Opening/Stitch's trial[]
[We are in a black background and the Walt Disney Pictures logo appears. Then, it gets abducted by a light and it closes. We then open up to a courtroom of the Galactic Federation. A light shines and it's leader, the Grand Councilwoman shows up and she stop]
Grand Councilwoman: Read the charges.
Gantu: Dr. Jumba Jookiba-- lead scientist of Galaxy Defense Industries-- you stand before this council accused of illegal genetic experimentation.
[Then, a alien like vehicle shows up]
Grand Councilwoman: How do you plead?
Jumba: Not guilty! My experiments are only theoretical-- completely within legal boundaries.
Grand Councilwoman: We believe you actually created something.
Jumba: Created something?! Ha! But that would be irresponsible and unethical. I would never, ever…
[Stitch appears on a platform inside a belljar like container]
Jumba: ..make more than one.
[Stitch growls and tries to get out but didn't. The council members gasp]
Gantu: What is that monstrosity?
Jumba: Monstrosity! What you see before you is the first of a new species. I call it Experiment 626. He is bulletproof, fireproof and can think faster than supercomputer. He can see in the dark and move objects three thousand times his size. His only instinct: To destroy everything he touches! [falls on the platform on his back, laughs]
Grand Councilwoman: So, it is a monster.
Jumba: Hey, just a little one.
Gantu: It is an affront to nature. It must be destroyed!
Grand Councilwoman: Calm yourself, Captain Gantu. Perhaps it can be reasoned with. [to 626] Experiment Six-Two-Six. If there's some sign that you understand any of this, show us that there is something inside you that is good.
[Stitch clears his throat and then...]
[The council gasps and the robot vomits]
Grand Councilwoman: So naughty!
Stitch: [laughs hysterically]
Jumba: I didn’t teach him that.
Gantu: Place that idiot scientist under arrest!
[Jumba's platform incase Jumba in a bell-jar glass]
Jumba: I prefer to be called EVIL GENIUS! [his platform goes down, taking him as his words echo]
Grand Councilwoman: And as for that abomination, it is flawed product of a deranged mind. It has no place among us. Captain Gantu. Take him away.
Gantu: With pleasure.
Stitch's escape[]
[At a cell bay, the two security lizard aliens put Stitch on a celling and one of them tries to give Stitch a needle, he snaps then the lizard puts a needle in Stitch's neck, pink liquid comes into the little container of the needle and as soon as the lizard gets it out, it give him to a cell manager and he places the container in a hole and it activates the guns which points at Stitch]
Gantu: Uncomfortable? Aw… Good! The council has banished you to exile on a desert asteroid. So, relax… enjoy the trip and don't get any ideas. These guns are locked onto your genetic signature. They won't shoot anyone, but you.
[Stitch bites Gantu's finger]
Gantu: Ow! Why you...! [puts his gun up to Stitch]
Cell manager alien: [clears throat] May I remind the captain that he is on duty.
[Gantu pulls his gun off Stitch]
Gantu: Secure the cell!
Cell manager alien: Aye, Captain.
[Gantu leaves the cell. The doors close. On bridge, Gantu enters]
Computer voice: Captain on deck.
Gantu: All ahead full. [sits on the chair] Do… Does this, uh, look infected to you?
[Outside, a police cruiser flies off. And we see the big ship flying with the other police cruisers. Inside the cell, Stitch struggles and the guns move. He stops and thinks. He looks at the two guns and they move. This gives him an idea. He drolls his spit and the guns aim but Stitch slurps it back up. To the cell manager, he is reading something and gets a bit annoyed by Stitch's noises]
Cell manager: Oh! Quiet, you.
[Stitch growls and then spits his spit. The guns fire. To the bridge]
Female Alien Pilot: Gunfire in the cell bay!
Gantu: Open a channel.
[Back in the cell, the cell manager shakes. Stitch laughs and then spits at the cell manager's hat. The guns sees this and aims. The manager ducks and the door gets blasted. Back to the bridge]
Female alien pilot: He’s loose on Deck C!
Gantu: Red alert. Seal off the deck!
[Back at the bridge, Stitch breaks free. He uses some parts to block the gun fires. He gets out of the cell and sees the door closing. He runs and pulls the door to keep it open. To Gantu]
Gantu: Security, converge on door seven! Deadly force authorised. Fire on sight.
[We see security aliens go down. To Stitch, he got through and the door closes]
Gantu: [voice] Fire on sight!
Security alien: There he is!
