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Pooh's Adventures Wiki

Here is the transcript for Twisted Tomorrowland.

Twisted Tomorrowland[]

  • (20th Century Fox
  • (Universal Studios)
  • (Illumination)
  • (Tabbykitth Studios)

(The film begins with Joey, Nine, Phoebe, Leo, M.E.R.C, Luminix, Joe, Big, Trip, Caliber, Matilda, Warlock Infinite, and The Tabbyverse Knights watching Miles and Loretta play Quantum Kick with Morrigan and Marina.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: (panting) This is why I never played sports!
  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: (Pulls out inhaler, shakes it, and then uses it and puts it away) Why was I picked? I can’t run without losing my breath.

(Despite being out of breath, Marina kicks the ball toward the goal. Everyone on Team Tabbyverse, especially Blaze Caliber, cheers for her.)

  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: Yay, we did it. (Proceeds to go face first on the ground)
  • Mariina "Dusk" Cullen: (helps her up) Hey, don't go collapsing on me now!
  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: I’m just so tired.
  • Miles Callisto: Rematch?
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Ehh, I think Kitty's going to need to sit this one out. I'll happily take you two on again, though!
  • Miles Callisto: Alright.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: (to Morrigan) Do you need to be moved off the field?
  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: Yes.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Got it!

(Marina transforms into Kamen Rider Demons and sprays her waist with webbing. She then grabs onto the webs and begins to drag Morrigan over to the benches.)

(Nine then gets an unexpected call from another universe on his questcom. He gets off the bleachers and walks away to answer it.)

  • Tails Nine: Hello?
  • ???: (through the questcom) Thank the stars someone finally responded!
  • Tails Nine: What’s going on?
  • ???: We need help. Like, a lot of help! I'm sorry I can't stay on for long. We don't want to be caught.
  • Tails Nine: Alright. Tell me your name.
  • ???: Gadfly. Please come soon! We need you!

(The questcom shuts off as the person on the other end hangs up.)

  • Tails Nine: Don’t worry, we will be there soon.
  • Dragon Hunter Lancelot: Game over guys! We have a job to do!
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: (stops dragging Morrigan) Oh, come on! Let me guess, Michinaga's up to no good again?
  • Tails Nine: No. We have to head to another universe.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: ...Because Michinaga's trying to steal something from it?
  • Dragon Hunter Lancelot: No. A new threat. C’mon guys. To the Stellosphere!

(All the adults and kids head to the Stellosphere. As they walk there, Nine looks slightly nervous.)

  • Dragon Hunter Lancelot: It’s okay, Nine. You will be okay.

(The group go into the Stellosphere as they head to the unknown universe.)

(The group arrives in the unknown universe. It is very quiet.)

  • Blaze Caliber: Huh, it's weird to not hear anything. I expect something different than this.
  • Tails Nine: Something terrible must have happened here. The distress call came from there. (points to an unknown planet)
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: ...Maybe we just landed in the wrong spot? Can we try going to that planet?
  • Tails Nine: Leo, take us to that planet?
  • Leo Callisto: We have a problem.
  • Dragon Hunter Lancelot: Did the engines shut down?
  • Miles Callisto: No, but we got company!

(A massive spaceship float above them. A bunch of masked warriors are seen flying down from it.)

  • Sir Lamorak: What do they want from us?
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: I think they're asking for a fight! Who's ready to take them on?!
  • X Wizard: I’m in!
  • Everyone else minus Morrigan: So are we!
  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: Nope. (jumps into a crate and hides in it with BeatCat)
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Come on, Kitty! Join us!
  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: No!

(The warriors enter the Stellosphere and surround the group. While most of the heroes get into fighting stances, Caliber's breath hitches as his hand trembles.)

  • Blaze Caliber: (under his breath) No...
  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: Not again. Guys, can we at least let the one with trauma not get anymore trauma?

(Marina grabs Caliber's hand.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: It's okay, Mr. Caliber....

(The warriors begin attacking.)

  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: I’m outta here!

(Morrigan "Kitty" Meows runs with the box on her as an unnamed warrior begins chasing her.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Oh, no you don't!

(Marina lets got of Caliber's hand and chases after the warrior. When she gets close enough to them, she shoots webbing at them.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Over here!
  • Unnamed Warrior: Why am I forced to do this? Why did she have to turn against us?
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Huh?...
  • Unnamed Warrior: You understand betrayal, do you?
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Y-Yeah... The scariest moment of my life was being betrayed and almost killed by someone pretending to be someone I trusted at the time...
  • Unnamed Warrior: Come with me to somewhere else where nobody else is around. I want to tell you something.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: That sounds super sketchy, sir or madame! I'm not doing it unless you leave my friend alone!
  • Unnamed Warrior: I understand. I will leave your friend alone. Just know that she won’t be pleased to hear that I came with no prisoners.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: 0kay, sir or madame. (To Morrigan; whispering) Get away while you still can. If this is the last time we see each other, just know I'm glad you were my first ever friend...

(Marina follows the warrior. They are now alone.)

  • Unnamed Warrior: She tried to make me kill my own brother who leads a resistance.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Oh... I'm sorry about that, sir or madame...

(She goes up to the warrior and hugs them.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: I know this won't do anything to make it better, but it's the best I can do.
  • Unnamed Warrior: Thanks. You know, you and your friends should prepare for what she plans to do to your universe.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: What’s going to happen?... Who even is this woman you're talking about?

(The warrior takes off his mask and is revealed to be an AU version of Leo Callisto.)

  • AU Leo Callisto: She's going to launch an invasion on the Tabbyverse that she had been planning for months.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Oh, crap! Can you help us with stopping the evil lady, sir? Pleaseeee?

(She gives AU Leo her best version of puppy-dog eyes.)

  • AU Leo Callisto: I'm sorry but I can't. If I don't follow her orders, she will freeze tag me.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Wait! What if I pretend to capture you, so that you have an excuse to spend time with us? I already have an excuse for it: you attempted to kill my friend, so I stopped you from doing it and can use you to extort information about this world!
  • AU Leo Callisto: I'm afraid that's not going to be possible. (Puts on his mask) I'm sorry.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: I'm sorry that you're stuck in this situation too, Mr. Leo Callisto.... I really want to help you. You seem really nice.
  • AU Leo Callisto: I know. (Pulls out a tranquilizer with red liquid in it) I don't want to hurt anyone.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: It's okay, Mr. Leo. If it can possibly give everyone else more time to think of a plan, do whatever you need to me.

