Opening/Buxley Hall/Colonel Buxley and the cadets[]
Reuniting with Casper and the Ghostly Trio[]
Stretch: Guess who?
Heroes: The Ghostly Trio?
Fatso: Yep!
Stinkie: Surprise!
Casper: Hey, guys. Don't forget about me!
Heroes: Casper!
Meet Ms. Wakefield and the girls[]
Meet the Ghosts of Buxley Hall[]
Meeting Jeremy Ross[]
Pooh Bear: Hello. Is anybody here?
Jeremy Ross: Who are you guys?
Pooh Bear: Well, this is Piglet, Tigger, and Rabbit, and Eeyore.
Eeyore: Thanks for noticing.
Pooh Bear: And I'm Winnie the Pooh. But you can call me "Pooh" for short.
Ash Ketchum: My name's Brock and I'm a Pokémon breeder.
Misty: And I'm Misty. My specialty's water Pokémon,
Togepi: Togi.
Ash Ketchum: My name's Ash Ketchum and I'm trying to be a Pokémon master.
Pikachu: Pika.
Ash Ketchum: Oh, yeah. And this is Pikachu.
Pikachu: Pikachu.
Tigger: Uh, who are you?
Jeremey Ross: I'm Jeremy Ross.
Winnie the Pooh: Let us tell you something, Jeremy. We first met Casper and the Ghostly Trio in Deedstown. Plus, we met a boy named Chris Carson who was lonely due to being neglected by his father.
Jeremy Ross: Really?
Tigger: Yeah, Chris was picked on by three boys named Brock Lee, Leon and Danny because of his love for ghosts.
Rabbit: They had crossed the line by locking Chris in the Applegate Mansion's closet where a bomb was planted.
Jeremy Ross: Who did that?
???: That was Bill Case. He was a nut case who was hired by Chris' father. But thankfully Casper managed to stop the bomb from destroying the mansion.
???: Applegate Mansion was Casper and the Ghosty Trio's first home.
???: We ran into Casper again at Sunny Brite Resort before we saw him again we've met a little girl witch named Wendy who is hiding at the resort with her three aunts Gert, Gabby and Fanny.
Jeremy Ross: Who were they hiding from?
???: They were hiding from an evil warlock named Desmond Spellman who wanted to destroy Wendy.
Jeremy Ross: Why?
???: Because Desmond knew that Wendy would be the greatest witch.
???: Our good friend, Casper he's really entertaining because what he does to entertain us like shape shifting and changing his voice.
Jeremy Ross: Really?
???: Yeah, he's so adorable.
Final Battle[]
???: Look over there!
(They see the three vehicles driving up to the academy)
Mr. Potato Head: Who is that coming up to the academy?
Woody: I can’t-- I can’t tell. Hey, where’s Lenny?
Lenny: Right here, Woody.
Rex (Toy Story): Oh, no. I can't bear to watch one of these again.
(Woody uses Lenny to see up close)
Woody: Oh, great. It's Ernestine.
Buzz Lightyear: Ernestine? As in Jeremy’s Aunt Ernestine.
Woody: Yes.
???: What else do you see, Woody?
Woody: Oh, no. She’s leading a demolition crew to the academy.
Heroes: A demolition crew?!
???: What does that mean?!
(Ernestine’s car along with the wrecking crane and the truck with the demolition crew comes up to the academy)
Cadet Captain Hubert Fletcher: Stop! Stop that car!
Cadet: Halt!
(They went in front of the car)
Cadet Captain Hubert Fletcher and the Cadet: Stop! Stop!
(The car stops while Jeremy Ross knows who it is. He and the heroes come up while Ernestine, along with Count Sergio, Vincent, and Quinby step out of the car)
Cadet Captain Hubert Fletcher: I’m sorry ma’am, you can’t enter the school.
Ernestine Di Gonzini: (shoves Hubert out of her way) Please get out of my way! I just bought this place.
Virgil Quinby: Please! You can’t do this!
Ernestine Di Gonzini: Oh, yes, I can!
Jeremy Ross: (comes up to Ernestine) Aunt Ernestine, what are you doing here?
Ernestine Di Gonzini: Darling, I’ve come to take you home.
Jeremy Ross: Not with you. I’m not going with you. All you want is my money.
Ernestine Di Gonzini: (in disbelief) Oh!
(Col. Buxley and the heroes come up to the commotion)
Colonel Joe Buxley: What seems to be the trouble here?
