There's no time to waste! We've got to rescue Ryan and Ducky!
Larry: But what are we gonna use to get to the statue of liberty?
[Later, a trash truck dumps garbage from a large big into it's cargo hold then drives off. Samson and the characters looks back at the zoo as Benny throws out bits of trash beside him]
Benny: Don't worry about a thing, big guy. I got it all taken care of. I know this city... the back of my paw. We ditch this truck at Fifth Avenue, couple lefts, couple rights, bada-boom, past Broadway and... (as the vehicles whistle, honk, etc and Bridget stands up in the truck, knocking him off) Waahhh! You're there!
[He falls down unconscious. Bridget's mouth flaps in the wind. Samson hears and turns to see her and the Irelanders behind him and the vehicles driving alongside and flying above the truck]
Samson: (groans in disgust) What are you doing here?
Bridget: (mumbling)
Samson: What?
Bridget: (as her lips flap) We're going to help you find Ryan!
Larry (The Wild): She said, "We're gonna help you find Ryan."
Thomas: Thanks for the translation, Larry.
Bridget: Sorry, Samson but we couldn't bare the thought of Ducky and Ryan out there alone. So we're coming with you whether you like it or not.
Samson: Oh, great.
Violet Parr: Hold on. Where's Nigel?
Nigel: Hey, guys. I've got popcorn up my bum. (Samson pulls him up, revealing he has a popcorn bowl around his waist like a skirt) Do I look trashy in this? (yelps as Samson pulls it off and puts him down) OK, here's my... Here's my overall plan. Where are we going?
Samson: We only have until sunrise before Ryan and Ducky are taken away forever! And now I have to worry about you lot? (sighs in annoyance) All right, fine. When do we get off of this thing, Benny?
Bridget: Benny's here?
Samson: Yeah, he's right there.
[Larry looks but Benny isn't there]
Goofy: Uh, no he's not.
Samson: Benny?! (sees a coin and tweezers fall off the truck) Benny! (sighs) Great. Now what am I gonna do?
Minnie: Looks like it's too late to go back and find him.
Emmy: Yeah, Samson, you're gonna be stuck with us for longer than you thought.
Cassie: Besides, if we stop and go back to look for Benny, it'II be morning by the time we found him.
Bridget: Guys! Guys! I think we should duck!
Bob: Huh?
Samson: What is she saying?!
Larry (The Wild): She said, "Duck down!"
Thomas: (gasps) Tree ahead!
Samson: Duck!
[They duck as they pass under a tree, into a tunnel]
Bridget: Hey! I am not in the mood for a game of footsie or hoofsie or pawsie or...
Nigel: That wasn't my paw. It was this! (lights a Statue of Liberty torch toy) I didn't steal it. I borrowed it. It'll light the way to Ryan and Dizzy.
[The heroes look at each other. The truck drives out of the tunnel and everyone pokes their heads out again to see the wondrous buildings]
Veggie and Character gang: Whoa.
[Bridget sees a giraffe on a Toys R Us sign but ducks to avoid a lamppost. Larry looks around in awe. Samson sees a picture of him and Ryan advertising the zoo and sharing a loving smile. He looks ahead and hangs his head. Spike looks at a picture of Ducky. He hangs his head in sadness a tear rolls down his face. Lilo puts a comforting hand on his shoulder. Ryan and Ducky wear the same sad expressions as they stare out of the bars of the container. The scene changes back to the truck as it pulls into an alleyway. The jerk of it stopping sends the heroes tumbling into the back. The walls start to move to crush the trash]
Larry (The Wild): Whoa, the walls are moving.
Bridget: Oh, right, right, the wa... the walls are moving!
Tigger: Gasp!, these kind of trash trucks come with trash compactors!
Samson: Larry, hold your breath!
Larry (The Wild): (inhales)
[Samson wedges Larry between the two walls trying to stop them]
Bridget: Larry, stay straight!
Larry (The Wild): (straining then exhales as he falls unconscious)
Samson: Everybody out!
Keesha: You don't need to tell us twice!
[Samson throws Larry out of the truck. Buttercup lifts Spike out]
Lofty: There you go, Spike.
Nigel: All right, don't panic. What we've got to do...
[Samson grabs Nigel and throws him out of the truck. He bounces off a canopy and flies through the air before crashing into a pile of paint cans.Blossom finishes fishing the others out of the truck but they see Bridget and Littlefoot still stuck in the truck]
Bridget: This is definitely not good. Samson!
Samson: Give me your hoof!
Littlefoot and Bridget: Help!
Wanda: What are we gonna do?
Larry: If only one of us could get in front of the truck and scare the driver off.
Samson: (gets an idea) Larry!
Larry (The Wild): (gags)
[Samson throws Larry onto the truck's hood and as he looks up, the driver spots him and runs away in fear]
Driver: Wah! The garbage! It lives! Aaah! Help me!
[The trash compactor shuts down and the walls stop moving]
Littlefoot: Phew. That was a close call.
Bridget: Guys? OK, anybody? I'm freakin' out.
[Samson opens the side of the truck]
Samson: What's the hold up?
Bob: (laughs) Come on, Littlefoot. Out you get.
Cera: (spits out garbage and exhales) Finally. Oh. Ah! Oh. This is terrific. (strains as he pop out of the truck and landed on the ground)
Thomas: Sorry, Cera. Guess we didn't see ya among all that trash.
Nigel: Hello? (bumps into a revolving door and falls on his back)
Veggie and Character gang: Ooh.
Samson: We're over here, Nigel.
Nigel: Right, I'll be there in a minute.
Blossom: If he ever gets that can of his head.
Samson: Think. What did Benny say? Couple of lefts, couple of rights. (sighs) Bridget, can you see the green lady?
D,A: Statue of Liberty.
Bridget: I'm looking, I'm looking, but I can't see over anything for a change.
Bubbles: I could fly over the city and let you know if I see her.
Blossom: But we need to stay close, Bubbles. We can only succeed if we work together.
Nigel: How far are you away? You in a different continent? (bumps into Samson) Ow! Is that you, Larry?
Larry (The Wild): Up here, Nige.
Nigel: (bumps into Samson again) You're a very furry snake.
Emmy: (stifles giggles)
Samson: Guys, sssh! We don't want to draw attention to ourselves.
[He shakes Nigel out of the can. Suddenly, they hear barking and turn to see dogs racing toward them]
Bridget: Oh, dogs. This should be fun for you, Samson.
Wanda: And by the looks of them, these ones look like strays.
Piglet: And they don't look very f-f-riendly.
Samson: Nigel! Grab Bridget!
Bridget: What?
[Nigel grabs Bridget's leg]
Samson: Run!
[They run off around the corner]
Nigel: I'm gonna throw up! I'm gonna throw up! I'm gonna throw up!
Bridget: Not to nit-pick, but shouldn't you be tearing them to shreds?!