(She closes her eyes and waits for him to do something. He tranquilizes her and carries her out of the Stellosphere.)

  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: Marina! No!

(Caliber hears this and angrily pulls out one of his pistols. Despite his hand shaking a lot, he tries to shoot at AU Leo.)

  • AU Leo Callisto: Let's move out!

(The masked warriors and AU Leo disappear.)

  • Matilda Matchitechew: (going to Caliber) What happened?!
  • Blaze Caliber: Dusk... They took her...
  • Tails Nine: We have to keep going. We have arrived at the the location of the signal.
  • Blaze Caliber: What about her?! We're just going to let them do whatever they want to her?!
  • Dragon Hunter Lancelot: We will get her back, just not right now.
  • Blaze Caliber: (directed at Dragon Hunter; under his breath) Of course you wouldn't have any agency with saving people...

(In the unknown spaceship, Marina was taken into a room. AU Leo’s boss was waiting for him. While this was happening, Marina begins to wake up from being tranquilized.)

  • Unnamed Person: I’ll be taking this. (Reaches for the Demons Driver)
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Huh?... (she drools a bit on herself from being unable to control her body)
  • Unnamed Person: (Takes the Demons Driver) So you are from the Tabbyverse, aren’t you?

(She tries to mouth some words to them, but they come out as incoherent sounds due to still being under the effects of it.)

  • Unnamed Person: Still not going to talk?
  • AU Leo Callisto: Give the girl a moment to wake up. It's clear the tranquilizer wasn't worn off yet.
  • Unnamed Person: She has five seconds to speak before I get the freeze tags.
  • Marina 'Dusk" Cullen: Where?
  • Unnamed Person: (Takes out one from her belt) Here.

(The tranquilizer fully wears off as Marina starts looking around the room.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Where am I?
  • Unnamed Person: In my lair.

(Marina feels around her waist for her Demons driver.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Wait, where is it?! Why can't I feel it on me?!
  • Unnamed Person: Your device is now locked in a safe.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: You...took it off me. It was around my waist....

(Her entire body begins shaken as her eyes water.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: (fearfully) No! No! Please don't do anything to me!

(Marina tries to back away from them as far as she can before she hits bumps into the wall.)

  • AU Leo Callisto: Woah there, kid! Nothing that bad is going to happen. Calm down!
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: I don't trust you! Get away from me! (she tries make herself as small as possible)
  • Unnamed Person: I'll handle this. (Pulls out a knife)
  • AU Leo Callisto: That poor thing....

(Marina starts whimpering like a kicked puppy.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: I want to leave....
  • Unnamed Person: You aren't leaving anytime soon.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Please.... Just please don't do anything inappropriate to me....
  • Unnamed Person: I'm not that crazy like that pyscho from a universe I tried to conquer.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: L-Lord S-S-Scout?.... A-Are you talking about him?...
  • Unnamed Person: Yes. Is that his name? I thought it was Horner.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: I-I don't want to think it anymore... (she wipes her eyes)
  • AU Leo Callisto: Let's get you somewhere safe.

(Marina is seen walking with AU Leo who had taken off his mask.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: I-I'm sorry for how I acted earlier, sir.... I...I was just reminded of something bad that happened the last time my driver was taken off....
  • AU Leo Callisto: I understand what you likely went through. You are safe now.

(Unknown to them, Caliber had snuck on board dressed up as a guard. He walks alongside them.)

  • Blaze Caliber: This is our new prisoner, correct? A hero from the Tabbyverse?
  • AU Leco Callisto: Can you take her to the cells? I have to get ready for the next invasion.
  • Blaze Caliber: Of course. Whatever you wish. Did that little brat give you issues to capture?
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Hey, I heard that!
  • AU Leo Callisto: No. Wait. Let's talk somewhere private.
  • Blaze Caliber: Now or after taking her to her cell?
  • AU Leo Callisto: Now.
  • Blaze Caliber: (nods) Of course.

(They head into an area with no one else around. AU Leo takes off Caliber’s mask. Caliber glares at him with his only eye.)

  • AU Leo Callisto: Take her back to your ship. I do not want her being more broken than she already is.
  • Blaze Caliber: (glaring at AU Leo) What has been done to her? I won't hesitate to shoot you unless you tell me everything.
  • AU Leo Callisto: My boss took off her driver and threatened her with a knife. Did something like this happen before?
  • Blaze Caliber: (growling and clenching his fist) Something much worse!... I was ...fearing the same thing would be happening here.
  • AU Leo Callisto: Please just take her back. Here is her driver. (hands him the Demons Driver)
  • Blaze Caliber: Thank you. (he takes it) Take care of yourself. You seem like a genuinely good man.
  • AU Leo Callisto: I am a good man. I'm just under the wrong person.
  • Blaze Caliber: I can relate... Good luck.

(Caliber turns the corner to see Marina standing around as she wipes her eyes from the tears going down her face.)

  • Tails Nine: (through a communicator) Did you get her back?
  • Blaze Caliber: Not yet. I'm very close to her, but we haven't tried to escape yet.

(AU Leo leaves.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Mr. Leo and that man have been talking for some time. I wonder what they're doing.
  • Tails Nine: (through a communicator) Actually, the man was Caliber.

(Marina yelps due to being startled by Nine's voice. Caliber quickly runs to her.)

  • Blaze Caliber: Hey, hey. Are you okay?...
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Dad! I mean Mr. Caliber! I—

(Caliber puts his hand over her mouth.)

  • Blaze Caliber: Shhh, don't let anyone hear us. If we're going to make it out, we can't be yelling.

(Several guards spot them. As they go near them, Caliber pulls his mask back up and starts walking Marina over to the cells.)

  • Blaze Caliber: (to the guards) Don't worry about this escaped prisoner. I have this under control. Despite being so young, she sure is a fiesty one!

(The guards nod and leave him alone.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Woah! I didn't know you would be so good at pretending to be a guard.
  • Blaze Caliber: (laughs awkwardly) Yeah... Let's just say I have some experience with this routine. When your line is constantly on the line, you learn many tricks to keep yourself going.

