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Pooh's Adventures Wiki
The Beach Ball! Title card

This is an episode transcript of Winnie the Pooh in The Beach Ball.

Transcript #1[]

{We now see Molly, Gil, Bubble Puppy, Ash Ketchum, Pikachu, Edd, and Raphael walking by and saying hi to the audience}

  • Raphael: Hey!
  • Edd: Hi!
  • Ash Ketchum: Hello there!
  • Pikachu: Pika! {Hello!}
  • Molly: Hello!
  • Gil: Hey!
  • Bubble Puppy: {Barks}

{They soon saw a beach ball}

  • Raphael: Hey, isn't that a beach ball?
  • Gil: Hey, is this yours?

{They see a kid lobster}

  • Kid Lobster: Uh huh.
  • Ash Ketchum: Here you can have it.

{Ash gives the ball to the kid}

  • Kid Lobster: Thank you.
  • Gil: Hey, guys! Check it out!

{They soon see a beach}

  • Raphael: Hey!
  • Edd: That's the beach!
  • Ash Ketchum: Never knew that there was a beach here.
  • Gil: I love the beach!
  • Molly: Me too!
  • Ash Ketchum: Same to me and Pikachu!
  • Pikachu: Pika! {Yeah!}
  • Edd: {To the audience} Have you ever been to the beach before?
  • Raphael: I bet that the beach is a fun place.

{They see a lot of people doing lots of beach hobbies}

  • Edd: Look, those people are building sandcastles, playing ball, and even surfing.

{They now see someone at a coconut drink stand}

  • ???: Hi there. Would you like a coconut water, miss?
  • Raphael: Hey, there is a coconut drink stand.
  • Lady Snail: Totally.
  • ???: Coming right up.
  • ???: Now do it, Sandy. Do your song.
  • Sandy: Coconut water, very nice. Mix it up with lots of ice. Shake it up, shake it yeah, move your hips. Add a straw so you can zip.

{She sticks a straw on a coconut}

  • Molly: Cool.
  • Gil: Whoa.
  • Edd and Raphael: Awesome!
  • Lady Snail: Mmm, thank you, Sandy. See you at the Beach Ball tonight.
  • Molly and Gil: Beach Ball?

{They see the same kid playing with the ball again}

  • Edd: Um, yeah. That kid we saw played with that beach ball.
  • Sandy: {Laughs} Not that kind of beach ball.
  • Pikachu: Pika? {Huh}

{Sandy throws the ball back to the kid}

  • Kid Lobster: Thank you.
  • Ash Ketchum: What ball did she meant?
  • Sandy: A ball is a kind of party wherever gets dressed up and dances.
  • Edd: Did you say ''Dance party''?
  • Sandy: Totally.
  • ???: You see? Me and Sandy have decided that we want to go to this ball too.
  • Ash Ketchum: Um, who are you?
  • ???: Oh sorry, amigo. My name is Alejandro Burromento.
  • Ash Ketchum: So, what happens at the end, Alejandro?
  • Alejandro Burromento: Well, in the end, the announcer picks the best queen and becomes queen of the beach and gets a shiny new crown.
  • Molly: Well, you're a really good dancer, Sandy.
  • Alejandro Burromento: And i made her become a good dancer.

{Alejandro shows off his cool side and made Edd and Raphael so surprised}

  • Raphael: Wow! His abs are abdominal-lly awesome!
  • Edd: I even love his smile.
  • Ash Ketchum: Well, what if Sandy is the queen of the beach, Alejandro?
  • Sandy: Thanks, um.
  • Ash Ketchum: Ash. Ash Ketchum. And my partner Pikachu.
  • Pikachu: Pikachu. {Hello, Sandy}
  • ???: You're not going to the Beach Ball tonight, Sandy.
  • ???: No way. You and Al are having too much work to do.
  • Alejandro Burromento: Girls, i am pretty sure we will go to this place and you two won't.
  • ???: Oh no he didn't, sis.
  • Sandy: Really?
  • Edd: Yeah, don't listen to those girls.
  • ???: Sorry, girl.
  • ???: Come on, Maureen. Let's practice dancing. I'm going to be queen of the beach.
  • Maureen: No you're not. I am!
  • Dunehilda: No, i am!
  • Maureen: Okay, hi, i totally am.

{The girls leave}

  • Sandy: {Sighs}
  • Gil: Who was that?
  • Alejandro Burromento: Those were her sisters.
  • Molly: Aren't they going to help you?
  • Sandy: Nah, they never help.
  • Raphael: Well, if you two both had a little bit of time, you two can go to the ball!
  • Gil: Yeah!
  • Pikachu: Pika!
  • Sandy: Maybe.

{Soon another customer, that was actually Ms Peekytoe came by to the stand}

  • Ms Peekytoe: One coconut water please, Sandy.
  • Alejandro Burromento: Maybe we can think about it while you lot go to where you're going.
  • Ash Ketchum: Well, see you two hopefully at the ball!
  • Pikachu: Pika! {See ya!}
  • Edd: So long.
  • Alejandro Burromento: Well, adios, friends!
  • Molly: Bye!

{They soon leave the beach and head down the path to school}

  • Edd: {To the audience} Come with us to the school!