[They fire and they missed him. Stitch runs into the vent and the security alien fires in the vent but no avail]
Security alien: Security to Bridge.
[To the bridge]
Security alien: [voice] It's in the ventilation system.
[We hear clatter and Gantu fires at the pipe]
Gantu: He’s headed for the power…[lights turn off] grid.
[There was a rumble]
Gantu: What was that?
Male alien pilot: I don’t think he’s on the ship anymore.
Female Alien Pilot: Confirmed. He’s taken a police cruiser.
[They see that Stitch has took a red police cruiser]
Male Alien Pilot: Yeah… he took the red one.
[We see the red police cruiser. It honks like a car horn]
Stitch: Wooo! Ha!
[Then, green shots miss him. Stitch yells in anger and the camera sees police cruisers chasing and firing at the Stitch's police cruiser. Stitch pushes the lever and the red police cruiser stops and turns around. It then deploys it's gun and fires at the police cruisers]
Stitch: Hmm?
[Stitch then crash into one of the police cruisers, losing the weapon in the process]
Police cruiser pilot: That’s it! We got it. We got it!
[Stitch mutters something and smashes the glass. As the computer speaks, he pulls the hyper-drive stick]
Computer: Hyperdrive activated. System charging.
[To Gantu in the bridge]
Female alien pilot: He’s engaged his H-drive!
[To Stitch, he turns the handle]
Computer: Warning-- guidance is not functional.
[To Gantu]
Gantu: Pursuit Commander, that crazy trog is about to make a jump!
[In space]
Pursuit commander: Break formation! Get clear of that ship!
[The police cruisers fly from Stitch. To Stitch, the hyper drive is powered up]
Computer: Navigation failure. Do not engage hyper....
[Stitch thrusts the stick back in. Outside, the red police cruiser zooms off into hyperspace. The big ship moves and has electrical serges. To Gantu. He pounds his fist and looks up as he sits]
Gantu: [sighs] Get me Galactic Control.
Jumba's deal[]
[To the Grand Councilwoman. She enters a area where aliens are trying to find out where Stitch is going]
Grand Councilwoman: Where is he?!
Male alien: He’s still in hyperspace.
Grand Councilwoman: Where will he exit?
Female alien: Calculating now-- quadrant 17 section 0-0-5, area 51. A planet called… Ee-arth.
Grand Councilwoman: I want an expert on this planet in here now! What is that?
Male alien 2: Water. Most of the planet is covered in it.
Grand Councilwoman: He won’t survive in water. His molecular density is too great.
[The aliens are amazed by this. On screen, Stitch's ship is about to hit the water]
Grand Councilwoman: No…
[Luckily, it lands on an island of Hawaii where Stitch will be landing]
Grand Councilwoman: Of course. How much time do we have?
Female alien: We have projected his landing at three hours, 42 minutes.
Grand Councilwoman: Oh, we have to gas the planet.
Agent Pleakley: Hold it! [shows up] Hold everything! Earth is a protected wildlife preserve. Yeah. We’ve been using it to rebuild the mosquito population which, need I remind you, is an endangered species!
Grand Councilwoman: Am I to assume you are the expert?
Agent Pleakley: [laughs a little] Oh, I don’t know about expert. Agent Pleakley at your service.
Grand Councilwoman: Can we not simply destroy the island?
Pleakley: No! Crazyhead! The mosquito’s food of choice, (brings out a View-master) primitive humanoid life forms have colonies all over that planet. (Gives the View-Master to the Grand Councilwoman)
Grand Councilwoman: Are they intelligent?
Agent Pleakley: No, but they’re very delicate. In fact, every time an asteroid strikes their planet they have to begin life all over. It’s fascinating, isn’t it? With this, I’ve been able to study…
Grand Councilwoman: What if our military forces just landed there?
Agent Pleakley: Well, that’d be a bad idea! These are extremely simple creatures, miss. Landing there would create mass mayhem and planet-wide panic!
Grand Councilwoman: A quiet capture would require an understanding of 6-2-6 that we do not possess! Who, then, Mr. Pleakley, would you send for his extraction?
Agent Pleakley: Does he have a brother? Close grandmother, perhaps?
[We cut to the prison area. Grand Councilwoman and Pleakley walk]
Pleakley: Friendly cousin? Neighbor with a beard?