(Meanwhile, on the stellosphere.)

  • Matilda Matchitechew: Any updates from them?
  • Tails Nine: They are on their way.
  • Matilda Matchitehew: Thank goodness!
  • Dragon Hunter Lancelot: I hope she didn't tell them anything.
  • Matilda Matchitehew: She's stubborn and strong-willed, I don't think she would easily crack under pressure.
  • Tails Nine: Yeah... About that.
  • Matilda Matchitehew: What?
  • Tails Nine: She broke after the villain took her driver.
  • Matilda Matchitehew: (sighs) I think I know exactly why she did.
  • Tails Nine: We got two traumatized people here.
  • Joey Tempest: You forgot I existed, Nine!
  • Matilda Matchitehew: I can't say I had an easy life either. Especially right before I joined Team Tabbyverse....
  • Tails Nine: On a scale 1-10, how bad is your trauma?
  • Joey Tempest: 9.
  • Matilda Matchitehew: I don't like thinking about the past that much. I care more about the present and future. Even then, I sometimes still have nightmares about what I've been through.
  • Tails Nine: Oh.
  • Matilda Matchitehew: Let's just say my brother and I had pretty much everything we ever had destroyed....
  • Tails Nine: Well, your brother is in prison, I hope.
  • Matilda Matchitehew: I'm conflicted about how I feel about him.... While he always protected me, he never let me be my own person. Everything Maverick wanted was what I had to be. He was horrible in many ways, but I think I still love him. What I do know is that he's far safer in whatever prison he was taken to than outside of it....
  • Excalibur Sonic: Yeah...about that. He escaped prison, and we don't know where he went.
  • Matilda Matchitehew: (laughs) That sounds like my brother. I just hope he's safe from that...that monster.
  • Excalibur Sonic: We think he's connected to another villain known as The Boss who is hiding.
  • Matilda Matchitehew: I see.... What is The Boss hiding from?
  • Excalibur Sonic: Voltage.
  • Matilda Matchitehew: I was fearing that answer. (she frowns) My brother and I know better than probably anyone what it's like to be hunted by that thing.

(Nine looks away for a moment, feeling guilty.)

  • Dragon Hunter Lancelot: I know the feeling of being hunted.
  • Matilda Matchitehew: Has anyone heard from Caliber yet?

(Caliber comes into the ship with Marina in his arms.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Hey, guys! I'm back!
  • Tails Nine: Thank goodness.

(As Caliber lets Marina down, Morrigan hugs her.)

  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: I'm so happy that you are safe!
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Bad guys really suck at keeping me prisoner! I'm okay! Well, at least physically.
  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: Oh.
  • Tails Nine: We have arrived!

(The ship lands near an unknown base that is not near the villains. They enter the base where they meet the resistance.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: This place is kind of cool.
  • Tails Nine: So, this is the resistance? It's smaller than I thought.
  • Blaze Caliber: At least there is a resistance at all....
  • AU Gadfly: Welcome to our home... for now at least.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Hi!
  • Tails Nine: We got the call and are ready to help!
  • Blaze Caliber: If I may ask, how well are you all holding off these threats?
  • AU Luminix: Terrible. We haven’t gotten close to taking back a planet.
  • Blaze Caliber: I see.... I think I know exactly what you're going through.
  • AU Joe Callisto: What do you mean?
  • Blaze Caliber: I...I... (he freezes up for a moment) I spent almost five years fighting for my life under a tyrant.
  • AU Dashiell Scamp: We have been under one for the same amount of time as you.
  • Blaze Caliber: I'm surprised that you've held on for so long. By year three, all my friends had died....

(Seeing him beginning to get upset, Marina stands next to Caliber and leans up against him.)

  • AU Gadfly: We lost some of our friends as well. Frida, Pollock, Vincent, Watson and Crick, Silas, Aggro, Gong Gong, and Po Po.
  • Blaze Caliber: I'm sorry about that. I wish I only lost my friends....
  • AU Commander S'Leet: It’s okay.
  • Blaze Caliber: (points to his eyepatch) It's where I got this from....
  • AU Luminix: You are lucky. She doesn’t allow any rebels to live! The ones that we mentioned died! Do you know how they died?
  • Blaze Caliber: I can think of many scenarios. Burning them alive? Shooting them? Locking them in cells and leaving them to starve?! Purposely contaminating water sources with diseases to infect you all?! (his breath hitches) There's so many options!

(Caliber's hand starts trembling.)

  • Blaze Caliber: Maybe even make you watch as it happens! With nothing you can do to stop it!
  • AU Gadfly: She uses freeze tags to freeze people in place. She will then pick a day and publicly execute them by shattering them while they are still frozen.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: I think the people who captured me tried to do that to me! When I was still out of it from being tranquilized, I'm pretty sure she said something about freeze tagging me if I didn't tell her what she wanted. I could be wrong, though. I don't really remember.
  • AU Gadfly: Once she has found someone to capture, she will do whatever it takes to get them back as her prisoner.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: What about Mr. Leo Callisto? (to him) Not you, by the way. Another one. (back to the resistance members) He let Mr. Caliber get me out of there.
  • AU Joe Callisto: He is a double agent. He secretly works with us.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: That makes a lot of sense! He felt really bad about when I started freaking out after someone took my driver off of me....

(Caliber wraps his arm around her.)

  • Blaze Caliber: It's okay, kid. I'll make sure it will never happen again....

(Suddenly, a bunch of masked warriors appeared and this time, their boss was with them.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Oh, freaking great! Not you guys again! Mr. Caliber, can you please give me back my driver?
  • Unnamed Woman: Even if you got it back, it wouldn’t do much against me.
  • Joey Tempest: X Wizard, do your thing! (Throws X Wizard’s Chemy card as he comes out of it)
  • X Wizard: Good evening.

(The soldiers look at X Wizard and point their weapons at him.)

  • Matilda Matchitehew: What’s he going to do?
  • Joey Tempest: Work his magic and send them far away.
  • X Wizard: Yeah… about that. I don’t think I can send them far away. In order to do that, I must have had to face them beforehand.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Mr. Warlock, can you teleport them out of here?
  • Warlock Infinite: Something is messing up my powers.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: I thought that only happens when you're around the Devourer of Gods.
  • Warlock Infinite: It’s supposed to not act up here! What's going on?!
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Looks like we're going to have to do this the old-fashioned way! Who's ready to fight?!
  • Joey Tempest: Gochanko! AppareSkebow! (Transforms into Gotchard)

(Caliber gives Marina her Demons driver back.)