{Inside the school, each guppy and member said hi to the audience}

  • Brock: Hi there!
  • Misty: Hello!
  • Deema: Hi there
  • Ed: Hi!
  • Eddy: Yo, friends!
  • Scarlett: Hello!
  • Scott, Rodney, DJ, Mike, Cameron, and Zoey: Hello!
  • Skipper, Rico, Private, and Kowalski: How do you do?
  • Arthur Read and DW Read: How are you?!
  • Pooh: Nice to see you!
  • Goby: Hello!
  • Oona: Hello!
  • Rock and Spud: Hi there!
  • Sugar: Howdy do!

{The others waved and so did Nonny}

  • The guppies and the heroes: Good morning, Mr Grouper!
  • Mr Grouper: Well, good morning, everyone.

{Soon, Molly, Gil, Ash, Pikachu, Edd, and Raphael came}

  • Edd: Hey, guys!
  • Raphael: We met some people at the beach.
  • Ash Ketchum: There was a girl named Sandy.
  • Pikachu: Pika-pik! {And Alejandro too!}
  • Ash Ketchum: Pikachu says that Alejandro was there.
  • Zoey: Alejandro?
  • Mike: I know him. He was the guy who saw me as my evil personality figure named Mal.
  • Goby: The beach?
  • Deema: I love the beach!
  • Buster Baxter: Same here!
  • Genie: I say, surf's up on me!
  • Oona: Me too!
  • Mr Grouper: Oh yeah. The beach is really fun!
  • Gil: I like playing in the sand.
  • Goby: I like to go in the water.
  • Tigger: Tiggers like me like water, a lot!
  • Nonny: I have to put on lots of sunscreen on when i go to the beach.
  • Sugar: The thing i like best about the beach is the wonderful ice cream they serve.
  • Francine Frensky: Nonny may have a point on sunscreen.
  • Barney: Yeah, it protects you from the sun so you don't get a sunburn.
  • Oona: What else can you do at the beach?
  • Mr Grouper: Well, let's think about it.
  • BJ: {To the audience} One of things you can do is dig in the sand and fill it with a...

{A sand bucket in a bubble pops up}

  • Goby, Baby Bop, and Riff: Bucket!
  • BJ: {To the audience} Right!
  • Barney: {To the audience} And then, when you made a lot of sand buildings, you are actually making a...

{A sandcastle in a bubble pops up}

  • Gil, Ed, Edd, and Eddy: Sandcastle!
  • Barney: {To the audience} That's right. A sandcastle.
  • Raphael: {To the audience} And the best thing you can decorate sandcastles that can be used a necklace are called...

{Some shells in a bubble pop up}

  • Deema, Leonardo, Donatello, and Michelangelo: Shells!
  • Mr Grouper: {To the audience} That's right. Seashells.
  • Deema: I love the beach!
  • Donatello: Well, surf is on up!
  • Spud: Let's hit and sing about the beach!

On The Beach[]

{The song starts withe everyone in a car riding to the seaside}

  • We're heading for the shore, gonna have some fun, yeah!
  • Ash Ketchum: Gonna swim in the water and play in the sun, oh yeah!
  • Pikachu: Pika! {Oh yeah!}
  • Edd: The car is packed up, and the windows are down!
  • Raphael: Turn the radio up!
  • Rock and Spud: Rock on!
  • Edd: As we roll out of town!

{Deema, Scarlett, Misty, and Togepi made a sandcastle, but a wave ruined it}

  • Ash Ketchum: Smell the salt spray in the air.
  • The guppies: Can't wait to be there!
  • Misty: And feel the wind in my hair!
  • The guppies and the heroes: Can't wait to see you!

{They started dancing on the beach}

  • Molly, Ash Ketchum, and Pikachu: On the beach, on the beach, I love the beach on the summer!
  • Pooh, Piglet, and Owl: Love the sand in my toes, love the surf, hey you know I'm gonna...
  • Timon and Pumbaa: Head to the ocean, or the lake, or the sea!
  • Molly, the guppies, Ash Ketchum, and Pikachu: Wherever land meets water that's where I'll be...
  • Tigger: On the beach!

{Some of the heroes relaxed under a beach umbrella while some put on sunblock}

  • Gil: Spread out the towels, won't you give me a hand, yeah?
  • Raphael: Let's toss a beach ball, make castles in the sand, oh yeah!
  • Leonardo: We will surf some waves which wash the castle away.
  • Michelangelo: And do it again tomorrow, so it's all okay.
  • Donatello: Uh huh!

{Some of the members hung under the shade with Deema}

  • DJ: Umbrellas are where we find shade.
  • The guppies and heroes: I wanna be there...
  • Scott: Seashells in tide pools where we wade.
  • Iago: That is the place to find us!

{They started dancing and sung the chorus again}

  • The guppies, Ash Ketchum, Pikachu, Edd, and Raphael: On the beach, on the beach, I love the beach on the summer! Love the sand in my toes, love the surf, hey y'know I'm gonna...Head to the ocean, or the lake, or the sea! Wherever land meets water, that's where I'll be, on the beach!

{The song ended with everyone and Mr Grouper watching the sunset at the beach}

Transcript #2[]

{We now see Gil, Bubble Puppy, Iago, and Genie}

  • Iago: Hey, you two.
  • Gil: Hey, Iago and Genie, Bubble Puppy and i are going to beach to collect some shells.
  • Genie: Well, can we go help you?
  • Gil: Sure.
  • Iago: Luckily, i know the perfect place.
  • Genie: Follow us!

