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Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Mega Man X DiVE Hunter Program Zero Nightmare

The Zero Nightmare (ゼロ ナイトメア Zero Naitomea) is an insane, off-colored Nightmare copy of Zero created by Gate using Zero's DNA. When he is defeated by X, Zero is unlocked as a playable character.


The Zero Nightmare is a discolored palette swap of Zero's sprites from Mega Man X5. His entire body is purple in color, while the gems on his body are green and his Z-Saber is grey. Additionally, Zero Nightmare's Z-Buster design is based on the sprite from the Mega Man X5 prototype, rather than the sprite from the final version. In Mega Man X DiVE, Zero Nightmare is also shown with one sparking purple eye and glitch-like effects surrounding his body.

Zero Nightmare is an agent of chaos, designed specifically to draw attention by wreaking havoc. At times, he would ask X where Zero was, seeking him. Other times he would claim to be Zero himself, and yet other times, he would yell "BLUE... LIGHT... KILL... KILL!" among other incoherent phrases in a mindless rage. No matter what, though, X would deny his claims or snap at the "cheesy fake," and Zero Nightmare would instantly go into a rage bent on killing X, or claim X has gone Maverick and that he will retire him. These conflicting and random exchanges of dialogue suggest that the Zero Nightmare has some of Zero's memories from throughout Zero's life (including the times with his original programming), but without context, he simply acts on his base instincts, which compel him to kill X and any others who stand in his way, eerily similar to the Maverick state Zero was first found in. While some memories and attack patterns seem to have remained from different periods of Zero's life, the clone was incomplete in any respect, and was therefore easy for X to see through as a forgery of his longtime friend.


  • He is the AU of Zero where he and Mega Man X became a Maverick after AU Joey Tempest became a villain.

