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Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki

Whodunit is the twenty-forth episode of Winnie the Pooh meets The Backyardigans.


Today, Tigger wondered why Pablo was holding a magnifying glass and wearing a hat, and kept saying "Aha!" to everything. When Pablo came up to Tigger and the viewers, he told them that he was the world's greatest detective. Tigger thought he was a Private Ear, but that was what he is gonna be. Pablo told Tigger that if someone loses a ball or stoles their cupcake, Pablo will always be on the case. He didn't mind Tigger helping him out. They both even sung Aha!, which was about what a detective does. After the song, Pablo and Tigger noticed something by a tree. It wasn't the egg, but they found a very special message. It told them that they should go to Mystery Manor because strange things are happening there. The note was signed by Lady Tasha, the mistress of Mystery Manor. The note even told the both of them how to find Mystery Manor. Soon, the backyard transform into a misty moor in Scotland.

When they got to the misty moor of Scotland, they suddenly heard something. They noticed that some kind of footstep echo was making the same sound as they're footprints did. They tried moving slowly, and the footsteps did the same thing. They even tried foot stepping in a circle and a jump, but it did the same thing as they did. Just as they thought they heard a footstep, they saw the egg by a wall of bushes. The egg started to glow into a detective plaid color. They tried getting the egg and just as they got it, they saw a mysterious figure with a coast and long scarf. Tigger and Pablo wanted to know if the figure know a way to the manor, and he pointed to the left and they saw the manor. They were about to thank him, until they didn't see him. When they got to the manor, they rung the doorbell. Soon, Butlers Tyrone, Benny, and Rabbit opened the door for them. The butlers told the both of them that Lady Tasha was in the manor's library. Tigger wanted to know what those three do in the manor and the butlers said that they open the door for Lady Tasha and her guests, they wait upon her, and gives them tea and crumpets for her. At first, Tigger and Pablo thought the butler was very mysterious. Lady Tasha introduced Pablo and Tigger to Minifred, (Minnie Mouse) Duke Daisy Duck, Rae Watson, and their neighbors Austin Frothing-slosh, Sherlock Bear (Pooh), and Piggy Holmes (Piglet). The butlers wondered if they wanted tea and they said they want some tea. The butlers closed the door as they were listening to what Pablo and Tigger told them like the echo-y footsteps and a mysterious figure. Tigger even told them that the egg they have now led them to the figure. They all even sung Mysterious, Very Mysterious while the butlers were still listening. After the song, Tigger opens the door and see the butlers when they fell down by the door. He knew that the butlers were spying on them. Suddenly, they heard the doorbell ringing. In came Uniqua Underhood, Mickey Officer (Mickey Mouse), Pluto the Snoop (Pluto), Johnny Police King (Johnny the Lion), Leo the Manor Inspector (Leo Lionheart), and their boss and leader Police Chief Eeyore (Eeyore). They all told them that there will be a crime in Mystery Manor. Mickey Officer told them that someone will take Lady Tasha's jewels and the egg. Pablo and Tigger figured that it sounded very mysterious. When the butlers came with tea and crumpets, suddenly the lights went out and they were crashes and a big slam. When the lights came back on, they didn't see the butlers, the egg, or Lady Tasha's jewels. Tigger figured that one of the butlers stole it and he thought it was Butler Tyrone. When they saw the figure leaving the door open, they didn't see him now. But they did heard the butlers in the closet calling for help. Everyone wondered how the butlers got in the closet. Benny, Tyrone, and Rabbit told them that they were bringing the tea but when the lights came out, someone knocked the tray out of Tyrone's hands, made Tigger let go of the egg, which broke the crumpet tray, and pushed the three of them into the closet. Everyone felt terrible for the butlers. Tigger and Pablo realized that they were in the closet and they didn't made all that noise when the lights came out. This meant that it may not have been the butlers that stole the jewels and the egg.