{The four went to Deema who was pretending to relax on the beach in the shade}

  • Deema: Shell-o. Welcome to the Seashell Store.
  • Iago: Well, shell-o to you too.
  • Genie: We want some seashells of our own too.
  • Bubble Puppy: {Barks}
  • Deema: Well, you certainly came to the right place.

{Soon, it transformed into an actual beach}

  • Deema: We sell seashells by the seashore.
  • Iago: That is like a tongue twister.
  • Deema: And today, we're having a special on shells that match.
  • Genie: So, what's the task?
  • Deema: You three and your puppy may have any two shells that are exactly alike.
  • Iago: Oh, i get it. Like those two blue shells.
  • Deema: Exactly.
  • Genie: {To the audience} Now, look carefully.
  • Iago: {To the audience} We may need your help here.

{Gil, Bubble Puppy, Iago, and Genie were by four shells}

  • Genie: {To the audience} Take a good look at these shells.
  • Gil: {To the audience} Which shells are exactly the same?
  • Little Fish 1: This one!
  • Little Fish 2: And this one!
  • Iago: {To the audience} You got it!
  • Gil: {To the audience} They're the same shape and the same color.
  • Genie: That means they match.

{They now see 7 shells}

  • Iago: {To the audience} We need your help again.
  • Genie: {To the audience} Look closely. Which shells are exactly the same?
  • Little Fish 1: This one!
  • Little Fish 2: And this one!
  • Iago: Right again!
  • Genie: {To the audience} Same shape and color, and they are both cone shaped.

{They were now back by Deema's umbrella}

  • Iago: Do you like the new shells, Bubble Puppy?
  • Bubble Puppy: {Barks}
  • Gil: Thank you.
  • Deema: You're welcome.
  • Genie: {To the audience} And thank you for finding us the right shell.

{Mr Grouper and Donatello came by wearing a sunhat and shades}

  • Mr Grouper: Hey, excuse us.
  • Donatello: Can any of you tell what it is time for?
  • Deema: It's time for lunch!
  • Iago: Can i join in this one?
  • Genie: Affirmative.

Lunch Time Song[]

{Iago joins with Goby, Oona, and Nonny}

  • Mr Grouper: What time is it?
  • Goby, Oona, Nonny, and Iago: It's time for lunch!
  • Mr Grouper: What time is it?
  • Goby, Oona, Nonny, and Iago: It's time for lunch!
  • Mr Grouper: What time is it?
  • Goby, Oona, Nonny, and Iago: It's time for lunch!
  • Mr Grouper: It's lunchtime!
  • Goby, Oona, Nonny, and Iago: Hey, what's for lunch?

Transcript #3[]

  • Oona: Hey, Goby.
  • Iago: What did you brought for your lunch today?
  • Goby: I got spaghetti and meatballs.
  • Iago: Yum.
  • Goby: What did you get, Oona?
  • Oona: I got spaghetti and meatballs too.
  • Iago: Well, that is not the first time a lunch was twice.
  • Goby: What is your lunch, Iago?
  • Iago: Well, it isn't spaghetti, but i got a meatball sandwich.
  • Oona: Very meaty.
  • Iago: What did you got for lunch, Nonny?
  • Nonny: I got spaghetti and...beach balls?

{Nonny's spaghetti had beach ball meatballs on it}

  • Iago: Funny!
  • Goby, Oona, Nonny, and Iago: {Laughs}
  • Little Fish: Spaghetti and beach balls? You can't eat that!

Molly, Gil, Pooh and Rock Sketch[]

{We now see Molly, Pooh, and Rock surrounded by shells}

  • Rock: {To the audience} You can't eat them. You play with them.
  • Pooh: That is one of the hobbies you can do when you are at the beach.
  • Molly: Yeah. You can play in the sunshine, splash in the water.
  • Rock: You can even look for rare seashells too.

{Gil comes by looking for some shells}

  • Gil: Hey, guys!
  • Rock: Hey there, Gil.
  • Pooh: Can you tell us what you are doing?
  • Gil: I'm looking for seashells. Here's a pretty one.

{Pooh saw a big shell}

{Gil tries to catch it, but it moved}

  • Gil: Hey. Hey!
  • Rock: Hmm, probably another crab is in there.
  • Gil: Stay still.
  • Pooh: Gil, there could be a crab there.
  • Gil: Come back here!
  • Pooh: Try harder, Gil!

{Gil keeps chasing the shell away}

  • Rock: Well, at least he didn't use the shell-ophone.
  • Molly, Pooh, and Rock: {Laughs}

{Deema, Ash, Pikachu, and Edd came by}

  • Deema: Hey, Molly.
  • Ash Ketchum: Guys, we are playing beach party.
  • Pikachu: Pika! {Oh yeah!}
  • Edd: Come in and join us.
  • Rock: Good thing it has music.
  • Pooh: {To the audience} Come on!

Transcript #4[]

{We now see Goby, DJ, Iago, and Eeyore relaxing, Gil, Bubble Puppy, Rock, and Spud playing catch, and the girls, penguins, ninja turtles, Ash Ketchum, Pikachu, Misty, Brock and Edd dancing}

  • Scarlett: Wow! This beach is rocking!
  • Spud: You can say that again, Scarlett.
  • Pooh: I am a surfer! Kowabunga!
  • Oona: Hey, guys. Come dance with us.
  • Cameron: Okay then.
  • Zoey: I don't mind a good beat.
  • Sugar: Well, i prefer country dancing, but why not?