  • Joey Tempest: Let’s do this.

(Caliber pulls one of his pistols from its holdster.)

  • Tails Nine: Are you ready, everyone?
  • Everyone (except for Morrigan and Caliber): Yes!
  • Blaze Caliber: It doesn't look like I have a choice in the matter....
  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: I'm out.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Not again! If you run off, I'm coming after you.
  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: At least you know how to fight!
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Ehhhh, I don't know about that. I usually end distracting the bad guys instead of actually fighting them.
  • Unnamed Person: Attack!

(The army charges at the heroes.)

  • Joey Tempest: Take this!

(He fires some lightning bolts at the guards. While it doesn't directly hit any of them, it creates a small explosion that knocks away some. At the same time, Marina sprays the legs of one guard with webbing.)

  • Tails Nine: How many of them are there?
  • Sir Lancelot: This is only 1% of the army.

(Marina tries to throw the guard trapped in the webbing, but it breaks from their weight.)

  • Unnamed Person: No matter how hard you try, you will not prevent the invasion from happening.

(Caliber shoots a minion in the arm.)

  • Guard #1: I remember you!
  • Blaze Caliber: (facing the guard) What?....
  • Guard #1: Don't act stupid, Blaze! You only lost your eye, not your brain! (they laugh)

(More guards who are familiar with Caliber surround him.)

  • Blaze Caliber: (hand trembling) No.... No! No! No! No! Not again!

(His remaining eye tears up.)

  • Blaze Caliber: Get away from me! GET AWAY FROM ME!
  • Excalibur Sonic: Oh great, someone else is having a crisis. Who’s next? Joey?
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: It's Mr. Caliber! Someone help him!
  • Sir Lancelot: Why not you do it?
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: It looks like there's a lot of them! I'm weak! Do you really expect me to be able to take them on all by myself?!
  • Matilda Matchitehew: Don't worry, sweetie, I'll help you!
  • Sir Gawain: Good luck.

(Marina starts picking up some rocks.)

  • Matilda Matchitehew: What are you doing?
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: I'm going try to do what I do best, annoying bad guys! (to the guards) Hey, over here!

(She throws some rocks at their backs to try and get their attention.)

  • Guard #1: Is that a kid?
  • Guard #2: Let’s get her!
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: I bet you wouldn't be able to catch me if you tried (she flips them off)

(With their attention on her, Matilda sneaks up on the first guard and stabs him in the back.)

  • Guard #2: There goes my teammate.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: You deserve that for making Mr. Caliber upset! Now, who's ready to get their butt kicked?!
  • Matilda Matchitehew: Don't encourage them, Dusk.

(The guards point their weapons at Marina.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: You don't scare me!
  • Guard #3: Well, if our former boss were here, we would've taken you straight to him.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: I'm sure whoever was your former boss was a complete loser! Now, leave Mr. Caliber alone, or I'll kick your butts!
  • Guard #4: It was the same guy who sent us to kill Caliber. Lord Scout may have been a terrible boss but at least we were paid well.

(Marina and Matilda stare them at them, looking extremely shocked.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: What?!
  • Guard #3: Yep. She hired us after taking over our world after his death!

(Marina growls as she shoots one minion in the chest with her webbing.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: I'll make you pay for all the ways you've hurt Mr. Caliber!

(Using all of her strength, she manages to throw the guard to the ground. In the process, she pulls an arm muscle.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Ow!

(The rest of the guards stop fighting and turn their attention to Marina.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: (clutching her arm) How can you all be so cruel?! Do you know what your old boss did to him?! How could you let it happen?! (she tears up) He's like a dad to me....
  • Guard #3: It's our job.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: I. Don't. Care! (she sprays all the guards with webs)
  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: Who's have a crisis now?
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Ms. Matilda, make sure Kitty's safe! I'll try to deal with these guys!
  • Matilda Matchitehew: You can't take them on by yourself!
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: I don't care! I'm going to save him! Please just make sure she's safe!

(Although hesitant, Matilda goes after Morrigan, leaving Marina alone with Lord Scout's former minions.)

  • Guard #3: It’s 99 against 1. You will lose this fight, kid.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: I have a trick up my sleeve! Try to catch me!

(Marina flips them before running from them.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: I know you won't!

(The guards lunge at her and grab her.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Hope you're a guy!

(She kicks one of the henchmen in the privates.)

  • Guard #6: Ow!

(She then sprays webs into the faces of as many henchmen as possible. Meanwhile, the unnamed person leaves as the fight continues.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: See what I mean? You suck at your jobs!

(As the minions try ripping the webs off, Marina slips away. She goes to run, but she spots one of the minions holding up a knife up to Caliber's face.)

  • Guard #7: You know, Lord Scout made a promise to make you completely blind.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Dad!

(As the guard prepares to stab his remaining eye, Marina tackles them.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: You jerk!
  • Guard #7: Let me finish the job, kid!
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Why should I let you?!
  • Guard #7: (Turns to her) If you don’t want to die, I suggest you get out of my way.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: I would rather die than let you hurt Mr. Caliber! Unlike you, he's a good person!
  • Guard #7: So be it!
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Bring it on! I'll kick your butt!

(As Marina readies herself to fight, Matilda and Morrigan come back to check on her and Caliber.)

  • Morrigan “Kitty” Meows: (Sighs) Can we go home now?
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Can you two see if Mr. Caliber's okay while I fight this loser, please?

(The guard is then shot in the leg by Caliber. They clutch their leg as they scream in pain.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Mr. Caliber!

(She runs up to him and hugs him.)

  • Dragon Hunter Lancelot: I got good news and bad news.

(All the heroes and AU villains turn their attention to Dragon Hunter.)