Pooh Bear: What's going on here?
Cadet Captain Hubert Fletcher: Sir, Pooh Bear, everyone, (points to Ernestine) this woman insists that she just bought the academy!
Ernestine Di Gonzini: Which I plan to tear down to the ground immediately!
Tigger: (sputters) What?!
Piglet: What?!
Colonel Joe Buxley: (appalled) That’s impossible! You have no legal right to do anything!
Ernestine Di Gonzini: (to Quinby) Quinby!
Virgil Quinby: Well, I did just close the deal, I think.
(Vincent pulls on his collar as he yelps)
Virgil Quinby: I mean, absolutely. (chuckles nervously)
Colonel Joe Buxley: Quinby, I’ll get an injunction to stop you. Now, you had all better leave. And I do mean now.
???: You better do what he says!
Ernestine Di Gonzini: Forget it! (goes in front of the wrecking crane) Gentlemen, if you will please follow me!
(The crane does so)
Count Sergio Luchesi Di Gonzini: Attack! (looks at Col. Buxley) Ha!
(He follows her wife while Vincent follows them)
???: She's stubborn!
???: She won't leave until the academy is demolished.
Colonel Joe Buxley: That does it! (to Hubert) Captain, mobilize the cadets immediately.
Cadet Captain Hubert Fletcher: (salutes) Yes, sir!
(He goes off to do so while Col. Buxley walks up to Jeremy)
Colonel Joe Buxley: And that means you, Ross!
Jeremy Ross: (salutes) Yes, sir! (runs off)
Colonel Joe Buxley: Pooh Bear, everyone, you can help out, too.
Pooh Bear: Yes, Colonel Buxley.
(Col. Buxley stares at Quinby)
Colonel Joe Buxley: Quinby… (looks at the demolition vehicles and runs off, leaving Quinby)
???: (to Quinby) You're in trouble now, mister!
(The heroes run off, leaving him. Casper and the Ghostly Trio appear.)
Casper: Pooh Bear, guys, what's wrong?
Pooh Bear: It's Ernestine. She's going to tear down the academy.
Casper: (shocked) What?!
(Hubert goes up to a cadet with a bugle)
Cadet Captain Hubert Fletcher: Hawkins, sound assembly on the double! Move! Move!
(Hawkins runs off to do so)
Cadet: Come on! Let’s go! Let’s go!
(Ms. Wakefield hears the commotion)
Emily Wakefield: Colonel, what is going on?
Colonel Joe Buxley: No time to talk. The academy. They’re trying to tear it down.
General Eulace C. Buxley: (shocked) Tear down my academy? (jumps off the bus)
Colonel Joe Buxley: Captain, open the tool shed and issue weapons, immediately!
General Eulace C. Buxley: (to Chester) Don’t just stand there. Prepare the artillery!
Sergeant Major Chester B. Sweet: (salutes) Yes, sir!
Colonel Joe Buxley: (to the cadets) On the double! On the double! Move it! Move it! Move it!
Bettina Buxley: Eulace, I’m coming, too!
General Eulace C. Buxley: Well, I guess if West Point and Annapolis can handle it, so can I.
(Bettina exclaims with glee while Eulace gives her the telescope)
Stretch: Hey, General. We thought you could use a hand since we're ghosts, too.
Emily Wakefield: (to the girls) Come on, girls, off the bus!
(Hawkins plays "Charge" on the bugle off-key while Ben Grissom sees the commotion as the wrecking crane was getting closer to the academy building and walks off. Chester comes up and pauses after hearing Hawkins play off-key, covering his ear and then walks up to the cannon. Ernestine holds her hands out in front of the crane to stop as it was in front of the building)
Ernestine Di Gonzini: (points to the academy building) Now knock that down!
Count Sergio Luchesi Di Gonzini: Down!
(Ernestine nods to her husband and then walks up to the truck coming up behind the crane with the demolition crew on board)
Ernestine Di Gonzini: (to the demolition crew) All right, you men! Out of that truck! Now let’s get to work! Come on! Let’s go
(The crew comes off the truck with their equipment. Col. Buxley and Ben Grissom give a piece of equipment from the tool shed to each cadet)
Colonel Joe Buxley: Move It! Move It! On the double!
(The wrecking crane lifts up its wrecking ball while Ernestine watches with sinister glee for the academy to be demolished. Eulace and Bettina walk up to Chester as he looks in the pails, but there were no cannonballs)
Sergeant Major Chester B. Sweet: We've got no ammo, sir.
