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Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki
File:Thomas' Adventures of Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island Poster.jpg

Thomas' Adventures of Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island is an upcoming TtTE/Scooby-Doo crossover made by 76859Thomas. It will appeared on Oydsee in the near future.


Daphne is on a talk show to promote her mystery-travel series, Coast to Coast with Daphne Blake, during which she tells the hostess, Chris, about a past Mystery Inc. case when she was younger. At a faraway castle, Shaggy and Scooby are shown to be chased by a large moat monster. The gang had all been previously searching the castle for clues. After Scooby comes crashing down on the monster, the monster is unmasked as Mr. Beeman, a real estate agent, who had been printing counterfeit money. Daphne explains how it was one of her most frightening mysteries. She also discusses her new show in which she plans to find real monsters and how she had the gang have all gone their separate ways except for Fred, who works as her cameraman.

Scooby and Shaggy have taken up work as contraband security guards at a local airport. Unfortunately, they are exposed to a lot of tantalizing foreign food and are unable to resist eating all the contraband. As a result, they are fired from their job.

Fred secretly contacts Velma, who is now a book shop owner, about going on a big trip for Daphne's birthday. Fred also secretly contacts Shaggy and Scooby. He picks them all up on the way to Daphne's home. Daphne is surprised to find the whole gang all with Fred. He explains how they can all search for ghosts together just like old times. While hesitant at first Daphne agrees especially since they could find something.

The gang decides to go to New Orleans for the first segment of the television program. They meet up with many fake ghosts such as a floating ghost, which was just a video projection, a Man-Bat Monster, who was just an old man stealing a necklace, a ghostly casino riverboat captain, who was really an old lady, and lastly a Crawdad monster in a factory, who was really the owner of the factory Bubba Joe. Daphne is very disappointed to not find a real ghost. As Scooby and Shaggy look for food from local shops, Daphne, Fred, and Velma meet a young chef named Lena. Lena had overheard Daphne's disappointment and says that a real ghost named Morgan Moonscar haunts the island she works at. Velma looks up the island on her computer and agrees that there had been many strange disappearances on Lena's island. They agree to follow Lena back to her island.

The gang all express their excitement about visiting the island on the car trip down to the ferry. Real ghosts, homemade Cajun food, and the beautiful scenery. The gang meets Jacques, the ferry driver for Moonscar Island, and they board the ferry. Fred begins to videotape the bayou and Jacques discuss how pirates used to use the bayou to hide from the law, including Morgan Moonscar. Soon, Scooby and Shaggy accidentally fall off the ferry trying to catch a catfish named Big Mona. Alligators chase them, but they are rescued by an angry fisherman named Snakebite Scruggs and hunting pig Mojo. Shaggy and Scooby board the ferry again. They reach Moonscar Island and drive off the ferry. Jacques leaves back toward New Orleans. As the gang approaches Simone's house, who is the owner of the plantation Lena works at, they notice all the cats around the porch area. Scooby chases the cats and causes a big commotion, angering Beau the gardener and Simone the house owner. Daphne introduces herself to Simone and they discuss the plantation and its ghosts. Simone agrees that it is haunted by “restless spirits.” She agrees to Daphne recording around the plantation. They all enter the mansion except the cats and the gardener.

Scooby and Shaggy give the rest of the gang a scare after screaming loudly. They had simply been surprised by how hot the plantation's peppers were. After Simone, Lena and the rest of the gang leave, Scooby and Shaggy scream again but this time it is because of ghostwriting on the wall that appeared suddenly. Daphne excitedly tapes the wall and another word appears while taping, carved into the wall suddenly. Viewing the tape later in slow-motion, the gang discovers that the writing was done by the ghost of Morgan Moonscar. Scooby and Shaggy get hungry and make a huge picnic basket of food. Velma returns to the wall to see what is under the wall paint. She uses a spatula to peel off all the paint behind the ghostly words written by the ghost. She discovers a piece of Morgan Moonscar's ship which was used in the construction of the mansion. Simone and Lena aren't surprised.