  • Dragon Hunter Lancelot: The good news is that all of the guards that boarded the Stellosphere are dead.
  • X Wizard: You're welcome.
  • Warlock Infinite: What’s the bad news?
  • Leo Callisto: She has already launched the invasion on the Tabbyverse.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: (still hugging Caliber) It sounds like she was distracting us! I also have something to say. I don't know how important it is to know, but I still want to share it!
  • Sir Galahad: Make it quick.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: I don't know how many people know him, but some of the bad guys that me, Mr. Caliber, and Ms. Matilda fought originally belonged to Lord Scout!
  • Sir Lancelot: Oh, great ancestors, not him. Anyone but him!
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: One of them just tried to cut Mr. Caliber's eye out and kill him!
  • Excalibur Sonic: Time to destroy the army then.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: (pointing to the henchmen on the ground) The guy's right here! Should we try to get information out of them? Maybe they know something!
  • Dragon Hunter Lancelot: (Points his sword at the guard) Tell me who your boss is!
  • Guard #7: (laughs) And why would I do that?
  • Dragon Hunter Lancelot: Do you want to lose an eye?
  • Guard #7: You act like that's some kind of threat....
  • Dragon Hunter Lancelot: Do you want to be electrocuted?
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Woah, woah! Do we need to jump to such violent threats to get them to talk?!
  • Dragon Hunter Lancelot: Yes.
  • Guard #7: Hah! Do you really think that any threat you can think of will phase me? You underestimate the cruelty of my former boss if you do!
  • X Wizard: I can turn you into a balloon and pop it. Do you want me to do that?
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Can we please stop threatening them?! It's not working!
  • Guard #7: That's the problem with heroes: you're all bark but no bite. By now, I would've lost my other eye if the armored one was serious!

(X Wizard lifts the guard up with his magic and begins tossing them around.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Wait! Can I ask the person something?
  • X Wizard: Yes.

(He drops the guard.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Hey there sir or ma'am. Do you mind me asking something?
  • Guard #7: Almost all the guards are male. What do you want, brat?
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Hey! I'm trying to be nice to you!
  • Guard #7: That doesn't work, brat.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: I'm going to keep trying it whether you like it or not!
  • Guard #7: Good luck with that.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Okay, let me get to what I want to know. You said something about if Mr. DH wanted to take out your other eye, he would've. Does that mean you already lost one like Mr. Caliber?
  • Guard #7: That's none of your business.
  • X Wizard: Tell us who your boss is, or I will throw you around the ship like I did earlier.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Can you please not do that?
  • X Wizard: It will get him to talk.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: If the person wasn't talking when you first did it, why would it work now?

(She leaves her Kamen Rider form.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: (to the guard) Hey, are you hungry?
  • Guard #7: Yes! Please give me something, I'm begging you!
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: What do you like? Sadly, I have no idea what we actually have on the ship. Or if we have any food here in the first place.
  • Guard #7: Just give me anything!
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: (narrows her eyes) Why are you so hungry, anyway? Didn't you and the other bad guys steal everything from everyone? That's what Mr. Caliber said you did.
  • Guard #7: We did, but we weren't allowed to eat. Lord Scout took everything for himself!
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: I see...

(She walks away from the heroes.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Should we trust them and give them something? I know that I want to.
  • Guard #7: I'll tell you anything if you give me food. ANYTHING!
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Do you promise to do it? Like really, really promise?
  • Guard #7: Yes!
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: I'll believe you for now, sir!
  • Guard #7: Okay.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Does anyone have any snacks or food in general?
  • Dragon Hunter Lancelot: I have apples.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Okay! (to the guard) How many do you want?
  • Guard #7: His entire stock of it.
  • Dragon Hunter Lancelot: No.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: How about one to start and if you give us everything you know, you can have more? You may find you aren't hungry after the first one!
  • Blaze Caliber: (growling) Not like he deserves it! I can't believe he expects anyone to have sympathy! (he snickers) I preferred it when X Wizard was throwing him around.
  • Guard #7: Alright.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Mr. DH, can you please give one to the guy?
  • (Dragon Hunter hands the guard an apple. In the background, Caliber glares at them.)
  • Guard #7: My boss is a woman and she intends on taking everything away from you!
  • Blaze Caliber: (scoffs) No matter she chose you for the job. You would know a thing or two about taking everything away from someone....
  • Guard #7: She plans to kill everyone after she conquers your universe. Once she freeze tags everyone, she will make us shatter you by breaking the ice! I’ve seen it happen and I don’t want it to happen again!
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Yikes! How did the evil lady find you?
  • Guard #7: She came to our world shorty after Lord Scout’s death. She took us all as her own guards.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Wait... How did she know that he died? And why didn't you guys try saying no to her? You could've been free to do whatever you wanted without him!
  • Guard #7: She knows all. If we had said no to her, she would have killed us!
  • Blaze Caliber: Not like that would've been a bad thing!
  • Dragon Hunter Lancelot: Caliber, you're getting a timeout. That’s rude.
  • Blaze Caliber: I don't have any sympathy for someone who worked under the same man who stole everything from me!
  • Dragon Hunter Lancelot: Go to a corner and stand there for an hour! If Joey was awake, you would have been sent home by now.

(Although he gives Dragon Hunter a death glare, Caliber obeys his command.)

  • Dragon Hunter Lancelot: Good. Stay there for 3 hours unless we need you.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Poor dad....
  • Guard #7: Hold up, he’s your dad?
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: He's not my actual dad but it's like he is! But that's not important. I want to know if you'd ever personally did something to him....
  • Guard #7: We all did something to him. We had to take him prisoner for Lord Scout. We didn’t want to but we had no choice.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: What would happen if you didn't?....
  • Guard #7: He would kill us.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Considering everything Mr. Caliber said he did, I'm surprised he only just kill you all.
  • Guard #7: That’s not the point here. You guys need to stop her!
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: What's the evil lady's name?
  • Guard #7: Which one? Villain or Actual name?
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: There's a difference?
  • Guard #7: Yes.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Both then, please!

(Another guard appears but unlike the previous ones, he was on his pet Robo-Ostrich. Miles looked at him as if he was looking in a mirror.)

  • Tails Nine: Looks like we are about to meet AU Miles and AU M.E.R.C.

(Marina awkwardly waves at him.)

  • AU Miles: You dare to enter our territory?
  • Tails Nine: This ain’t yours!
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Why is this little kid even trying to be intimidating?

(AU Miles tackles Marina and proceeds to attack her as AU M.E.R.C joins the fight.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: You little brat!

(She goes into her Kamen Rider form.)