General Eulace C. Buxley: Well, what’ll we do?
Bettina Buxley: (sees a wheelbarrow of cement) Wait! What about this cement?
(Eulace and Chester look at each other after hearing the idea. The wrecking crane prepares to demolish the academy building with its wrecking ball. But before it could do any demolishing, Col. Buxley and the heroes lead the cadets with their equipment as the cadets line up in front of the academy building)
Colonel Joe Buxley: Move it! Move it! Move it! Move it! Move it!
(The cadets were all lined up while Col. Buxley stands in front of them)
Colonel Joe Buxley: All right! Hold your ranks, men!
Ash Ketchum: Pokémon, materialize!
(Ash, Misty, and Brock materialize their Pokémon)
Tai: Digimon, digivolve!
(The Digimon digivolve)
Tommy Oliver: It's Morphin' Time!
(The Power Rangers begin to morph)
Tommy Oliver: Tiger Zord!
Adam Park: Mastodon!
Kimberly Ann Hart: Pterodactyl!
Billy Cranston: Triceratops!
Aisha Campbell: Sabertoothed Tiger!
Rocky DeSantos: Tyrannosaurus!
(They morph)
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: Power Rangers!
(Ernestine sees the cadets and heroes lined up in front of the academy, but she was not giving up)
Ernestine Di Gonzini: (to the demolition crew) Well?
(The crew starts muttering while walking in front of the cadets and heroes as the cadets and heroes prepare themselves)
General Eulace C. Buxley: Load her up.
(Chester takes a bucket of cement and loads the cannon with it. The demolition crew lines up in front of the cadets and heroes as the cadets and heroes prepare themselves. Ernestine starts walking in front of the crew like a drill seargeant)
Ernestine Di Gonzini: (speaks like a drill sergeant) What is the matter with you men?!
(The crew speaks out, saying the cadets are kids)
Ernestine Di Gonzini: Yes! Do you realize I am paying you good money for this? Oh, sissies! (points to a male crew member in the chest) Are you going to let a bunch of spoiled little brats, stuffed animals, dinosaurs, toys, appliances, animals, and weird looking creatures make fools of you?!
Male Crew Member: (along with the other members): No, ma’am!
Ernestine Di Gonzini: All right then, (points) get in there!
Demolition Crew: (as they move towards the cadets and heroes) Yeah!
Ernestine Di Gonzini: That’s more like it.
(As the cadets and heroes prepare to fight and the demolition crew comes towards them, out of nowhere, a spray of water comes out at the crew as the cadets laugh. Col. Buxley turns to see that Ms. Wakefield and the girls were spraying the demolition crew with a fire hose as the girls cheered on. Ernestine, Count Sergio, and Vincent reacted upon getting small splashes of water on them. Col. Buxley smiled while the cadets cheered for them)
???: Good thinking!
Ash Ketchum: We better join in, too.
Ash, Misty, and Brock: Water Pokémon, use Water Gun!
(The water Pokémon use their water gun, squirting at the demolition crew. A crew member gets back up, but slips and falls)
Stretch: Oh, medic! We got a fleshie down!
Fatso: Coming, Doctor. I learned this trick from my "mummy". (chuckles)
(An invisible Fatso mummy wraps around the crew member)
Stretch: It's a poltergeist party! (imitates noisemaker, laughs)
Stinkie: I know we're not in Technicolor, so how about Odorama!
(Stinkie inhales his bad breath to the crew, which them react to the bad smell. Hawkins continues to bugle "Charge" off-key, but Chester has had enough and takes the bugle from him without Hawkins noticing since he’s a ghost. Cheser bugles "Charge" perfectly while Hawkins runs off. The demolition crew continues getting sprayed with water)
General Eulace C. Buxley: Fire!
(Bettina lights the cannon, firing cement at the demolition crew)
General Eulace C. Buxley: Direct hit! (to Bettina) Good shooting, my dear! Good shooting!
(Chester comes up to them. The demolition crew flees in retreat. An invisible Stretch stops one of the crew members)
Stretch: Ah, ah, ah. Before you run off, pal, you better check under there.
Crew Member: Under where?
Stretch: Exactly! A mega-wedgie! (gives him a wedgie)
Fatso: What a crackup!
(The crew member groans as he struggles to run)
Stinkie: Uh-oh. My allergy.
(Stinkie sneezed which caused the mucus to come out of his nose. The mucus landed on the crew members, which caused them to react in disgust)
Fatso: I told you were eating too much dairy.
