Woody Woodpecker is a cartoon character created by Walter Lanz for Universal Pictures and one of Pooh's friends. He's a mischievous but good-hearted woodpecker known for his distinctive chuckle (Ha-ha-ha-HA-ha!) His first appearance in a Pooh's Adventures film was a cameo in Pooh's Adventures of The Muppet Movie.
- Woody Woodpecker soon got a bigger role in Pooh's Adventures of The Rescuers and he guest starred again in Winnie the Pooh Meets The Princess and the Frog, Pooh's Adventures of Osmosis Jones, and Winnie the Pooh in The Enchanted Tiki Room.
- Woody Woodpecker will guest star again in Winnie the Pooh Meets Dumbo, Pooh's Adventures of Swiss Family Robinson, Pooh's Adventures of Soul Surfer, Pooh's Adventures of The Rescuers Down Under, Pooh's Adventures of Charlotte's Web, Pooh's Adventures of Charlotte's Web 2: Wilbur's Great Adventure, Winnie the Pooh Meets Kangaroo Jack, Pooh's Adventures of Stuart Little, Pooh's Adventures of Freddie as F.R.O.7, Winnie the Pooh Meets Pete's Dragon, Pooh's Adventures of Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness - Enter the Dragon, Pooh's Adventures of Mickey and the Magical Map, Pooh's Adventures of Field of Dreams, Pooh's Adventures of Mad Scientist, Pooh's Adventures of BraveStarr: The Legend (and its TV series), Pooh's Adventures of Babar: The Movie, Pooh's Adventures of Despicable Me, Winnie the Pooh and The Adventures of Tintin, Winnie the Pooh Goes to Krull, Pooh's Adventures of Dumbo's Circus, Winnie the Pooh and The Magic Roundabout, and Pooh's Adventures of Planes (and its sequel).
- Woody Woodpecker will make his first guest appearance in a Land Before Time crossover in Littlefoot's Adventures of The Black Cauldron.
- Woody Woodpecker will join Littlefoot and his friends again in Littlefoot's Adventures of The Nightmare Before Christmas, Littlefoot's Adventures of Brother Bear, Littlefoot's Adventures of Dinosaur, Littlefoot's Adventures of All Dogs Go to Heaven, and more.
- Woody Woodpecker will make his first guest appearance in a Mysticons crossover in Arkayna's Adventures of Beauty and the Beast.
- Woody is the love interest of Winnie Woodpecker.
- Woody will join Pooh and his friends in Pooh's Adventures of Woody Woodpecker.
- Woody first met Pooh and his friends in Pecking in the Hundred Acre Wood.