Lady Tasha's neighbors nervously told the others they wanted to go home. Pablo and Tigger were a bit confused because they were all right in the middle of a mystery of the missing jewels and lost egg. Pooh and Goofy told them that they promise to help Austin's cat. At first, no one believe that Austin Frothing-slosh had a cat and Donald Duck told them that he just got one and it gets very hungry. When the neighbors left, only Pablo and Tigger thought they were lying because they just wanted to leave. They even find that very mysterious. Back in the library, Tyrone decides that he will bring the tea and crumpets while the other butlers keep an eye on Lady Tasha. Pablo and Tigger told Lady Tasha that her neighbors were a bit mysterious. Rae thought that they were the ones that stole the jewels and egg and they ran away with both of those things. Tigger told that Uniqua, Mickey, Pluto, Eeyore, Johnny and Leo that they never told them about someone stealing the jewels and the egg. One member was about to tell why it happened, until Tyrone saw something that made him drop the tray and screamed. It was the mysterious figure by the door and he had the egg. It made Lady Tasha faint in her sleep and it let Pablo, Tigger, Uniqua, Eeyore, Mickey, Pluto, Johnny, and Leo follow the figures outside of the manor. But just like after when the lights went out, they didn't see anyone. It made Johnny a bit worried and freaked out as much as Pablo would because he wasn’t sure if they would find the figure. But suddenly, they heard footsteps somewhere in the garden maze. So, they went into the garden maze as well. When they were in the maze, they sung The Fleeting Phantom Figure in the Garden. During the song, Tigger decides that they will split up in the maze and get the culprit. After the song, Pablo and Tigger caught Austin Frothing-slosh and the other neighbors. They told them to bring back the jewels and the egg, but they said that they didn't have the jewels or the egg with them. Pooh told them that the egg got stolen by a mountain hare, but a big wind came and blew it somewhere else by the manor. Tigger told them what they were doing in the maze. Austin, Donald Duck, and Goofy told them in a flashback that they were going back to the library until they saw Tyrone yelling and Pablo, Tigger, Uniqua, Eeyore, Mickey, Pluto, Johnny, and Leo were chasing them. This meant that neither one of Lady Tasha's neighbors stole the jewels or the egg.

Suddenly, Pablo, Austin, and the members saw not one figure, but a few more figures. Soon, they saw one figure stealing the egg as it went inside Mystery Manor with the other figures. So, the detectives and the neighbors of Lady Tasha went carefully inside the manor as they saw another silhouette of one of the figures. When they got closer to the figures, they saw them looking down at something on the floor. When they pulled off their scarves, they noticed that it was Uniqua Underhood and her crew. But, it turns out that they were also police forces. Austin Frothing-slosh and Snoop Goof thought that the egg was with them, but it wasn't there because the mysterious figure stole it from them. Some of the members thought the jewels were in Uniqua's purse, but it wasn't there. Uniqua, Eeyore, and Leo Lionheart told them that when they split up in the garden maze, they saw the mysterious figure walking by through the bushes and it was gone when they went inside the manor. They saw a lot of footprints on the floor of the manor. They went past Lady Tasha and her guests, with Tasha taking a nap and Minnie and Daisy and Rae reading. They noticed that the footprints were behind the little bookshelf behind the wall. Luckily, there was a way for the figure to go into the wall. Tigger told Austin and the neighbors to keep an eye on Lady Tasha. So, the detectives and the London police both went off to catch the figure. They even sung Whodunit while on the chase of the figure. During the song, they found a very familiar figure that got the jewels and the egg. Each time they followed the figure, he confused them to go a different way to catch him. After the song, Eeyore wished there was a way to distract or scare the figure. Soon, Tigger's Backson costume appeared out of nowhere. Soon, he caught the figure with a big Backson-like boo. The figure accidentally lets go of the egg hard and it broke a door that leads right out of the manor and went off somewhere else. Then, the figure fell out of the closet door. And it was revealed to be Butler Tyrone. Even the other butlers were shocked that it was him. Tyrone told them that he didn't take them because Lady Tasha gave them to him. This made only the detectives, neighbors, and officers shocked but not the butlers. Tasha and Rabbit told them that they were a bit bored in the manor and decided that they wanted them to be invited and Tyrone pretended to hide Lady Tasha's jewels. This made everyone agreed with her in delight. After Tigger told them that they will get the egg back, Tyrone and Benny's stomaches started growling. Austin invited to come to his house for cheese and crackers. Soon, the manor transformed back into the backyard. Pooh's team and the Backyardigans waved goodbye to the viewers as they went inside for their cracker-y snack. Pablo and Tigger did one more "Aha!" just as they close the door at the end.