Scooby and Shaggy get into mischief with Simone's cats and Mojo the hunting pig. They fall into a hole, which they later discover is a grave. As they try to exit the grave, they pull off a piece of the wall and a skeleton hand falls from a hole in the side of the wall. Above them, a sinister-looking green fog-like energy manifests and envelopes the entire skeleton. It begins to gain skin, clothing and hair, and morphs into the zombie of Morgan Moonscar himself, and it begins to chase Scooby and Shaggy who escape the grave and run for their lives. They run into Beau the gardener but can't find the zombie afterward. The gang goes back to investigate the grave but it is found to be empty. It starts to get dark and Simone offers for the gang to stay at her home for the night. They agree.

Lena quickly but kindly shows the gang around to their individual rooms. Shaggy, who is excited about dinner, gets dressed and trims his beard. Scooby plays with an owl just outside the window. As Shaggy stares into the mirror, a Civil War ghost comes out of the mirror and tries to warn Shaggy telling him to “get away”, just as the ghost of Morgan Moonscar had tried to warn the gang by his message in the kitchen. Velma investigates the mirror and agrees that it is from the Civil War era. Everyone leaves for dinner. At dinner, Scooby causes trouble with the cats again. He and Shaggy have to eat a crawfish boil outside in the Mystery Machine. They enjoy the Cajun meal until the cats follow them to the mystery machine and all stare at them through the windows. Shaggy drives the Mystery Machine away in order to shake off the cats. Meanwhile, Fred, Daphne, and Velma discuss over Simone's dinner table why someone in a pirate mask would want to scare everyone off the island. Treasure? Oil under the island?

Back in the Mystery Machine, Scooby and Shaggy dare each other to eat one of the hot peppers. Soon, they both go running to a nearby lake for a large drink of water. As they drink, the mysterious green fog reappears and feeds its spirit at the bottom of the lake. Zombies start to rise up from the floor of the lake. Soon, zombies are rising from every location around. Shaggy and Scooby again bump into Beau who was out in the forest late at night and was holding a lantern. When they noticed Beau's eye pupils were missing they assumed he was a zombie too and they again fled in fright as Beau sees them fleeing away. Lena grabs lanterns for the gang to use as they head out to look for Shaggy and Scooby. They meet up with Beau and suspect that he might have to do with the Zombies when he was out looking for Shaggy and Scooby whom he saw running away screaming "zombies" but he didn't see any chasing after. Daphne suggests that they all split up and look for Scooby and Shaggy.

After some searching, Velma takes Beau due to thinking that he might be a suspect while, Daphne and Fred find the abandoned Mystery Machine. As they investigate around, A zombie's hand comes out the bushes touching Daphne's shoulder. Daphne karate-throws the zombie onto the ground and it stops moving She notices another hand coming out the bushes and she reaches to karate throw another zombie instead she karate throws Shaggy out of the bush and Scooby appears out of the bush right after. Daphne tapes as Fred tries to remove the zombie mask. (Since Shaggy was too afraid to keep the camera still filming Fred) He accidentally pulls the zombie's real head off. They realize the zombie could be real. The malevolent green fog again hits the lake and stirs up more zombies rising from the ground. As Fred records, the zombies get closer, starting to surround Fred and Daphne. They run away but lose the camera in quicksand. Scooby and Shaggy have already been running and they scream in fright as they look for any safe place away from all the zombies. The zombies look like they are from different eras and backgrounds. Some have modern cameras around their necks and tourist clothes on while others are dressed as pirates, Confederate soldiers and even gangsters in elegant suits.

Shaggy and Scooby fall into a cave and find voodoo dolls of Velma, Daphne, and Fred. As they begin to play with the dolls, the actions the dolls do, are connected to the real-life actions of the gang. Faraway, the rest of the gang begins to float and kick each other as their bodies are controlled by the voodoo dolls. Bats scare Scooby and Shaggy out of the cave and they are again chased by zombies.