{Nonny and Scott came to Mr Grouper and Rodney dancing}

  • Scott: Rodney? Mr Grouper?
  • Rodney: Yes, Scott?
  • Nonny: Do you both remember to put on sunscreen?

{Mr Grouper and Rodney stopped dancing}

  • Rodney: Yikes!
  • Mr Grouper: Oh no! We forget to put on sunscreen!

{Mr Grouper turns sunburn red}

  • Mr Grouper: Ow! Ow, ow, ow!
  • Rodney: Aw, man!
  • Mr Grouper: Now we have sunburns.
  • Arthur Read and DW Read: {Laughs}
  • Buster Baxter: Oh, Mr Grouper and Rodney.
  • Rodney: Don't worry, we were kidding.
  • Mr Grouper: I always wear sunscreen.
  • Tigger: I would do the same thing too.
  • Rodney: Yeah, we never showed off our swimsuits when i was in Pahkitew Island.

{Molly and Raphael came by with pretend balls being drinks}

  • Raphael: Coconut water and fruit drinks!
  • Molly: Who wants coconut water?

{Everyone agreed to try some}

  • SpongeBob: Oh yeah. {Pretend slurps and pictures some coconuts in his eyes} Coconut water.
  • Patrick Star: Refreshing.
  • Squidward Tentacles: Reminds me of paradise.
  • Brock: Same here.
  • Ash Ketchum: Guys, have you ever wonder if Sandy will win in the ball and become the queen of the beach?
  • Sandy Cheeks: Wow, i never knew that there is more than one kind of Sandy.
  • Molly: I hope so.
  • Edd: What about Alejandro?
  • Raphael: I sure hope we can find a way to make them come together.
  • Pikachu: Pika pika pikachu? {But what about her sisters that were teasing her?}
  • Raphael: No way, Pikachu. There is no way one of the sisters will be the queen of the beach.
  • Mike: Don't worry. One of my personalities can distract any lady if they like Alejandro.
  • Pooh: Make sure to save it for the ball.

Outside Story[]

  • Mr Grouper: Okay. Line up, everybody!
  • Timon and Pumbaa: it is time to go outside!
  • Scarlett: Let's go!
  • The heroes and the guppies: Outside, outside, outside, everybody, outside.
  • Mr Grouper: Line up, everybody, line up, line up, line up, line gup, gup, gup, gup.
  • The heroes and the guppies: Guppies!
  • Mr Grouper: Everybody get out, get, get.
  • The heroes and the guppies: Guppies!
  • Mr Grouper: Get out, get up, get everybody go.
  • The heroes, Mr Grouper, and the guppies: Outside!
  • Mr Grouper: Here we go, here we go, here we go everyone line up, everybody outside. Everybody let's go, go, go, go, g-get out-out-out-out-out-out-out-out-out-outside! Bubble guppies!

{The song ends with Goby, Oona, Rock, and Spud}

  • Oona: {To the audience} Hey dudes!
  • Goby: We're surfers.
  • Rock: Who love surfing.
  • Spud: And we are all going to the beach.
  • Oona: Polar Beach.

{Nonny and SpongeBob were the narrators of the story}

  • Nonny: {As the narrator} Once upon a time.
  • SpongeBob: {As the narrator} In a chilly and icy beachy day.

{The playground transformed into the Arctic where Polar Beach was found}

  • Nonny: {As the narrator} There were four surfers who went to surf Polar Beach.
  • Spud: Man, look at them waves, dudes and dudette!
  • Oona: Awesome waves, dudes!
  • Rock: What do you say we {Imitates waves crashing} surf some waves and go ''Kowabunga'', dudes?
  • Oona: Come on, dudes. Surf's up!
  • SpongeBob: {As the narrator} But what the surfers didn't know was that they weren't the only ones on the beach.
  • ???: Dudes!
  • Rock: Was that you, Spud?
  • Spud: Uh-uh. It doesn't sound like you either, Rock.
  • Goby and Oona: Huh?

{They see a polar bear wearing swimming shorts behind them}

  • SpongeBob: {As the narrator} They saw a very crossed surf polar bear.
  • Surf Polar Bear: This is totally my beach!
  • Goby, Oona, Rock, and Spud: Polar bear!
  • Spud: Let's find another side of this beach!
  • SpongeBob: {As the narrator} With that, they ran away from the polar bear as fast as they could.
  • Rock: Dudes and dudette, let's find another beach.
  • Goby: Totally!

{They were now at another icy beach}

  • Nonny: {As the narrator} So the surfers ran away to find another beach where they can surf.
  • Goby: Dudes and dudette, Iceberg Beach has the best waves of all!
  • Oona: Totally, dudes!
  • Rock: Yeah, let's do some surfing, dudes!
  • Goby: Let's go before that polar bear shows up again.
  • Rock: Um, speaking of polar bears. {Nervously} What's he doing here?!
  • Nonny: {As the narrator} But guess who showed up again?
  • SpongeBob: {As the narrator} It was the surfer polar bear, even more crosser.
  • Goby, Oona, Rock, and Spud: Uh oh.
  • Surf Polar Bear: My beach, dudes!
  • Oona: Mr Polar Bear dude, the beach is for everyone.
  • Rock: Yeah, it can't be just for-
  • Surf Polar Bear: MY BEACH!
  • Goby, Oona, and Spud: {Screams}
  • Rock: Yeah, it is all yours.