  • Miles Callisto: Marina, I don’t think that’s a good idea.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: He tackled me first! Am I not supposed to defend myself?!

(AU Miles snatches her demons driver.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Not again! At least I know you can't try anything on me. You're just a kid.
  • AU Miles Callisto: Heh. You lost your little toy and now I will give it to my boss! She will know what to do with it!
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Not if I can help it!

(She tries to kick AU Miles in the stomach but AU M.E.R.C grabs Marina with his beak.)

  • AU Miles Callisto: Oh don’t worry, we are taking you to her as well.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: What does your evil boss lady want with me?!
  • AU Miles Callisto: Everything about the Tabbyverse.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: She's not getting anything out of me! I'd rather die than give up any information! (flips him off)
  • AU Miles Callisto: Alright then. (Pulls out a sword) Suit yourself.

(The guard, despite having a limp, sneaks up on AU Miles and tries to stab him in the shoulder.)

  • Guard #7: The brat ain't going anywhere!
  • AU Miles Callisto: Traitor!
  • Guard #7: I'm tired of being someone's pawn!
  • AU Miles Callisto: Then you served your purpose well. (Points his sword at the guard) Just wait until I tell her that you decided that you had enough.
  • Guard #7: (scoffs) Go ahead and tattle to mommy about everything I'm doing!

(Morrigan is heard laughing from it. AU Miles then slashes the guard across the chest, deep enough for it to send the guard to the ground while bleeding profusely—all front of Marina.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: No!

(She manages to free herself from AU M.E.R.C. Marina runs to the guard and kneels beside them.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Are you okay, sir?!
  • Guard #7: (sarcastic, coughing up blood) Do I look okay to you?....
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: We can heal you! You'll be okay! I promise!

(Rather than saying anything, the guard slowly removes their mask, revealing themselves to be a woman with an eyepatch in the same placement as Caliber's.)

  • Guard #7: You aren't half bad for a little brat.... Good luck out there....

(Seconds later, her only eye closes, signifying her death.)

  • Sir Lancelot: Rest in peace, madame.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: No! Come on! You'll be okay! We can just heal you! You'll be fine!
  • Sir Galahad: Good luck trying to catch the spirit, mate! Only Dragon Hunter can see and catch those.
  • AU Miles Callisto: Who’s next?

(Marina glares at AU Miles, tears starting to form in her eyes.)

  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: At least Miles would never do such a thing! That was heartless!
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: The lady didn't even get a chance to eat!
  • AU Miles Callisto: Now, it’s your turn.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: I swear I'm going to beat you to a bloody pulp!
  • Sir Gawain: Are you seriously going to hurt a child? What if he gets his mom… wait a minute! I think I know who the guard’s boss is!
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Oh, yeah. I'm going to beat him up!
  • Sir Gawain: Guys, AU Phoebe Callisto did all of this! Looks like I just solved this entire thing.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: That must be why the lady said for him to go tell his mom about the betrayal!
  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: What’s going on? I’m confused.
  • AU Miles Callisto: Your funeral.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Oh, no! Don't think about getting close to her!
  • AU Miles Callisto: I won’t but he will. (Points to AU M.E.R.C. standing near Morrigan as BeatCat hisses at him.)

(Marina runs at AU Miles and grabs him by the arm and tries to throw him. At the same time, she kicks him in the leg. AU M.E.R.C. joins in on the fight as another guard looks at Morrigan.)

  • Guard #8: Are you okay?

(Marina goes in to punch AU Miles in the face.)

  • AU Miles Callisto: (to Guard #8) Don’t just stand there! Actually be useful for once and help your little brother!

(She misses his face. However, she quickly tries punching him again.)

  • Guard #8: Nah. Get ‘em, Marina!

(She tries to grab AU Miles but AU M.E.R.C. grabs her hand with his beak. AU Miles gets up and points his sword at her.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Ow! Let go of my hand!

(She attempts to kick the sword out of his hand.)

  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: Wait a minute. I know what he’s doing! Joey taught me this technique. This is know as the spear and shield technique. AU Miles is the spear and AU M.E.R.C. is the shield.

(Marina elbows AU M.E.R.C in the neck.)

  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: Dusk, that’s not gonna work! You have to beat the spear first!
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: What else am I supposed to do?! This thing has my hand!
  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: Let me get my notepad.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: (trying to free her hand) That's not helping me right now!
  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: Then what do you expect a coward like me to do?
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Moral support, I guess! (to AU M.E.R.C) Sorry I called you a thing just now.

(AU M.E.R.C. tightly holds Marina’s hand in his beak as AU Miles tries to stab her. Joey wakes up by this and throws AU Miles. Marina's eyes widen in fear from this.)

  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: I wasn’t expecting that to happen.

(After kicking AU M.E.R.C in the leg, he finally lets go of her.)

  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: Phew. At least that’s over.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: My hand hurts!
  • Joey Tempest: I got the kid.
  • AU Miles Callisto: If you don’t want to lose anything else, I advise that you let me go.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: M-Maybe don't try to make him angry....
  • Dragon Hunter Lancelot: Alright, kid. The game’s over! What is your mother planning to do with our universe? If you don’t, you will just get a nice spot in the maximum Tabbic City Prison. We can finally give Maverick a roommate.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: And why did she take Lord Scout's minions from their universe?
  • AU Miles Callisto: Figure it out yourselves, idiots.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Give me back my driver too, please!
  • Unnamed Woman: Oh I don’t that will be possible.

(All the heroes in the area look at the woman.)

  • Tails Nine: (To Dragon Hunter Lancelot) Wait. Where are the rest of the Tabbyverse Knights and the Callistos?
  • Dragon Hunter Lancelot: They went home.
  • Unnamed Woman: I see you all have discovered who I am and what I have in store for you all.

(While this is happening, Caliber walks back over to everyone while talking to the AU villains.)

  • Blaze Caliber: (to AU S'leet) I can't believe I was told to stand in a corner. I'm not some little kid! I don't know why I stayed there as long as I did.
  • AU Commander S’Leet: He didn’t want you messing up the plan which is now being screwed over even more.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: (notices him) Mr. Caliber, you're back!
  • Unnamed Woman: So this is Caliber. The fool who rebels against everyone.

(He stares blankly at her, unable to say anything.)