(The crew members all run away in retreat to the truck)
Cadets: Charge!
(The cadets run up to the demolition crew boarding their truck)
Ernestine Di Gonzini: (to Vincent) Hurry up! Get Jeremy!
(Vincent grabs Jeremy)
Jeremy Ross: Let me go!
???: They're taking Jeremy away!
Posie Taylor: Somebody do something!
(Vincent was bringing Jeremy to Ernestine’s car)
Ernestine Di Gonzini: Vincent, hurry up!
Jeremy Ross: Chester!
Emily. Wakefield: (to Col. Buxley) Joe!
(Col. Buxley comes to the rescue by running towards Vincent and tackling him to the ground. As they both stood back up, Vincent was going to attack, but Col. Buxley punched him in the face, knocking him out cold)
Vincent: (while getting punched) Ooh!
(Ms. Wakefield smiled as Col. Buxley puts his hat back on and brushes himself off. The cadets run toward Ernestine and Count Sergio as they run away)
Ernestine Di Gonzini: Oh! Oh!
Count Sergio Luchesi Di Gonzini: (to Jeremy) See you back at the house!
Jeremy Ross: Grab his feet, somebody.
Cadets: (surrounding the unconscious Vincent) I got him. I got him.
Ernestine Di Gonzini: (to Count Sergio) Come on!
(They run towards the academy, but they stop upon seeing Eulace in front of them)
General Eulace C. Buxley: Halt!
Ernestine Di Gonzini: (screams while clutching onto her husband)
General Eulace C. Buxley: (points at them) Get off my property! (disappears)
(Ernestine and Count Sergio were shocked in fright)
Fatso: Ribbit.
(They see the Ghostly Trio, who are imitating frogs while sitting on the edge of the academy)
Stretch: Bull...
Stinkie: Doz...
Fatso: Er.
(Ernestine and Count Sergio were scared)
Stretch: Bull...
Stinkie: Doz...
Fatso: Er.
(The Ghostly Trio hop up and become invisible. The invisible Ghostly Trio starts the wrecking crane's engine as it comes towards Ernestine and Count Sergio and they become scared)
Stretch: Bull...
Stinkie: Doz...
Fatso: Er!
Stretch: Don't you get it, bone bags? Bull...
Stinkie: Doz...
Fatso: Er!
(Ernestine and Count Sergio screamed, terrified)
Stretch: (driving the crane towards Ernestine's car) Hey, move it, pals! (laughs) This is a no-parking zone!
(Stretch uses the wrecking ball to knock smash the car as Ernestine and Count Sergio were stunned)
Stretch: Tsk, tsk. See what happens when you don't set your alarm? Well, at least you don't have a sunroof now.
(Ernestine and Count Sergio were still stunned. Then they heard Chester laughing evilly)
Sergeant Major Chester B. Sweet: (pops in and out down the front academy steps as he moves closer to them) We… won’t… let… you… wreck… our… school!
(They held onto each other as they were spooked as Chester laughs evilly while cross-eyed and then disappears)
Ernestine Di Gonzini and Count Sergio Luchesi Di Gonzini: (screams in fright as they run away in retreat)
(Jeremy shakes hands with Hubert while the cadets are still surrounding the unconscious Vincent, congratulating each other. George arrives along with Judge Haynes and E.L. Hart)
Jeremy Ross: (sees George) Uncle George!
(He runs towards and hugs him as George hugs back)
George Ross: Ah, Jeremy! Oh, you look great!
(Ernestine and Count Sergio come up to them)
Ernestine Di Gonzini: (spooked) Oh, oh, oh. They’re after me again! They are! A whole army of ghosts. Popping in and out all over the place! Blowing mucus at me! Controlling cranes! Shooting cannons at me, a pie in my face. They are, they are. (walks away in defeat) I can’t stand it anymore! I can’t stand it! I can’t take anymore!
Count Sergio Luchesi Di Gonzini: (speaking in Italian as he follows his wife)
(Judge Haynes and E.L. Hart looks at Ernestine like she lost her mind and then turns to George)
Judge Oliver Haynes: (takes out some papers) About these change of custody papers, George. Obviously, your sister is in no condition to resume the guardianship of Jeremy, now (rips up the papers) or ever.
Jeremy Ross: (turns to George) We did it!
(He hugs George as he hugs back)
George Ross: Yes, we did it, boy!
Jeremy Ross: All right!