[The two got onto the lift and it goes up. In Jumba's cell, he holds a newspaper with the picture of himself and Stitch with the words "Idiot scientist jailed". Jumba gets angry and tears up the newspaper in a fit of rage. As soon as his cell door was open, he was eating bits of his news paper and stops when he sees Pleakley and Grand Counclewoman. He chuckles and drops one bit of newspaper]
Jumba: He got away?
Grand Councilwoman: I'm sure this comes as no surprise to you.
Jumba: I designed this creature for it to be unstoppable.
Grand Councilwoman: Which is precisely why you must now bring him back.
Jumba: What, me?
Grand Councilwoman: And to reward you, we are willing to trade your freedom for his capture.
Jumba: [sighs] 6-2-6 will not come easily... Maybe direct hit from plasma-cannon might stun him long enough to--
Grand Councilwoman: [interrupting, exasperated] Plasma-cannon granted. Do we have a bargain, Dr. Jumba?
Jumba: [grunts and nods]
Agent Pleakley: B-B-But it’s a delicate planet! [singsong] Who’s going to control him?
Grand Councilwoman: You will.
Pleakley: Very good, Your Highness. I… I didn’t quite… [Jumba's cell closes] Uh, you’re not joking!
Jumba: So, tell me, my little one eyed one. On what poor, pitiful, defenceless planet has my monstrosity been unleashed?
Lilo's fight with Mertle Edmonds/Pooh Bear and friends meeting Lilo[]
[We fade to an ocean with fishes. As the song He Mele No Lilo plays, we see a caption that reads "Walt Disney Pictures”. We see dancers step forward in position and the word shows up "Presents". Back in the ocean, we see a little fish holding a peanut butter sandwich and the other fishes swim away to see a girl swimming. The title is seen "Winnie the Pooh Meets Lilo & Stitch"]
Singers: Mahalo nui ʻia ke Aliʻi wahine (Ke Kuini o Hawaiʻi)~
ʻO Liliʻulani ʻO ka Wohi kū (Kū i ka moku i ke Kalaunu)~
Ka pipiʻo mai o ke ānuenue (Nā hana a ke aloha)~
Nā waiho‘olu‘u a hālike ʻole (Māʻalo ana i ka ua lana mālie)~
E nānā nā maka i ke ao malama (I ka lani malama)~
Mai Hawaiʻi ākea i Kauaʻi (Hōʻike mai ana lā i ka nani)~
[To the Hula dancers, they pose. At the sea, two dolphins jump out and then go in one by one. Lilo comes up and looks around. She goes back under water]
Singer: ʻO Kalākaua he inoa~
ʻO Ka pua maeʻole i ka lā~
Ka pua maila i ka mauna~
I ke kuahiwi ʻo Mauna Kea
[Back to the girls, they dance. Back to Lilo, she swims and sees a wave. It crashes and back to the hula dancers doing their dance]
Ke ‘ā maila i Kīlauea
Mālamalama i Wahinekapu
[Back to Lilo, she is at shore and runs. She stops to see a chubby man holding an ice cream cone. She pulls out her camera, positions herself and takes a picture before running off. The ice cream the man is holding falls on the ground. Lilo runs just as the Realm Eagle lands on the ground far from Lilo's school]
A ka luna o Uwēkahuna
I ka pali kapu o Kaʻauea
Ea mai ke aliʻi kia manu
Ua wehi i ka hulu o ka mamo
Ka pua nani aʻo Hawaiʻi
ʻO Kalākaua he inoa~
'O Kalākaua he inoa
'O Ka pua mae'ole i ka lā
Ka pua maila i ka mauna
I ke kuahiwi 'o Mauna Kea
Ke 'ā maila i Kīlauea
Mālamalama i Wahinekapu
A ka luna o Uwēkahuna
I ka pali kapu o Ka'auea
Mahalo nui 'ia ke Ali'i wahine
'O Lili'ulani 'O ka Wohi kū
Ea mai ke ali'i kia manu
Ua wehi i ka hulu o ka mamo
Ka pua nani a'o Hawai'i
'O Kalākaua he inoa
He Inoa No Kalani Kalākaua Kulele
(Mertle and her friends slip on the wet floor.)
Hulu Teacher: Stop, stop. (to Lilo) Lilo, why are you all wet?
Lilo: It's sandwich day. (sighs) Every Thursday, I take Pudge the fish a peanut butter sandwich.
Hulu Teacher: (confused) Pudge is a fish?
Lilo: And today we're out of peanut butter! I asked my sister what to give him and she said a tuna sandwich. I can't give Pudge tuna! (whispering) Do you know what tuna is?