Velma, Beau, Fred and Daphne go back to the mansion to look around. The power is out. Also, the staircase leading upstairs has been lifted up, with a tunnel going down beneath. Fred finds Lena there who says that she and Simone were attacked by the zombies. The zombies had supposedly grabbed Simone and dragged her away down the tunnel. They all head down the tunnel, Velma leading the way by following footprints on the ground. They all enter a voodoo ritual room which was where the cave led to where Scooby and Shaggy were at earlier playing with the voodoo dolls. Velma comments how Simone walked down the tunnel and hadn't been dragged by a zombie. By then it was too late, though. Simone uses voodoo dolls to capture Fred, Daphne, Beau and Velma. As she ties up the dolls, the gang can't move in real life. Simone explains how to preserve her immortality, she has to drain the life force of victims she lures to the island. She and Lena turn into terrifying werecats. Meanwhile, Scooby and Shaggy (who didn't have waxdolls of themselves made) run to the dock and meet up with Jacques whom they thought they could ask for help, unfortunately he quickly turns into a werecat as well and begins to chase them.

Velma accuses Simone of stealing Morgan Moonscar's treasure. Simone yells in anger at the name of Moonscar and starts to detail the origin of the horrible curse: she explains how she and Lena were originally part of a group of peaceful settlers who made this island their home until Morgan Moonscar and his pirate crew drove all the islanders into the bayou to their death by the alligators and took over the island. Lena and Simone, the only survivors, prayed to their cat god in order to destroy the pirates and receive immortality. The cat god granted their wish and turned them into werecats. They killed all the pirates and later plantation workers who had taken over the island for a pepper garden. However, their wish came at a big price: upon becoming werecats, Simone and Lena were actually cursed into preserving their "immortality" at the expense of absorbing other people's souls every harvest moon, or else they will die. The gang realizes Lena lured them to the island and the zombies were the werecats' victims who were trying to warn them so they didn't suffer the same fate. Jacques was also given immortality as a werecat since they needed a ferry driver.

As Simone is discussing her past, Scooby and Shaggy were attacked by Jacques as well but just as Jacques was about to take Scooby and Shaggy's lives, the zombies appear and pile on top of Jacques, giving Shaggy and Scooby some time to escape, in which they fell back into the cave from earlier, but this time further breaking into the voodoo room just in time before the gang was about to be drained of their life force. An enraged Simone again has had enough of seeing Scooby because he was a dog; she and Lena transform into stronger werecats and furiously chase Scooby and Shaggy around the room. Velma reaches her voodoo doll with her feet and begins to untie it. When Lena and Simone catch Scooby and Shaggy, the Zombies enter the room as well and start chasing the werecats to stop them from draining their victims. Daphne realizes the zombies are the "good guys" and warns Shaggy of Simone and Lena. The zombies help Shaggy and Scooby as the two attempt to flee away from the cave, where Jacques appears, and as they try to flee away from him because of being scared out of their wits, Lena and Simone grabbed them and tried to drain Shaggy and Scooby's life force. Daphne and Velma, now free, make voodoo dolls of Simone and Lena and use them to keep away from Shaggy and Scooby. They attack them temporarily, and Beau waves a torch at them to keep them away. Shaggy and Scooby's life force was restored to normal as Beau and Fred check on the two.

Suddenly, the three werecats and the zombies start to shake and shrivel up into bones, and then dust; midnight had passed, and the werecats had taken too long to drain life force. The eerie green light snakes throughout the room. The spirits of the zombies are avenged and can finally rest in peace. As the gang witness the spirits ascend up to the sky, the Civil War ghost again manifests briefly thanking the gang for helping avenge them, much to Scooby's discomfort upon witnessing him manifesting.

The gang realizes that none of what just happened was documented on film and even the police aren't going to believe them. Beau however says that may not be true, he explains that he's really a detective, and had been investigating the disappearances on the island. After admiring the beautiful sunrise, the gang drives onto the ferry and leave back for home. However, all of Simone's cats show up on the ferry as well (and oddly their eyes emit an eerie glow), much to Scooby's discomfort.


  • TBA guest stars in this film.


(coming soon)