He is an evil Utrom who has committed countless atrocities and caused widespread devastation throughout the universe to make himself powerful, making him the most dangerous criminal in the universe. He is also the ruthless Leader of the Foot Clan, the adopted father of Karai and the archenemy of Mortu, the Utroms, the Ninja Turtles, and their master Splinter.
Utrom Shredder (Original Armor) in TMNT (2003) Seasons 1-2
"Oroku Saki", Utrom Shredder's fake human identity
Ch'rell in Turtles Forever
Ch'rell wearing his prisoner helmet
Feudal Utrom Shredder (during 11th Century Feudal Japan's era)
Utrom Shredder's second modern day exo-suit
Utrom Shredder's third modern day exo-suit
Utrom Shredder's improved exo-suit
Utrom Shredder holding the burning Earth and the Utrom Homeworld in his hands in Splinter's vision sent by his Master Yoshi's spirit as a warning of his plan to return to space and terrorize the universe once again
Ch'rell, before becoming the Shredder, held as Mortu and his Utrom crew's prisoner 700 years ago
The escaped prisoner Ch'rell sabotages Mortu's starship
Ch'rell ruthlessly steals an exo-suit from one the Utroms
Ch'rell wickedly picks on a helpless Utrom
Utrom Shredder in 11th Century Japan
Utrom Shredder first creating the Sword of Tengu
Utrom Shredder confronts the Utrom's prime Guardian Hamato Yoshi for interrogation
Utrom Shredder about to kill Hamato Yoshi
Utrom Shredder's first presumed demise
Utrom Shredder 1st time cheating death
Utrom Shredder's first return
Utrom Shredder shatters Leo's katanas signifying his victory over him as petty payback for rejecting his offer in joining his army
Utrom Shredder wickedly laughs in triumph over beating Leo
Utrom Shredder gets beheaded
Utrom Shredder's second presumed demise
Utrom Shredder's 2nd time cheating death
Utrom Shredder's second return
Utrom Shredder's third presumed demise after getting electrocuted by Baxter Stockman
Utrom Shredder's third return and 3rd time cheating death
"As long as I live, you will not leave this place alive!"
Utrom Shredder getting heavily electrocuted
Utrom Shredder collapses seemingly defeated for good
Only for his true identity to be revealed
Utrom Shredder's true identity revealed to be the evil Utrom, Ch'rell
"NO!!!" - Utrom Shredder/Ch'rell's horror as he's about to meet his fourth presumed demise
Utrom Shredder's fourth presumed demise
Utrom Shredder's 4th time cheating death
Utrom Shredder's fifth presumed demise
Utrom Shredder cheats death yet again for the fifth and final time
Utrom Shredder brought to court in the Utrom High Council's courtroom
The captured Utrom Shredder standing trial before the Utrom High Council and numerous other alien spectators for his past to present war crimes
Utrom Shredder/Ch'rell gets taken out from his powerful four-armed exo-suit to face the following charges of his past to present war crimes
Ch'rell found guilty for all his horrendous war crimes
"You are not fit to judge me! I am the Shredder!" - Ch'rell cursing the Utrom High Council for petty reasons
"I am invincible!"- Ch'rell getting ready to be teleported away to his eternal exile on the ice asteroid Mor Gal Tal
"NO!!!" - Utrom Shredder/Ch'rell gets teleported away finally facing his well-deserved punishment for his crimes
Utrom Shredder/Ch'rell's first ultimate defeat as he's now trapped on the ice asteroid Mor Gal Tal never to be heard or seen again, for now
Ch'rell's return in Turtles Forever after being teleported off from his ice prison thanks to 80s Shredder
Ch'rell getting shocked by 80s Shredder and Krang in an attempt to wake him up
Ch'rell meets his 80s counterpart and 80s Krang
Utrom Shredder meets his ultimate end for good in Turtles Forever