Xu Xialing (Chinese: 徐夏令) is the current leader of the Ten Rings. The daughter of the mythical warlord Xu Wenwu, she was not allowed to train alongside the men and her brother Shang-Chi in their youth, leading her to learn martial arts through observation. When Shang-Chi defected from the Ten Rings, Xialing was left abandoned at home, before also deciding to defect years later. She relocated to Macau where she founded the Golden Daggers Club, a well-known underground fight club.
After the Blip, Xialing was approached by Shang-Chi and his friend Katy Chen, who were recently attacked by the Ten Rings. The three were eventually captured by the Ten Rings and were reunited with their father, who was preparing to venture into the realm of Ta Lo and reunite with his late wife. But his destructive plans alienated Xialing, Shang-Chi and Katy, leading them to be thrown in a cell, where they met Trevor Slattery. After escaping from the compound, they journeyed into Ta Lo and joined the elders in defending their village from the Ten Rings, but they later joined forces to confront the threat of the Dweller-in-Darkness. In the aftermath, Xialing assumed leadership of the Ten Rings in the wake of her father's death.