Hulu Teacher: Fish?
Lilo: (yelling) It's fish! If I give Pudge tuna, I'd be an abomination! I'm late because I had to go to the store and get peanut butter "cause all we have stinking tuna!
Hulu Teacher: Lilo, Lilo, why is this so important?
Lilo:(calmly) Pudge controls the weather.
(Everyone exchanged confused looks.)
Mertle Edmonds: You're crazy.
(Lilo angrily lunged at Mertle and punched her face. The girls screamed as Lilo attacks Mertle.)
Hulu Teacher: Please! Please! (he picks up Lilo as Mertle and her friends hide behind him) Everybody calm down! (the girls cry) Girls...(speaks Hawaiian) Shh. Lilo...
Lilo: I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I won't do it again!
Hulu Teacher: Maybe we should call your sister.
Lilo: No! I'll be good! I want to dance. i practiced. I just want to dance. I practiced.
Mertle Edmonds: (see's her bite mark) Ewww, she bit me.
Teresa, Yuki and Elena: Eww!
(The scene changes where Lilo sits on the porch sadly as Mertle and her friends run out happily.)
Hulu Teacher: I called your sister. She said to wait here on the porch. We'll try again on Sunday.
(The hulu teacher walks back inside. Lilo watched Mertle and her friends talk to each other.)
[Pooh and his friends felt bad for Lilo]
Mertle Edmonds: (Showing her bite mark) Does this look infected to you?
Teresa: Yeah.
(Mertle and her friends gasp upon seeing Lilo.)
Mertle Edmonds: You better not have rabies!
Yuki: If you have rabies, the dog-catcher is gonna have to cut your..
Lilo: Are you going to play dolls? (Mertle and her friends hide their dolls)
Mertle Edmonds: You don't have a doll.
Lilo: (Pulling her doll out) This is Scrump. (Mertle and her friends gasp) I made her. But her head is too big. So I had to pretend a bug laid eggs in her ears and she's upset because she only has a few more days to...
(the other Hula girls are already gone)
Pikachu: Pikachu.
(Pooh Bear and friends walk up to Lilo, feeling sorry for her.)
Cobra Bubbles' visit[]
Lilo and Nani's argument/Ash lashes out at Nani[]
Nani: [gasp] I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. She was…I didn’t… ugh! [runs away crying as Ash’s anger fades away]
[Nani runs to her room crying as she slams the door]
Ash Ketchum: Nani! Wait! I didn’t mean it!
[Nani can be heard crying through the door. Ash looks down, feeling bad for losing his temper at Nani as Misty and Brock comforts him]
Ash Ketchum: Oh, I’m sorry guys. I didn’t mean to yell at Nani. I was just mad because of the way she treated Lilo.
Owl: (in Sykes' voice) That's a classic move. I've seen it a thousand times.
Rabbit: Now now Ash, just because Nani was yelling at Lilo doesn’t mean you have the right to yell at her like that.
Ash Ketchum: [sighs sadly] I know.
Kimberly Hart: Let’s give these two girls some space guys, maybe things cool down, they can talk things out.
[3 hours later, Nani is seen sulking in her room as she tries to fight back some tears in her eyes while Pooh and the others were waiting by the door]
Korra: Uhh, Whose going to knock?
Piglet: But Nani's in a bad mood. And I'm so very afraid of it.
Winnie the Pooh: I'm afraid I'd better not knock.
Tigger: (gulps) Checking on Nani and Lilo's after their fights is not what Tiggers do best.
Misty: Okay, Ash. You should check on Nani first before we do Lilo.
Ash: Huh?
Brock: We'll let you handle this one alone.
(Ash was speechless at what he heard)
Ash: Hey, wait a minute! We gave them enough space but I'm not sure this is a good idea.
Jiminy Cricket: I know we came here to solve this problem Zordon send us. But we need to find out why Lilo and Nani are stuck with each other.
Tai: But I don't know if they're feeling better. It was your idea Korra why can't you do it.
Korra: Uhh, I can. But I just thought that...
Mako: I'll do it. [Knocks on Nani's door.] Uhh, Nani, you and Lilo have been in rooms for six hours. We just wanted to make sure that you both are okay.
(Nani opens the door)
Nani: (calmly) Hi, guys.
Zack Taylor: What's up, Nani.