{They ran away from the bear, but were trapped on a piece of ice}

  • Goby and Oona: Whoa!
  • Rock: We're trapped, dudes and dudettes!
  • Surf Polar Bear: My beach!
  • Spud: Dudes and dudette, it is gonna get us!
  • Oona: Hurry, help me break off the ice.
  • SpongeBob: {As the narrator} So, the surfers broke some ice together to get away from the surf polar bear.
  • Surf Polar Beach: My beach!
  • Spud: Quick, hurry!

{The ice floe got chipped}

  • Goby: Awesome!
  • Spud: Too bad for the bear!
  • Rock: Yeah, what's he gonna do? Use an inner tube?
  • SpongeBob: {As the narrator} But that polar bear wouldn't give up.
  • Surf Polar Bear: My ice floe!

{They saw him on a purple inner tube}

  • Rock: Aw, come on.
  • Spud: It is like he understood us.
  • Goby: Now what are we gonna do?
  • Oona: Guys, look! Here comes a really big wave!
  • Spud: Man, if only we gotten our surfboards.
  • Rock: Yeah, but the polar bear made us not use them.
  • Oona: But how are we gonna surf without our surfboards
  • SpongeBob: {As the narrator} Luckily, the surfers had an idea.
  • Rock: Hey, i got it! What if we made our very own ice surfboard?
  • Oona: Awesome!
  • Rock: And here is what our surfboard should look like.

{Rock draws the outline of the surfboard}

  • Goby: And we can use these pieces of ice to make a surfboard.
  • Spud: {To the audience} We need your help here.
  • Rock: {To the audience} Which piece will fit in the back?
  • Little Fish: This one!
  • Goby: {To the audience} Right!
  • Spud: {To the audience} Now, for the piece in the middle.
  • Rock: {To the audience} Which piece will fit in the middle?
  • Little Fish: That one!
  • Spud: {To the audience} That's right. That piece.
  • Oona: We just need this last piece.

{The piece tried to fit, but it didn't work}

  • Rock: Oh dear, It can't fit.
  • Oona: {To the audience} What should we do with it?
  • Little Fish: Turn it around.
  • Spud: {To the audience} You are right. Turn the piece around.

{The piece turns the right way and fits}

  • Rock: Alright, we did it!
  • Spud: {To the audience} Way to go and thanks, dudes!
  • Goby: Here comes the wave!
  • Oona: Let's go!
  • Surf Polar Bear: My ocean!
  • SpongeBob: {As the narrator} Soon, the surfers got on the board and started surfing.
  • Goby, Oona, and Spud: Surf's up!
  • Rock: Kowabunga!
  • Surf Polar Bear: My wave! {Gets hit by the wave} Whoa!
  • Spud: Woohoo!
  • Nonny: {As the narrator} So the surfers surfed safely back to shore.

{They stopped by the place where the real surfboards were held in}

  • Oona: Awesome waves, dudes!
  • Rock: Yeah, that was phenomenal!
  • SpongeBob: {As the narrator} But guess who showed up again?
  • Surf Polar Bear: Dudes!

{The polar bear came back}

  • Goby and Oona: Oh man.
  • Rock: What?!
  • Spud: Aw man, drag.
  • Surf Polar Bear: That was awesome!

{Goby, Oona, Rock, and Spud were confused}

  • Goby, Oona, Rock, and Spud: Huh?
  • Spud: Um, thank you?
  • Rock: Bear Dude, why are you like ''woohoo''?
  • Spud: Yeah, you are more like ''my beach'', man.
  • Surf Polar Bear: What you just did, that was so cool. What do you call it, dudes?
  • Spud: Why, it's surfing, dude?
  • Surf Polar Bear: Yeah, surfing! I totally want to do that too. Will you teach me?
  • SpongeBob: {As the narrator} Soon, the surfers decided to help him.
  • Rock: Well, we could if you promise to share the beach with us.
  • Surf Polar Bear: Totally sorry, dudes.
  • Oona: That's okay, bud.
  • Spud: Here, use our iceboard.
  • Surf Polar Bear: Awesome! Thanks!
  • Rock: And look! Here are the waves coming by!
  • Goby, Oona, Rock, Spud, and Surf Polar Bear: Surf's up!

{The surfers and polar bear surfed together}

  • SpongeBob: {As the narrator} And in conclusion, the surfers let the polar bear share the beach and surfed together.
  • Spud: What do you say that, bear?
  • Surf Polar Bear: Awesome!
  • Goby, Oona, and Rock: Totally!
  • Nonny: {As the narrator} And they all live happily ever after.
  • SpongeBob: {As the narrator} The End.

{The Arctic transformed back into the playground}

  • The heroes: {Applauding}
  • Rodney: Whoa, that bear really can surf!
  • Ed: Yeah, he certainly did.
  • Rico: Yay for the surfers!
  • Private: Especially in a penguin's habitat.

Dance Song/Another Molly, Gil, Pooh and Rock Sketch[]

  • Gil: Come on, everyone. It's time to dance!

