Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki

Verminious Snaptrap is an evil and stupid rat and the leader of the Diabolical Order of Mayhem, Snaptrap serves as the one of the three main antagonists (besides The Chameleon and Bird Brain who Snaptrap tends to collaborate with on occasions) of the series.


  • In the show, T.U.F.F. Puppy, he was voiced by Maddie Taylor, who voiced Glomp, Hoogi and Elliot (in Open Season 3).
  • Verminious Snaptrap along with his henchmen will appear in Team Robot in Pokemon: Diancie & The Cocoon of Destruction.
  • In Watch Dog,Dudley Puppy uses a time travel watch invented by Keswick with the sole purpose of eating a donut that had snatched Kitty and, altering reality without knowing how, he creates a alternate reality where Petropolis city is named "Snaptrapolis" and Snaptrap rule as their king also leading a army of robots created by him called "Snapbots". But, after meeting with the Chief, Keswick and Kitty of that reality (which were his butler, nugget chef and secretary) and teach them what they are in him world they form and alliance, rebel and throw Snaptrap to his shark tank.
  • In Forget Me Mutt, Snaptrap's mom calls him a "reject" for unknown reasons.
  • For some strange reason, he is allergic to cheese.