  • Unnamed Woman: Oh, and I’m keeping the driver.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: No, please don't! I need it!
  • Unnamed Woman: I don’t think so!
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Please! I'm nothing without it!
  • Unnamed Woman: Nah. (To her guards) Seize them!

(Caliber pulls out one of his pistols and aims it at her. Although he glares hatefully at her, his hand has a slight tremble to it.)

  • Unnamed Woman: Are you going to shoot? Oh wait, you don’t have the power to do so.
  • Blaze Caliber: I promised myself that no matter how low I fell, I would never hurt a woman or child. But.... You...You have his henchmen. I think I have to make an exception this one time....

(The unnamed woman disappears and reappears behind Caliber as she kicks him in the back. Caliber screams in pain from this, which allows her to take his pistols.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Dad!
  • Blaze Caliber: I was only just starting to heal up....
  • Unnamed Woman: Looks like your little rebel can't even defeat me.
  • Blaze Caliber: If there's one thing I've learned, it's not have high hopes of victory.

(With a small smirk, Caliber brandishes a pocket knife. He then lunges at her with it, attempting to slash her across the arm. She sees this and counterattacks, stabbing him in the arm with her own knife. Unlike the kick, he doesn't show much a reaction to the injury.)

  • Blaze Caliber: (sarcastic) Good shot.

(Caliber, still holding onto his weapon, goes in for a second attack—this time aiming for her stomach. She sees it and counterattacks by stabbing him in the shoulder. He winces a little from it.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Come on, Mr. Caliber! You can do it!
  • Unnamed Woman: It doesn't matter at this point. He will die soon and there's nothing you can do about it.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: No, he won't! He's the toughest guy I know!
  • Unnamed Woman: Well then. If he won't die, you'll be taking his place! (Grabs her arm)
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: You lost any fear I would've had in you when you said you wouldn't do anything inappropriate to me!

(Behind the woman, Caliber silently adjusts himself to get himself in a position for an attack.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Not that I'm complaining or anything. I don't want what Lord Scout tried to do to me to happen again!
  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: (slightly sleepy after waking up from a nap) What's going on?
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Someone's threatening my life right now. It's becoming way too common!
  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: (slightly sleepy and drinking coffee) Understandable. Have a nice day.

(Caliber finally gets into a good position. Without making a sound, he gets in striking distance. He pulls out his knife and goes to stab her in the back of her neck.)

  • AU Miles: Looks like the sad, crumbled up man wants to take a stab.

(The woman turns around and tries to defend herself. However, Caliber successfully lands a hit on her, cutting her hand a little.)

  • Dragon Hunter Lancelot: This is going to take forever.
  • Unnamed woman: (looking at her hand) Is this really the best you can do, rebel?
  • Blaze Caliber: I have a name, you know! Not that it's important for you to know.
  • Dragon Hunter Lancelot: (sighs) This might be a while, guys.
  • Blaze Caliber: I've fought for much longer periods of time and in a far weaker state. I think I'll be fine.
  • Dragon Hunter Lancelot: If you can’t stand your ground, then it’s my turn.

(The woman disappears and reappears behind Caliber. She grabs him from behind and throws him to the ground with little effort.)

  • Blaze Caliber: (groans slightly)
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: C'mon, dad! I know you can do it!
  • Dragon Hunter Lancelot: Stand your ground, Caliber! Get up and show her that you’re the boss!

(The woman grabs Caliber by his head and holds her knife to his throat.)

  • Unnamed woman: You never stood a chance! Isn't that why you left your universe, "rebel?" Couldn't keep fighting anymore?
  • Dragon Hunter Lancelot: Keep fighting, Caliber!
  • Blaze Caliber: That's... none of your business.

(Hidden underneath his sleeve, Caliber pulls another knife out and stabs her in the leg.)

  • Tails Nine: A fighter never gives up!
  • Blaze Caliber: You can never have too many weapons on you.
  • Tails Nine: Yeah! (Proceeds to stab the guards in non-fatal areas who have captured everyone else with his mechanical tails)
  • Blaze Caliber: (confident) You are far from the worst person I've faced up against!
  • Unnamed woman: Don't get too cocky now, rebel!
  • Tails Nine: If Caliber loses, I am not afraid to go next.
  • Blaze Caliber: What do you want with me, woman? (he gets back up) I'm nothing special.
  • Tails Nine: She wants all of the rebels against her gone.
  • Blaze Caliber: (shakes his head) Not a very original goal!

(With an air of confidence, Caliber prepares to attack the woman again.)

  • Tails Nine: You can do this!

(As he goes in to fight her, she disappears.)

  • Tails Nine: Where did she go?

(She reappears behind Nine and punches him in the back.)

  • Tails Nine: What was that for?!
  • Unnamed woman: Did you not want to fight me moments ago?
  • Tails Nine: No.
  • Unnamed woman: That's not what I heard. "If Caliber loses, I am not afraid to go next."
  • Dragon Hunter Lancelot: Challenge me if you dare!
  • Unnamed woman: Finally, someone who's eager to battle! I want to see what a legend like yourself is capable of!
  • Dragon Hunter Lancelot: I have faced many villains before you. This is nothing more than a test!
  • Unnamed woman: As I've heard! It's some fascinating stuff; learning about what you've done for your universe!
  • Dragon Hunter Lancelot: Are you mocking me?
  • Unnamed woman: (laughs) I'll leave that up to your imagination.

(Dragon Hunter and the woman pull out their swords simultaneously and begin clashing. The woman looks to be straining every muscle in her body to hold him back.)

  • Dragon Hunter Lancelot: Looks like you can't handle the dragon's might! Surrender before you end up hurting yourself.

(As Dragon Hunter knocks her sword out of her hand, he goes to slash at her multiple times. However, she teleports out of the way of each attack.)

  • Unnamed woman: Not bad!

(She teleports to her sword and picks it up.)

  • AU Miles Callisto: (still in Joey's grasp) Come on, boss!

(A few minutes later, all of the heroes that weren't captured beforehand are imprisoned inside numerous cells and unconscious. Out of all the prisoners, Caliber is the first to wake up. He shares a cell with AU Gadfly.)

  • -
  • -

(Enraged by her friend being hurt, Morrigan transforms into Na-Go and charges towards Nebula.)