{Everyone went inside}

  • Kowalski: Can i join this one?
  • Skipper: What about me?
  • Gil: Sure. {To the audience} Get up and dance with us.
  • Skipper: {To the audience} All you swimmers and beach lovers.
  • Kowalski: {To the audience} Let's do a swimming dance.

{Skipper and Kowalski join with Gil, Nonny, and Oona}

  • Gil: Come on everybody, let's get real!
  • Skipper: Jump on in and get ready yet.
  • Kowalski: We'll show you how to move in the water just right.
  • Gil: 'Cause it's easy to swim when the groove's so ti-ight!
  • Kowalski: {Speaks} Okay, dancers! We are gonna jump in the water and move our hands like we are swimming.
  • Gil: Are you ready?
  • Skipper: Then let's all go!
  • Gil: Come on everybody, do the swim.
  • Gil, Oona, Skipper and Kowalski: Swim and swim, swim and swim.
  • Skipper: Come on everybody, let's do the swim!
  • Kowalski: Make a big good splash when you jump on in!
  • Skipper: Come on, everybody, let's do the swim!
  • Gil, Oona, Skipper, and Kowalski: Swim and swim, swim and swim.
  • Kowalski: Come on everybody, let's do the swim!
  • Gil: Make a big ol' splash when you jump on in.
  • Skipper: Swimming and splashing at the beach by the shore.
  • Kowalski: Sun and surf and so much more.
  • Gil: Come on in the water, yeah, you that you outta.
  • Gil, Skipper, and Kowalski: Make a big ol' splash when you jump on in!
  • Gil, Oona, Skipper, and Kowalski: Swim and swim, swim and swim!
  • Gil: We're swimming!
  • Gil, Oona, Skipper, and Kowalski: Swim and swim, swim and swim!
  • Skipper: Everybody!
  • Gil, Oona, Skipper, and Kowalski: Swim and swim, swim and swim!
  • Kowalski: Jump on in!

{They kept dancing until the end}

  • Little Fish: {Cheering}

{We now see Molly, Pooh, and Rock surrounded by shells again}

  • Molly: {Giggles} I love to dance.
  • Pooh: Yeah, the swim does sound like a good dance.
  • Rock: Yeah, i just hope Sandy wins at the ball and becomes the beach queen.

{Gil came by}

  • Pooh: Oh, hey Gil!
  • Gil: Shh!
  • Rock: {Whispers} Why are we whispering?
  • Gil: I'm trying to get that shell.
  • Molly: What shell?
  • Gil: The one you can hear the ocean in.

{Gil crept up to the shell and and catches it}

  • Gil: Got ya!
  • Pooh: Wow.
  • Gil: Check it out.
  • Rock: Hmm. Can you actually hear it, Gil?
  • Gil: I don't know.

{When Gil tries to hear it, nothing happened until}

  • Crab: Surf's up!

{The crab pinches Gil's ear}

  • Gil: Ouch!
  • Pooh: Seems like it isn't the ocean hearing shell.
  • Gil: Hey, come back here!

{Gil chases the crab}

  • Rock: I guess he wasn't so crabby about it.
  • Molly, Pooh, and Rock: {Laughs}

{Mr Grouper, Ash Ketchum, Pikachu, and Edd came by}

  • Ash Ketchum: Guys, come on!
  • Edd: Guess where Mr Grouper is taking us?
  • Mr Grouper: It's time to go to the beach ball!
  • Pikachu: Pika! {Hooray!)
  • The guppies and the heroes: Field trip!
  • Rock: Oh yeah!
  • Pooh: {To the audience} Come to the ball with us!

Last Transcript[]

{We now see everyone going inside the big castle}

  • Tigger: Look at all the people!
  • Rodney: A lot of men and women!
  • Scott: I love the music!
  • DJ: And I love the party!
  • Gil: Awesome party!
  • The guppies and the heroes: Totally!
  • Scarlett and Muffy Crosswire: Wowzers!

{They went inside}

  • Pooh: Guys, I don't see Sandy anywhere.
  • Sandy Cheeks: Yeah, and I don't mean me. I mean, Sandy the Lobster.
  • Gil: But her sisters are over there.

{The sisters are trying to let Alejandro dance with them until a judge sees them}

  • Alejandro Burromento: Girls, I am not gonna dance with you.
  • Dunehilda: Whatever.
  • Maureen: Al, please dance with-
  • Alejandro Burromento: Uh, hey look! The judge is here!

{The sisters got distracted as Alejandro tried to get away from them}

  • Maureen: Maybe he'll pick one of us to be Queen of the Beach.
  • Dunehilda and Maureen: Hi, judge.

{The judge just walks away from them}

  • Alejandro Burromento: Excuse me. Pardon me. {Sees Molly} Molly? What are you doing here?
  • Molly: I'm trying to find Sandy.
  • Alejandro Burromento: Look, Molly. Don't trust her sisters.
  • Pooh: Um, Alejandro? Wow! {Notices his looks} You have such great looks.
  • Alejandro Burromento: Well, my family's code is always the face.

{Molly and Zoey came to Dunehilda and Maureen}

  • Zoey: Um, Dunehilda and Maureen?
  • Maureen: Like, how do you know our names?
  • Zoey: Um, Alejandro knows you two.
  • Dunehilda: That dude? Oh please.
  • Molly: Have you seen Sandy?
  • Dunehilda and Maureen: Sandy?
  • Maureen: She sure isn't here.
  • Alejandro Burromento: So, why did you let me and Sandy become apart?
  • Dunehilda: Well, she's got too much work to do.
  • Raphael: I know, it's when she and Alejandro were making coconut drinks.
  • Maureen: Uh, yeah, what that ninja turtle said.
  • Molly: All by herself?