Nani: [feeling remorseful for being mean and acting like a monster to Lilo] Guys…. [starting to cry] I’m so sorry. [breaks down in tears while crying hysterically]
Korra: I know you are Nani. [comforts Nani]
[Pooh and his friends comforts Nani as she began to feel guilty for her argument with Lilo]
Ash Ketchum: Oh, and Nani. I’m sorry I yelled at you. I just didn’t like the way you were treating Lilo.
Nani: I’m sorry too. I should’ve never screamed at my sister.
[Ash and Nani hugs as Pooh and his friends smiled]
Bedtime wish[]
(Later that night Lilo now in her night gown sulking sadly while holding her doll Scrump. Nani calmly comes in with the slice of pizza.)
Nani: (softly) Hey. I brought you some pizza, in case you were hungry.
Lilo: We're broken family, aren't we?
Nani: No. Maybe a little. Maybe, a lot. I shouldn't yelled at you.
Lilo: We're sisters. It's our job.
Nani: Yeah, well, from now on...
Lilo: I like you better as a sister than a mom.
Nani: Yeah?
Lilo: (tearfully) And you like me as a sister than a rabbit, right?
Nani: (gently) Oh...(picks up Lilo in her arms) Oh, oh, oh, oh. Yes. Yes, I do.
Lilo adopts Stitch[]
Pikachu: Pika Pika!
Island escape/Trying to fit in/"Stuck on You"[]
(Just then Mertle, Teresa and Yuki arrive on their bikes and Stitch growls upon seeing them.)
Lilo: (gasps happily) My friends!
(Mertle, Teresa and Yuki shriek upon seeing Lilo as they tried to pedal away from her. But Lilo gets in front of them.)
Mertle: (rudely) What do you want?
Lilo: (regretfully) I'm sorry I bit you, and pulled your hair, and punched you in the face.
Mertle: (Rudely) Apology not accepted. Now, get out of my way, before I run you over.
Pikachu: (angrily) Pika! Pika!
Rabbit: (appalled) Hmph, such rude behavior! I agree with you, my little yellow friend!
(Stitch gets in front of Mertle she shrieks upon seeing him.)
Lilo: I've got a new dog, his name is Stitch. (Stitch glares at them)
Mertle: That is the ugliest thing, I've ever saw.
Teresa and Yuki: Yeah!
Pikachu: (angrily, with sparks flying out of his cheeks) Pika!!!
(Stitch walks up to Mertle)
Mertle: Eww! Get it away from me! I'm going to get a disease!
(Stitch sees Jumba and Pleakley in their disguises, then he push Mertle out of her bike then grabs Lilo and put her on the bike as pooh, ash and the others follow them)
Mertle: Ahhh! (crying) Somebody do something!
Ash Ketchum: Lilo, Stitch, where are you going?
Dinner at the Luau[]
(Brock is seen flirting with pretty girls)
Manager: Hey, Nani! Is that your dog?
Tigger: I think we're in big trouble.
Stitch comes home[]
Model Citizen and Job Hunting/"Devil in Disguise"[]
(Brock is flirting with all the pretty girls in Hawaii, including the attractive female lifeguard)
Brock: (lovesick) Yeah, yeah! Nani needs this job! I was lost at sea, but I was rescued by your gorgeous beauty!!!
Misty: [grabs Brock by the ear] You'll serve her better from afar!
Surfing with David/Stitch drowns[]
Aftermath on the beach[]
Pooh Bear and friends comfort Lilo/Stitch all alone[]
Jumba and Pleakley fired[]
Pleakley: Help! I don't like the ocean! Oh, look, a friendly little dolphin. They helped sailors in the war… It’s a shark! It's a shark, and it ain't friendly! It looks like a dolphin. Tricky fish! Tricky fish! Oh, octopus, come and help me? [climbs onto the rock edge with an octopus on his face] An octo… octopus is worse than a shark! I hate this planet!
[He takes it off his face and crawls then lays on his back]
Jumba: Oh… little monster!
[Pleakley pulls out his com phone and answers the call]
Pleakley: Uh, Agent Pleakley here.
Grand Councilwoman: I have lost patience with you both. Have you captured 6-2-6 or not?
Pleakley: Um… Uh-uh…
Grand Councilwoman: Consider yourselves fired and prisonbound. Your incompetence is nothing short of unspeakable!
[The call ends]
Pleakley: But, uh… mm…
Jumba: We’re fired! Now we do it my way!
Pleakley: Your way? Oh… uh, wait!