  • Nebula Burakkuhōru: (laughs) What can a teen do against me? I've defeated every other hero, what makes you so special?

(Although maintaining an air of confidence bordering on egotism, darkness envelops her hands as she prepares to defend herself. As Morrigan charges, a purple light appears next to her. It was the Buffa Ancestor in his spirit form.)

  • Buffa Ancestor: We picked her for a reason.

(Nebula creates a black shield, ready for her attack. Morrigan reaches to punch her, but Nebula manipulates her shield to have several spikes on it.)

  • Morrigan “Kitty” Meows: Not fair! That hurt!

(Using her shield, Nebula then shoves Morrigan away from her.)

(A few more Ancestor spirits appear beside Morrigan.)

  • Nebula Burakkuhōru: (scoffs) The Ancestors? The same ones who destroyed themselves by allowing the Devil into their ranks? I don't think they'll help you much, Morrigan.

(The rest of the Ancestors appear next to Morrigan.)

  • Buffa Ancestor: We don't care. All that matters is that we protect this child.
  • Fourze Ancestor: Right.

(Five balls of energy circle around Nebula. Raising her hand into the air, she commands one of them to be thrown at Morrigan.)

  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: Chaos control! (teleports away from the oncoming energy ball)

(Nebula looks around, trying to see where Morrigan is. She reappears and kicks Nebula in the head.)

  • Joey Tempest: I can’t believe this. I have never seen her fight like this.

(Nebula fires another energy ball at Morrigan. The Buffa Ancestor gives her a bit of his power which gives her two claws on her gloves while the Faiz Ancestor grants her his speed as she moves quickly to dodge the energy ball. Nebula readies her shield, preparing for an attack from the girl. Morrigan hits Nebula as the attack passes right through the shield due to the Buffa Ancestor’s powers.)

  • Nebula Burakkuhōru: (knocked backward) Not bad!

(The Fourze Ancestor grants Morrigan the ability to float while the Build Ancestor grants her his building skills. With that, she creates several projectiles and fired them at Nebula. She attempts to destroy the projectiles by firing off her remaining energy balls at them. However, they destroy the energy balls as Morrigan kicks Nebula again.)

  • Morrigan “Kitty” Meows: It’s over, Nebula.
  • Nebula Burakkuhōru: (laughs) I don't think so. At least, not yet!

(She teleports away for a moment. When she returns, shadowy armor covers her body. The OOO Ancestor grants Morrigan with a black set of armor alongside a sword and a shield.)

  • Nebula Burakkuhōru: It looks good on you, Morrigan. (creates her own sword) Let's see how strong it is!

(Both of them charge at each other. Nebula swings her black sword at Morrigan, aiming for her arms. Morrigan dodged the attack using The Faiz Ancestor’s speed. The Kiva Ancestor then appears and grants Morrigan his bat brace on his leg which appears on her leg as she kicks Nebula in the knee.)

  • Morrigan “Kitty” Meows: You know you are bad when the ancestors choose a child over a powerful person.
  • Nebula Burakkuhōru: (condescending) Good for you, kid. I'm so proud of you.

(Morrigan tries to attack her again, but Nebula grabs her throat and lifts her up in the air.)

  • Nebula Burakkuhōru: If only your "father" had such reasonable Ancestors. Looks like you managed to get lucky!

(Nebula tightens her grasp around her neck. As Morrigan struggles to breathe, she reach into her pocket for a Chemy card. When she pulls it out, Nebula takes it from her.)

  • Morrigan “Kitty” Meows: (Struggling to breathe) That’s mine!
  • Nebula Burakkuhōru: (smiles) I know.
  • Zukyuampire: (whispers to X Wizard) What card did she take out?
  • X Wizard: (Whispers) Tabmajin’s card.

(Nebula looks at the card with her free hand.)

  • Zukyuampire: (whispering to X Wizard) Why is that card so special?
  • X Wizard: (whispers back) Watch and see. It’s not like the others.

(Dark mist starts to form around Nebula and Morrigan.)

  • Zukyuampire: That ain’t much.

(Nebula drops Morrigan as the mist makes her cough.)

  • Morrigan “Kitty” Meows: Finally. I thought I was gonna suffocate for a second.

(The mist fades away as Tabmajin appears.)

  • Tabmajin: Who summoned me?

(They see Morrigan and Nebula.)

  • Morrigan “Kitty” Meows: (points to Nebula) She tried taking over the Tabbyverse!

(Nebula raises her shield, preparing for a potential attack from Tabmajin.)

  • Tabmajin: You! What did you do to this universe?!
  • Nebula Burakkuhōru: Morrigan already answered that question. Why are you acting like you know me?
  • Tabmajin: I know all! I see all!
  • Nebula Burakkuhōru: (smugly) What do you know about me, then?
  • Tabmajin: You ruled your universe with an iron list, took away their rights, conquered other universes, freeze-tagged any rebels, and shattered them. You also just so happened to almost kill my little sister!

(Morrigan looks confused while Nebula forms spikes on her shield again.)

(Tabmajin charges at her and grabs her leg. They then slam Nebula into the ground, creating a 30-story hole. From the force of being thrown by it, her leg was broken.)

  • Nebula Burakkuhōru: (in pain) What just happened?!
  • Tabmajin: You just got beaten by a god.

(She tries to stand up, but her broken leg prevents her from succeeding. Vampire Shadow arrives and slaps some handcuffs on her wrists.)

  • Nebula Burakkuhōru: Don't hurt my son if you catch him. It's the only thing I ask.
  • Vampire Shadow: He's already in prison alongside the rest of your crew. Unlike them, you will be placed in the maximum prison.

(She sighs, almost sounding disappointed.)

  • Nebula Burakkuhōru: (under breath) I thought I taught you better about escaping capture.

(Vampire Shadow throws her in a truck as it takes her to the Tabbic City Max prison. While it leaves, Marina runs to Morrigan.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: That was so cool! I've never seen you fight like that! ...Or really fight at all, now that I think about it. You always ran away from danger.
  • Morrigan “Kitty” Meows: I couldn’t watch you be killed by her.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Thank you for that! I can't wait to tell Spanner about you fighting that evil lady! He's not going to believe it! I wonder what they're going to do with her leg. It look really hurt.

Post Credits: Tabmajin's message[]

Tabmajin's message