{Cameron, Mike, Scott, and Mr Krabs came}

  • Scott: What?! You gotta be kidding us!
  • Cameron: Yeah, you can't split them up!
  • Alejandro Burromento: Please let me bring Sandy.
  • Maureen: Like, no way José.
  • Alejandro Burromento: What?! What did you just say? Never ever say that name.
  • Dunehilda: Well, aren't you testy much?
  • Alejandro Burromento: José always has to beat me. Always! He lives to make me miserable. He punches me in the arm and calls me Al just because I hate it!
  • Maureen: Well, I say.
  • Dunehilda and Maureen: Totally!
  • Mike: Don't worry, guys. I have a plan. Molly, rip my shirt.
  • Molly: Huh?
  • Mike: Trust me. It's a distraction. You lot see Sandy while I distract the sisters.
  • Pooh: Okay.
  • Scarlett: Make sure you don't stop them too much.

{Molly and Alejandro were worried}

  • Molly: {To the audience} Poor Sandy.
  • Alejandro Burromento: How dare they let Sandy not come? They should've let her come. Aw, estúpido! {Facepalms}

{Molly rips Mike's shirt off}

  • Mike: {As Vito} Oh, ladies. You want a man? Here's your man.
  • Dunehilda: Oh my god. Look at that hunk.
  • Maureen: Okay, forget Al. I like you.
  • Mike: {As Vito} I see I can make your dreams come true.

{Meanwhile, Molly and Alejandro went off to see Sandy, who still making coconut drinks}

  • Molly: Hi, Sandy.
  • Alejandro Burromento: Partner!
  • Sandy: Oh, hey Molly.
  • Molly: Why aren't you at the ball?
  • Alejandro Burromento: I've waited for you for a few hours, and your sisters are totally ruining our day!
  • Sandy: I still have too much work to do. I can't go to the ball until all these are done.
  • Molly: Well, what if you had some help?
  • Sandy: Aw, that's sweet, Molly.
  • Alejandro Burromento: Sandy, Molly may have a point. It may work if we do it together.
  • Pooh: What about all of us?

{Soon, all the guppies, Bubble Puppy, Mr Grouper, and the heroes came except Mike}

  • Cameron: I mean, we can help you.
  • Ed: Yeah, helping you is fun!
  • Edd: It sure is!
  • Sandy: You're all gonna help me?
  • Alejandro Burromento: Well, team. Prepare for Operation: Coconut Drink.
  • Scarlett: Let's do this!
  • Pikachu: Pika. Pik. {Yeah. Friend} {Rubs on Sandy's chest}
  • Ash Ketchum: Yeah, I mean, you make a good friend.
  • Sandy: Sure do. Let's do it!
  • Rock and Spud: Rock on!

{As the guppies sang the coconut drink song, they and the heroes started working}

  • DJ: This set of coconuts is ready for its mix!
  • Scott: Right here!

{Some of the members carry coconuts, some members shook the drink in the coconut shells, and some put straws on them with Molly}

  • Sandy: Oh. I don't believe it!
  • Alejandro Burromento: We've never seen how Molly has such the smartest and clever ideas!
  • Pooh: Yeah, she is like the captain of the team. Kinda like me.
  • Sandy: Now we can go to the ball.
  • Alejandro Burromento: Well, gracias, amigos and amigas.
  • The guppies, heroes, and Mr Grouper: You're welcome.
  • Bubble Puppy: {Barks}
  • Pikachu: Pika, pik! {Let's party!}
  • Ash Ketchum: Pikachu says let's party!

{As they got inside, Alejandro noticed 2 different posters by the big sandcastle, one about Mr Grumpfish's Greater Bubbletucky Person unknown, and the second annual Bubbletucky obstacle course}

  • Alejandro Burromento: Que? What do we have here? Hmm.
  • Sandy: Alejandro!
  • Alejandro Burromento: Just a sec!

{He observes the two posters}

  • Alejandro Burromento: So, this is who this grumpy fish that made Ash fell on Christmas looks like? {Reads} "Second Annual Bubbletucky Obstacle Course". Hmm.

{Meanwhile, everyone came inside just as Alejandro came with them and Mike put back his shirt}

  • Mike: Sorry, girls. I have a real girl.
  • Dunehilda: You were a fake?
  • Maureen: Ugh, like, how did we not see that?
  • Mike: And looks as if you're sister and partner are in the ball. {Chuckles with agreement}

{Each member gives the tourists some coconut drinks}

  • Scott: Enjoy your drinks!
  • Brock: Get them while wet!
  • Genie: Enjoy, Sandy's sisters!

{Dunehilda and Maureen drank some coconut water}

  • Sandy: Go Molly!
  • Alejandro Burromento: Let's do the Molly!

{As the song ended, they clapped for Molly, Sandy, and Alejandro}

  • Alejandro Burromento: Gracias, people! They really like us.

{Soon, a beach ball announcers announces everyone}

  • Beach Ball Announcer Snail: Ladies and gentlemen, dudes and dudettes, guests of the Beach Ball.