Jumba Attacks/Nani loses custody[]
Lilo and Ash captured by Captain Gantu[]
(Lilo walks into the forest as Cobra and Nani continue calling for Lilo. Then she gasped upon seeing Stitch and he nervously have her the ruined family photo. Lilo becomes angry at him.)
Lilo: You ruined everything. (Stitch reveals his true self) (Shocked) You're one of them? (she get's angry again and pushed him) Get out of here, Stitch.
(Suddenly Gantu shoots a net catching Lilo and Stitch.)
Gantu: Surprise! (laughing) And here I thought you'd be difficult to catch. (laughs while picking them both up) Silly me.
Nani: Lilo? Lilo!
(Nani get's really scared when Gantu walks past her.)
(Pikachu, Ash, Kronk, Zazu, witness Gantu capturing Stitch and Lilo.)
Pikachu: Pika Pi!
Hula: Odd Oddish!!!
(Ash gets in front of Gantu glaring at him furiously.)
Ash Ketchum: Hey, let Lilo and Stitch go!
Captain Gantu: (sees Ash) Hmm? And, who's gonna make me, kid?
Ash Ketchum: I'm gonna make you, that's who! (Ash attempts to punch Gantu but hurts his knuckles and he grunts in pain)
Captain Gantu: (chuckles) Nice try, kid. You're coming with me! (picks up Ash)
Ash Ketchum: What do you want with me, anyway? Pikachu, Thunderbolt attack!
Pikachu: Pika! Pikachu!
(Pikachu fires a Jolt of electricity at Gantu but he is unharmed.)
Gantu: Your little yellow rat just shocked me. But your pet can't harm me. (puts Ash in the glass cage) In you go, kid!
Ash Ketchum: Let me out, right now!
Captain Gantu: (annoyed) Can it, kid!
Ash Ketchum: (takes out a pokeball) Charizard! I choose you!!!
[Ash prepares to throw the Pokéball]
Ash Ketchum: Use Flamethrower to break the glass case!!
Gantu: Forget it, kid. Your weak pets aren't going to break the glass. This glass cage is flame-retardant and shock-proof.
Ash Ketchum: (angry) Don't you dare call my Pokémon weak, you big dummy! My Charizard is stronger than it looks!
Gantu: Too bad, earth boy. You won't be needing these! (he takes Ash's pokeballs)
Ash Ketchum: You still didn't answer my question about why you are taking me.
Gantu: I'm taking you to outer space among with 626 since you've got in my way.
Ash Ketchum: You're nuts! I don't even have years of training for space travel!
Gantu: No, you're my prisoner, kid.
(Gantu puts Lilo and Stitch in the glass cage.)
Gantu: There you go, all buckled up for the trip. And look, I even got you a little snack.
(Pooh Bear, Nani and friends watch Gantu take off in his ship.)
Pooh Bear: Look!
Piglet: Oh, d-dear!
Tigger: What's going on?
Brock: That big strong alien got Lilo, Stitch and Ash!
Zazu: What we do? What do we?
Pikachu: Pika Pi!!!
Rabbit: Don't worry, we'll think of something.
Ohana means family[]
Pikachu: Pika Pika!!!
Ash Ketchum: Pikachu!
Stitch, Jumba and Pleakley's new home[]
(David gives Stitch and Lilo a ride on his surf board.)
David: So you're from outer space, huh? I heard the surfing's choice!
(Just then Stitch gets grabbed by a cop.)
Alien Cop: We have 626.
Grand Councilwoman: Take him to my ship!
Lilo: (angrily) Leave him alone! (Cobra holds Lilo back)
Cobra Bubbles: Hold on.
Captain Gantu: (nervously) Grand Councilwoman, let me explain.
Grand Councilwoman; (furiously) Silence! I am retiring you, Captain Gantu for capturing the earth children!
(Gantu felt shocked as Pooh Bear and friends smirk at him with satisfaction.)
Pleakley: Actually, credit for the capture goes to...
Grand Councilwoman: Goes to me. You'll be lucky if you end on a Fluff Trog farm after we sort this thing out.
Jumba: Uh, I think I should...
Grand Councilwoman: You! You're the cause of all this! If it wasn't for your experiment 626, none of this...
Stitch: Stitch.
Grand Councilwoman: What?
Stitch: My name Stitch.
Grand Councilwoman: Stitch, then. If it wasn't for Stitch...(stops and felt surprised)
Stitch: Does Stitch have to go in the ship?
Grand Councilwoman: Yes.
(Stitch plays his ukele.)
Stitch: Wait.