{The announcer catches a beach ball}

  • The guppies, heroes, Mr Grouper, and Bubbletucky citizens: Not that kind of beach ball!
  • Lobster Kid: {Catches the ball} Thank you.
  • Beach Ball Announcer Snail: The moment has come to crown our queen of the beach!

{Alejandro whispers to the announcer and joins with him}

  • Beach Ball Announcer Snail: Really? Everyone, tonight there is not one, but two queens!
  • Alejandro Burromento: And it's not pretend, it's real! Muy real!

{They all gasped in excitement}

  • Scott: Two queens?
  • Sugar: This is like winning a pie eating contest and then watching someone you like win the whole thing!
  • Alejandro Burromento: Yep. {Announces with the snail} Turns out that one queen is a great dancer while the other helped out the great dancer. And today's queens of the beach are...
  • Beach Ball Announcer Snail and Alejandro Burromento: Sandy and Molly!

{As everyone cheered for them, little fish came and brought them their crowns}

  • Maureen: She is a good dancer.
  • Dunehilda: Totally.
  • Sandy: Thanks for helping me out at the coconut stand, everyone.
  • Alejandro Burromento: Yeah. You helped my partner win!

{Molly hugs Sandy and Alejandro}

  • Sugar and Zoey: Aww!
  • Tigger: Oh, great. Here comes you-know-who again.

{Dunehilda and Maureen came to Sandy and Alejandro}

  • Maureen: Um, Sandy? Alejandro?
  • Dunehilda: We're really sorry we were so mean to you both.
  • Alejandro Burromento: Hermanas, it's alright. It doesn't matter if you're an extraordinary dancers or not.
  • Sandy: Thanks, you guys.
  • Zoey: If you girls are very sorry, do you vow to be kind from now on?
  • Maureen & Dunehilda: We promise.
  • Zoey: I suppose we can accept your apology.

{The four hugged}

  • DJ: {Cries} Mama!
  • Cameron: Whoa. Such expressive happiness!
  • Alejandro Burromento: {Announces} Now then, queens of the beach. What do you have to say to yourselves?
  • Arthur Read: I hope it's good.
  • Francine Frensky: Same here!
  • Muffy Crosswire: What is it?!
  • Molly and Sandy: Let's dance!

{Soon, they cheered and danced as the camera zoomed out from the Beach Ball}


{We now see Molly, Gil, Pooh, Rock, Bubble Puppy, Raphael, Ash Ketchum, Pikachu, Iago, Spud, and Alejandro}

  • Pooh: Molly, way to go!
  • Raphael: Way to win and be a queen.
  • Gil: Yeah, a really good queen of the beach.
  • Alejandro Burromento: Same to Sandy too.
  • Iago: Wow! What are you doing here, Alejandro?
  • Alejandro Burromento: Well, your teacher, Mr Grouper and I decided that I wanted to come with you guys.
  • Rock: Really, dude?
  • Alejandro Burromento: Yep. And I passed my test on the previous topics you lot already learned about.
  • Rock: You mean pirates, Christmas, the zoo, fairytales, cowboys and cowgirls, firefighters, teeth, trucks, and the library?
  • Alejandro Burromento: Si!
  • Raphael: Anything else?
  • Alejandro Burromento: Well, I have found two posters from the ball. One was about Mr Grumpfish.
  • Molly and Gil: Mr Grumpfish?
  • Iago: Man, that fish guy that got rid of Ash?
  • Alejandro Burromento: And this other one on...
  • Ash Ketchum: {Reads} The Second Annual Bubbletucky Obstacle Course?
  • Alejandro Burromento: Oh, missed a bit. Starts on Picture Day.
  • Pooh: Wow! Anyway, we learned so much about the beach today.
  • Ash Ketchum: We learned what are things you do at the beach.
  • Iago: We hunt some shells down with Gil.
  • Edd: The lunch joke was spaghetti and beachballs.
  • Spud: We did a story on some surfers at Polar Beach and Iceberg Beach.
  • Alejandro Burromento: And you figured out how to solve Sandy's problem.
  • Pikachu: Pika! Pik pik! Pika! {Look, Gil! It's your shell!}

{They see Gil's shell}

  • Pooh: Yeah, Gil. Isn't that shell you wanted to get?
  • Rock: The one with the hermit crab on it?
  • Gil: That one? No way, guys. I'm only gonna get little shells in my collection.
  • Raphael: Hmm, what about that one?

{Gil sees a shell close to Raphael}

  • Gil: Hi, little guy. Wanna be part of my shell collection?
  • Clam Shell: Mama!
  • Alejandro Burromento: Gil, that's a clam shell!
  • Pikachu: Pik pik! {Clam shell!}
  • Clam Shell: Mama!
  • Alejandro Burromento: I think it meant her.

{They see a giant clam by Gil}

  • Gil: Uh-oh.

{The big clam opened its mouth wide}

  • Gil: {Scream}

{Bubble Puppy, the clam shell, and the hermit crab went after him}

  • Pooh: I guess he was all clammy.
  • Alejandro Burromento: Cha cha cha, maravilloso joke!
  • Molly, Pooh, Rock, Alejandro Burromento, Ash Ketchum, Pikachu, Iago, Raphael, and Spud: {Laughs}
  • Pooh: {To the audience} See you soon on this splash-tastic episode of Pooh's Adventures of Bubble Guppies.